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DeNiro's terrible accent, is so bad it becomes good......
BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 4600 reads

......I like the over acting, It's become a classic to me bacause of that, I love DePalma and Tarantino for pretty much the same thing (I don't know about KILL BILL yet, don't know if I want to see a bunch of people who have no idea what Kung Fu means let alone takin a class in  their life). I love movies that are just over the top, I love most of DePalma's movies and most are over acted. The end of Taxi Driver is so over acted thats it becomes a classic, with DeNiro going over the deep end and DePalmas choppy camera work and directing style, incerdible movie. New Jack City was a great movie also, but just doesn't have the style that a DePalma film has, to clean looking to be gritty street, Ice T did show me that he was one of the few (maybe only) rappers that can act, I've enjoyed most his work since.

Did you ever see the King of New York, with my boy Christopher Walken in it, another good movie once again because of over acting maybe?

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 11:28:19 AM

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 11:46:05 AM

I'm starting massge school in November, (as if I need something else to do with my life,) and I'll be looking for people to "practice on," ladies, gents? This is totally legit but if you want to feel REALLY good let me know, and I'll do my very best! (Hot chicks of course get first dibs and free service!)

Also, I'm looking to take a bunch of people to the Arclight Cinemas (formerly the cinerama dome in Hollywood, CA) on Thursday of this coming week for the 20th Ann. showing of Scarface. The theater has a bar so we can have a little meet & greet followed by a great movie... after, perhaps we can parlay to my hotel in Downtown LA for a naked dip in the rooftop pool, group makeout in the waterbeds, or a a private party in my suite...

Sound like fun? email me @ [email protected]

love, Sinn

-- Modified on 10/14/2003 1:02:17 AM

Ive read nothing but great things about you and keep posting those pics you are very beautiful.....if you need someone to look at any other pics of you Ill do it Im that kinda can email them to me  lol

Will you be joining our little movie outing? Haven't seen you in a LONG time...


Must have missed that post. What movie outing??

Every time I manage to get some time free, you are clear across the country. My schedule has been very busy. Just back from 16 days in Hawaii. Hopefully we can get together before the New Year.

SCARFACE @ The Arclight on Thursday night in Hollywood

Call me for details. Still got the digits?


Damn, didn't see this post until now, Thursday night. I had to work this afternoon so I couldn't have made it anyway. Hope you had fun, who went?

fasteddie514582 reads

"after, perhaps we can parlay to my hotel in Downtown LA for a naked dip in the rooftop pool, group makeout in the waterbeds, or a a private party in my suite..."

Hey Sinn... that brings a whole new meaning to "say hello to my lil' fren..." ;-)

......or is that the american nightmare?

Kind of funny, Scare Face was on TV lastnight, I love the movie but it's just not the same without all the fucks in it, they took em out and because of that half the lines (no pun intended) are missing.

I just got the new DVD and it's awesome, a great movie, hey, I can't hang out with Sinn and see the movie and hang afterwards, but at least I can stay home with my friends and watch it on my 42" plasma wait I think I'd rather be in LA with Sinn, don't get me wrong I love my friends, but hey where do you think I'd rather be

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 2:04:06 AM

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 2:07:11 AM

fasteddie516847 reads

An interesting point, and one that I'm sure will cause me some grief, but, like most of DePalma's films, (including the ones that are a direct rip off of Alfred Hitchcock), Scar Face is a mediocre movie at best... over acted, heavy-handed direction, and essentially a glorified soap opera.  But Scar Face has become an icon of the hip-hop culture, and was essentially remade as "New Jack City" (which actually is a better movie)...

None the less, I'll admit that it is one of my "guilty pleasures"

......I like the over acting, It's become a classic to me bacause of that, I love DePalma and Tarantino for pretty much the same thing (I don't know about KILL BILL yet, don't know if I want to see a bunch of people who have no idea what Kung Fu means let alone takin a class in  their life). I love movies that are just over the top, I love most of DePalma's movies and most are over acted. The end of Taxi Driver is so over acted thats it becomes a classic, with DeNiro going over the deep end and DePalmas choppy camera work and directing style, incerdible movie. New Jack City was a great movie also, but just doesn't have the style that a DePalma film has, to clean looking to be gritty street, Ice T did show me that he was one of the few (maybe only) rappers that can act, I've enjoyed most his work since.

Did you ever see the King of New York, with my boy Christopher Walken in it, another good movie once again because of over acting maybe?

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 11:28:19 AM

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 11:46:05 AM

fasteddie516426 reads

Well, risking starting a down and dirty, name calling, bitch slapping flame war - lol, I've always thought DePalma was pretty much a hack... Most of his thrillers are, if I'm being kind, an "homage" to Hitchcock, and if I'm not being kind, downright rip-offs.  Body double was a soft-core porn version of Vertigo and Rear Window combined.  Even the Untouchables, one of his better movies, stole the baby carriage scene directly from the great Russian director Serge Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin"...

DePalmas best movies IMHO are Don't Look Now and Blow Out.

And not to correct you, but Taxi Driver was a masterpiece, directed by Martin Scorsese, America's greatest living director - NOT DePalma.

And please don't mention DePlama and Tarantino in the same breath... Quentin's flare for dialogue, pop culture, style and pacing leave DePalma in the dust...

DO see Kill Bill.  Tarantino is a great fan of genre, he understands the culture of Kung Fu, and has managed to combine an homage to martial arts movies, spaghetti westerns and Kirasowa (sp?) epics into a unique vision that's undefinable, but an instant classic that is two hours of non-stop fun, with a ton of "inside" bits, INCLUDING a bow to DePalma in a split-screen hospital scene along with a sly wink to Monty Python as well (Re: the battle between Arthur and the black knight).  Hey, and the fact that it may be the goriest movie ever made is just a bonus - it makes Scar Face look like a Disney Film ;-)

We do agree on this - Christopher Walken is ALWAYS worth the price of a movie ticket.  He's great in the current flick, The Rundown.

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 12:11:22 PM

But I rarely ever get to go see them. I watched Casino & Scarface a couple of nights ago on TV as well... And yeah, even "uncut" it was still pretty chopped up. New Jack City was definitely a good movie, but if you want to watch a highly under-rated hip hop film that was actually well shot, well acted, and well written - try Belly. Critics flamed music video director Hype Williams for shooting his film in "music video style" but honestyl, it was the only way this film could have been... Quick cuts & edits kept the action moving and the audience's attention, (when you think about it, if you are shooting a movie for the MTV crowd that's what you want, right?) The movie used light & contrast in such a way that it was lovely... T-Boz (from TLC,) was a horrile actor, DMX, Nas and Method Man were pretty good... I liked DMX in Cradle 2 the Grave & Exit Wounds as well...

Moving on... tonight we are going to catch Scarface then call it an early night. Obsession is staying over - we have an early photo shoot so we've decided that going to bed early is a good thing...

Sorry you all will miss the fun & festivities...!


Nah No bitch slapping going on here think I would have gotten that right since Scorsese is one of my favorite directors, I was pretty lit when I wrote that message and made a couple mistakes, Sue me it was the 12 Yinglings I had talking. I'm not saying DePalma can sniff Tarantinos jock in allmost everyway as a director, but just saying the campy over acting which both embrace runs thick through boths work, much better in Tarintinos thanks to his incredible writing skills. My favorite dirctors are Tarantino, Francis Ford Coppola, Micheal Cimino and Scorsese and of newer ons also M. Night Shyamalan (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable) and the Hughes Brothers (From Hell), I do Like DePalmas work mostly in ScarFace and the Untouchables.

As far as what people think are Kung Fu movies, I take Kung Fu (Wing Chun Gung Fu to exact) and I take watching a kung fu movie as a bit of a more serious task, it has to be true to the art and stuff like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and just about any Jet Li movie tarnish the image of Kung Fu or any other fighting art. Now watch Jackie Chan and even with him joking around he is still true to his art.

-- Modified on 10/16/2003 9:53:37 PM

fasteddie515606 reads

I like your choice of directors... I'd add the Coen Brothers as well... From blood simple to raising arizona to fargo, pure genius.  Raising Arizona is just flat out hilarious from start to finish, and some of Nick Cage's (Frances Ford Coppola's nephew) best work.

Miller's Crossing is one of the best and most under rated gangster films ever made.

Oh, and in Kill Bill, Tarantino pays tribute to the traditional Kung Fu movies, Akiro Kirasowa (fuck, he even has sonny chiba in the movie) throws in just a little C.T.H.D. (his Ang Lee tribute), and in his own inimitable style, takes it all to the ultimate extreme....  Even tosses in a little Green Hornet homage.  He covers all the genre films short of black exploitation (he covered that in Jackie Brown).  In a way, it's the ultimate kung fu movie... a basically plotless revenge flick... no complicated side stories to get in the way of the action.  There's a ten minute Hente cartoon that covers the Lucy Liu character's history smack dab in the middle of the flick!

Don't even get me started on Raising Arizona, now that was an funny movie, maybe one of Nick Cages best acting jobs, which isn't to hard to pick out, cool guy, but not the greatest actor in world, not bad, but not in DeNiro, Pacino, Brando, Walken, or one of my new favorite actors Johnny Depp and the vastly underated Micheal Keaton, I finally seen Clean and Sober for the first time and he should have won an acadamy award for that, great performance

Oh a friend a mine from the board E-mailed me and said arent you going to edit that stupid mistake you made in the heading of your one post about DeNiros accent in ScarFace, I told him if I can't laugh at my own drunk ass who can I laugh at, I'll take the jokes or bitch slaps as you put it Eddie

-- Modified on 10/17/2003 12:56:06 AM

-- Modified on 10/17/2003 1:10:56 AM

frankie2003a5046 reads

Also, thanks for the factual correction made by fasteddie about
Taxi Driver.

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