Porn Stars

Damn it 177mm, I told you next time- NEXT TIME (lol)
dimndjim 18 Reviews 8988 reads


fasteddie5112111 reads

There may be some confusion regarding Raylin due to a few conflicting reviews.  Raylin has changed her style since she began escorting, and so I wanted to make things clear.

This is what you can expect when you meet Raylin, and this is from Raylin herself.


What more could you ask for?

Achillesheal12493 reads

Is BBBJ to completion?

Eddie you are just posting hearsay from a pornstar; not a good policy!

fasteddie5111271 reads

Actually I'm not.  I've had emails from two seperate gentleman who've seen her... both are readers of and occasional posters to this board, and I have exchanged emails with both discussing various pornstars for some time.  It was they who informed me that her rules had changed, and Raylin confirmed it to me in an email.

these statements.  Either way, you are posting hearsay.  I think we need actual reviews.

What Eddie has posted above is absolutely, 100 percent true. I am, in fact, one of the e-mailers that Eddie cites in his post.

A couple of days ago I wrote a review of Raylin. In that review I mentioned 2 CBJ's. That was false. The truth was that both were uncovered. I wrote the review the way that I wrote it because I knew that Raylin was somewhat safety conscience and had done CBJ's in the past. I was as shocked as anyone when she went down on me uncovered. Anyway, I was not sure is that was the new rule or if I was cashing in on a YMMV thing. I liked Raylin very much and did not want to write a review that may wind up committing her to something with a future visitor that she did not feel comfortable doing. I guess in retrospect that was a bad decision on my part leading to this controversy. Hopefully this will help set the record straight.

In conclusion I would just like to reiterate that Raylin was utterly amazing- I had a thrilling time and I have every intention in the world of seeing her again and again!! :)

to both Raylin and hobbyists alike.  I understand you wanting to protect and not post something which may come back and hurt one of the ladies.  However, to post incorrect review details really hurts everybody.  A reviewer should post the truth so others can make informed decisions!  

Lets look at this more closely.  Raylin really took some hits on the boards from earlier reviews.  Apparently, she saw the reviews and decided to elevate the level of her service.  An outcome which I think everyone would agree is a great result from these boards.  However, to knowingly post incorrect information really hurts her in the case.  From her point of view, I would think she would say to herself; why bother?  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  From the hobbyist point of view everyone is now going to doubt what you have posted because you flip flopped.  I respect the fact you came here to set the record straight.  However, my advice to you and all reviewers; if you can't say the truth don't say anyting at all!

Agreed. In retrospect it was a bad idea. I have already gone into my reasons- so I will not repeat it here. What is really important for the readers to understand is that I am not in anybodys pocket- as some posters have implied that Fast Eddie is in Raylin's pocket for wanting to clear this up. People have been accusing him of passing along undocumented information. By not stepping in to stop the controversy the only person who gets hurt is Raylin which was never my intention.

Raylin, if you are reading this post, please accept my apology. And to the other readers, you can be confident that everything I wrote in the review happened as described, with the exception of the CBJ, which was really BBBJ- and damned wonderful at that.

Raylin is about as satisfying a PSE as you are ever going to find anywhere on the planet. If you really like her, and you have the opportunity to meet and experience her, you would be a fool to pass it up.

fasteddie5112835 reads

There's other places of Raylin's that I'd rather be in....

Seriously, I saw Raylin about a year ago and posted what I intended to be a good review.  I also stated at the time that she was very safety conscience and didn't provide a typical PSE type service.

While I almost always will pass on a provider who doesn't do bbbj, I tried in my initial review to stress that her looks, attitude and actions made me forget the rules... however it caused a storm of controversy and got Raylin a lot of nasty posts, something I had no intention of causing.

I found out several months later that Raylin had upgraded her level of service, both from Raylin herself and a few email from hobbyists that had seen her and aftewards contacted me to thank me for my recommendation of her.  So when dimjim made his post I knew something was amiss, and Jim confirmed it to me with an email.  

I realized that while his intentions were both noble and honorable, without realizing it he was doing a disservice to Raylin, (and hobbyists as well) so I posted on a few message boards to set the record straight... I could have "outed" Jim, but I realized that he meant no harm, so I didn't want to blast him on the boards... plus, I felt that Jim was the type of guy who would fess up when he saw the responses, which he did.

So let me make it clear... Raylin was all that and a bag of chips... I can't wait to see her again, I'm thrilled that she's now a total PSE, and I will state that with her current rules, she deserves to be at the very top of the list... at least the equal to the best I've seen.  And those of you who know me know that if I didn't believe that, i not only wouldn't say it, but I wouldn't book her again.... so you can take this to the bank!

Ferangi10316 reads


You are just going to have to see her and determine fact from fiction and get back to us on the boards!!!  Tough assignment, but your patriotism and your country demands no less. Good luck in your mission

If Eddie is not available for the mission I would love to report for duty sir!!!

177mm10267 reads

I offered to take the pictures of his session, but was rebuffed. I can surely respect the privacy of Jim and his newfound lover.

DJDude11242 reads

I'd rather not pass hearsay along, but will rely on my encounter with Raylin from a year or so ago.  Great-looking, but subpar service.  To put her in the same category as Taylor Wayne as you did on another board seems laughable to me.  No BBBJ, no DATY, certainly no Greek, one cup and then rushed out.  That was my experience, and I would wait until I heard from someone who actually saw her, and even then I would think twice about trying her again.

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