Porn Stars

MichaelCA 12 Reviews 7201 reads

I knew before she posted that njones was associated with E2K. E2K and I had exchanged emails before about their ad postings.

If you see an ad that I have missed, please bring it to my attention. If you see someone posting ads who is not directly associated with the advertiser, please advise me. Trying to OUT someone on the board is just silly.

Some of the guys, probably, do get special treatment by some of the Agencies. This would just be good business practice for good customers. If he gives good comments for them, they are getting a good return. No one should take anything posted on the boards or in the reviews too seriously, YMWV. If someone gets ridiculous in his praises then he will get an email and may become moderated. So far no one has reached that level. If you feel otherwise, drop me a note with links to the pertinent posts.

So lets try to keep this friendly or I will have to really crack down on the moderation and I would prefer not to do so.

njones8633 reads

Thats right is having a summer special!
The incredible Stevie will be in Beantown aka Boston from Aug 12 - 15 Only!  She is extending the special to all who mention TER when booking an appointment, 1250 per 1 Hour & a special of 1500 for 1.5 hours.  Call soon.. SPACE IS LIMITED.

Exotica-20007425 reads

relax kids, it's only ME .... singleton !!!  >;-)

and guess what? .... the "Exotica-2000" and "E2K" handles are NOT taken ... i know, cuz i just took them both, but ONLY to make a point -- one that seems to continually elude some of their "fans" [cough] ... if Bodymiracle and others are using their appropriate handles on this and other boards, why isn't E2K ?

now of course, there's NOTHING that says that i should give up these two handles (according to the rules). there are people on TER that have appropriated the names of celebrities, etc ... in fact, if i was a scheister i could perhaps extort PSE goods out of E2K in exchange for these two handles  ;-)

but i'm a "nice guy" so i will release them right away ... they're there for anyone who wants them (including shills) just as they were all this time and long before i arrived! (?)

ahhh ... the humanity!  LOL


thought:  DNS and other "name-servers" in the cyberworld often have policies that forbid anyone other than a legit representative of a company to "appropriate" their (often trademarked) name/handle ... not sure if TER can be bothered with this ... but the abuse potential here (including damage to E2K themselves) is rather high


a remaining thought: it's not just that these announcements should come from identifiable agency handles ... the flip side of that business coin is when one finds oneself conversing with someone on the board without being aware that they're an "advocate" with particular (and in their own mind legitimate) agendas and business interests ... one could take their word thinking they were a fellow "companiero" hobbyist, for example

I knew before she posted that njones was associated with E2K. E2K and I had exchanged emails before about their ad postings.

If you see an ad that I have missed, please bring it to my attention. If you see someone posting ads who is not directly associated with the advertiser, please advise me. Trying to OUT someone on the board is just silly.

Some of the guys, probably, do get special treatment by some of the Agencies. This would just be good business practice for good customers. If he gives good comments for them, they are getting a good return. No one should take anything posted on the boards or in the reviews too seriously, YMWV. If someone gets ridiculous in his praises then he will get an email and may become moderated. So far no one has reached that level. If you feel otherwise, drop me a note with links to the pertinent posts.

So lets try to keep this friendly or I will have to really crack down on the moderation and I would prefer not to do so.

NikkiDiamond8049 reads

"space is limited"
well I certainly f***ing hope so!  If you're going to post ads on anyone's behalf these days, please cautiously word them lest the praetorian, supercilious spin-doctors who've recently popped up on this board vitiate even the most innocent of statements...
Otherwise this absolutely gorgeous, totally unaware of the internet scoundrels at large, very sweet woman could easily be contorted into the human vortex/black hole of the PSE community, merely because certain people enjoy misconstruing a post and then adding their philasophical BS combined with moronic rhetoric, thereby creating what they percieve to be something worthy of great debate on this board of late.  Cow tipping is not worth joking about, yet how many echoes one may hear when shouting into "UNlimited SPACE" could be quite entertaining and very relevant to the hobby by recent standards.
I'm assuming that those who have been here a while know to whom I am referring, and take no offense. To placate the new regime, I offer my translation of this post, so that they may not sully this lady.... appt. SPACE is limited, they will try to let you meet with her if they can/she can find the time to do so....mmmkay???
If space were Unlimited, that would be very scary, although it would make a great premise for another Seymour Butts video.  Still, as we face daily judgement for poor choices of wording during our posts, and accusations of shilling, and agency favoritism (not a jab at seth/lord of the rings, oh shit, did I accidentally just "out" him??? OOPS, sorry, MY BAD!) (Note: PEOPLE- learn to clear your cookies before posting under aliases...we DO read other boards, yes, even without having to buy "Pornstar Internet Review Sites For Dummies")
Which BTW, is being written by some new white rap/80's glam rock combo star who goes by the name "Grand Master-B PS Diddy Sugar-EOM,LLM,PHD,DDS,PSPSD,WTF,ROFLOL,BBQ", LLC. (yes, he's already formed a limited liability corporation, although we went through many heated discussions debating why I felt it was better for him to form an S-Corp., mainly because it sounded alot like Score, but thats another story)
He's also rumored to have appeared in some porn flicks under another pseudonym, but as they are only amatuer flicks, containing female pornstars of the highest caliber, we still cannot figure out where to list him on the Porn star database.
We can however, provide you with a promo pic, which has been approved by his small battalion of attorneys.
Link would be attached, but he needs more reviews... lets see if we can post one just to be slighty more saucy... as if....

Asian Fan8851 reads

Was it that bad while you toured with them or what?

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 5:29:41 PM

now where did this little jewel come from, eh? ... care to tell us?

no seriously, tell me ... what were you thinking?  that you would just start a thread from scratch just copying one of their ads intact and pasting in here on the board?  complete with banner ads, phone #s and links?

well, no one nibbled ... and then you quieted down for a little while ... heck, it's just hanging there by itself! .. and that was only 3 months ago! ... do you want to know what else you've done since?  ;-)


it BITES don't it!?  LOL ... when you're cornered like this and you're just lashing out at everyone ... including PSEs/women!?

take a deep breath ... it'll go away ... trust me ... either that ... or you'll have to go away  ;-) .... OUT OF SHAME!

NikkiDiamond8334 reads

It was not E2K to which I referred as praetorian, dear sir, 'twas instead you, in particular, who loves to put your own spin on things, as you did in your twisted interpretation of my words, which said nothing whatsoever derogatory about E2K at all.  I have not one bad word to say of them, perhaps you have some info I am not privy to that may have been provided from higher-ups within their offices?  Last I called them when in NYC, the ladies on the late nite phone shift were wondering why I wasn't on call for them that week if I was in town. (reason being I was there independantly for 2 days only, and no agency had me on call)
I dont rant towards agencies, I rant towards those who rant about the fact that we feel the need to use them, thereby forcing you to keep your appointments, or be denied access to other girls touring with the same agency, as they can keep better track of (shall we dare to make a double entendre) your COMINGS and GOINGS???
Accountability is such a bitch, isn't it?
You know, your style of posting looks so familiar for some reason... I mean after a while you pick up on subtle nuances, and I swear I've seen your strokes before (keystrokes, that is...pardon me) Ijust keep thinking of this word, it starts with an S, I think,the name of an angel, yes, a fallen one however...curiously enough.  Then again what do I know, I slept thru theology 101...

Asian Fan7791 reads


Your answer was towards Ms Jones that does work for E2K as the Moderator explained to us here, the reasons why I asked you.

As for Agencies, I'm one that advocate for them to the point that I've been called a shill and their rep. You do well in saying that going through agencies is the right thing because most of us couldn't afford paying you a weeks vacation with all expenses covered. That is were agencies come into the rescue for those of us that live in places that pornstars don't usually travel even for leisure time.

Regarding my keystrokes being similar to others, I am personally the worse when it comes to writing. I failed every single course related to grammar. I was more interested in the wild life and chasing women, but I can't complain.

For the record, my name and last name doesn't have an "S" in it, and I haven't spoken or written to anyone on this board so like Ed and jldick50 say, "HAPPY HUNTING"!

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 1:51:45 PM

njones6898 reads

Thanks MichaelCA.  Easy Guys :)

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