Porn Stars

Can't wait to see who gets the last word...
LBman 1 Reviews 6356 reads
1 / 25

Mercedes seems to have beed taken off exotica 2000 because they didn't like her web site, isnt that a little odd? I will attach a linc to her message board about her beef with them. I found it interesting.


singleton 5 Reviews 5129 reads
2 / 25

to be fair, looking over her website (and not even taking into account her offer to fuck her members for free) i can see why E2K would not want to represent her ... i'm thinking of Eddie's comment about them wanting to dissociate themselves from any hint of prostitution or other "improprieties"

i mean fuck!  she's offering PHONE SEX for $2.99/min, not to mention that in-your-face gyno-shot of her pussy-n-ass right on her website's FRONTPAGE for pete's sake!!!  LOL


but [cough] getting back to ME and MINE  ;-)   who was it that was saying Bella is "ugly" ???   i guesstimate that's only 5 grams of makeup on her face -- and not 5 lbs!

-- Modified on 11/8/2003 6:20:43 PM

Rockmehard 46 Reviews 6209 reads
3 / 25

what I will say is that her performances more than make up for any deficit in looks!

mercedesashley 5243 reads
4 / 25

Here goes some dumb ass dude yapping when he does not know shit so now I have to come over here and leave my hefty top ranking site which beats out in the ranks Bella Donna's, Nikita Denise, Alexis Amore's and you name em...I have a thing that tracks what my site ranks and am kicking ass with that Fuck off..The girls I named above are not my enemies just giving facts on my trackings of where my site stands. They are friends of mine.

As for you saying me fucking members for free...You kidding me right? I have members cross country that pay to view the scene on my site! That is why I do it, That Member Fuck Off has cable shows wanting to interview me to discuss it. No porn star has ever shot amatuers. I am not an idiot.. I direct it and produce the damn thing myself. You are such a dumb ass. Teri Wiegel offers a 500.00 fuck off for 10 minutes on her damn site...same freaking thing...I just dont charge the guy for all the other members are paying to view it. My site gets 100 to 200,000 hits a day dummy! I am a busy girl and you can eat me on that one!

As for exotica 2000...everyone in the world knows who they are, what they stand for and what they provide and it sure aint playing monopoly when the chick arrives at your dont give me that I am too elicit and nasty shit. I am not going for it. I am an adult film star and will represent it in every way possible. I am supposed to shoot scenes and do nasty things. That is what the title of a porn star is asswipe!

I cannot believe you would say that I give porn stars a bad name.....I am in the top 5 latin film stars in the country and you tell me I am too nasty to be one...LMAO...check Bridgette Kerkoves home page...her asshole is spread wide open with clips and you tell me my pussy shot is misrepresenting?? Dumbass!

I say this to all of you...You guys want prissy fake ass scenes on a set...come on over to my site...I will show you guys what real shit is all about. I am about porn and kiss my ass to all that think I am too damn nasty or not good enough..crazy! I am the master of fucking disaster!

singleton 5 Reviews 6187 reads
5 / 25

i think you misunderstood my post (or my tone of voice at least) ... not your fault really, most people do ... but reading that post out of context has its pitfalls (as you just demonstrated) ... again, not your fault i'm sure.  must've been a fan of yours with only half a brain (or the attention span of a gnat) who alerted you to it! LOL

i was NOT passing judgement on your site's explicitness or "impropriety" (if you knew this "dumb ass" you'd know i have no problems with anything of the sort) ... just that a while back there was a thread here about E2K's elitist attitude (and hypocrisy) when it comes to escorting per se

also, when news of your "fuck-a-thon" was first posted on this board, i was one of the "dumb asses" saying that (i admit half-jokingly) it was a cute idea, where do i sign up?

as for all the other stats about you and your superior website, i'm sure you are right ... i confess i wouldn't know


not that i mind in the least, but the last time a pornstar called a hobbyist a "dumb ass" on this board, her post was deleted by the Moderator ... you my dear must be a favourite of MichaelCA  (or conversely, Sinnamon Love must NOT be a favourite of MichaleCA)


jldick50 5147 reads
6 / 25

Gee Singleton and all this time I thought I was the only one who misunderstood you, what a relief to find out there are others who feel the same way, WOW I think I just experienced an epiphany, I take back all the mean things I ever said about you Singleton youre not a bad guy, just misunderstood.

as always

singleton 5 Reviews 6064 reads
7 / 25

i care what you think ... trust me, i don't

jldick50 3506 reads
8 / 25

Well then you must be a glutton for abuse, because you keep responding.

as always

singleton 5 Reviews 5015 reads
9 / 25

i will end this bout here (for now) ... eventhough you picked the wrong singleton to fuck with this morning ... if you want, you can go on babbling like something resembling an unintelligent donkey and see if i give a rat's ass


i should think it's rather sad (if not pathetic) that clicking on your own messages is the only way to delude yourself (and others) into thinking that you have anything of substance to contribute to this board

hell, i can write a computer program that posts more intelligently than you ... all i need is 3 function calls:

1. shameless pimping of your (self-confessed) "whores"
2. parrot-like repetition of the inanities (book direct, no deposit)
3. stunted humour = ending every other post with ROTFLMAO's

but i'm sure you musts be "model citizenry" in the sewer you come from

jldick50 5247 reads
10 / 25

You know Singleton when I even mention Samantha, you go into your mad dog routine and foam at the mouth, but when you take a pot shot at one of my friends, Iam supposed to shine it, I dont care how many lame after the fact excuses you make about being misunderstood or taken out of context, we know what you said and as usual its just a lot of hot air coming from a guy that by his own admission has only seen one PSE and has little knowledge of the adult biz. I would hate to think how knowledgeable you might be if you actually knew a few pornstars, but then again maybe you would have something intelligent to say.

as always

mercedesashley 5406 reads
11 / 25

The Fuck Off Contest has been up for a couple of months. The reason it is now hitting all news stands was the day Exotica 2000 removed me off of their site for having the fuck off contest saying that their reason was that it was immoral and I was immoral and too elicit to represent. Can I get some help from you boys out here about what I do for a living, which is porn and can I get an amen that I am supposed to shoot video for these types of things and cannot I get another amen that all who are against it can kis my ass. For now I have contacted everyone in the adult industry regarding the contest to headline it all because I want exotica 2000 to know how the porn industry accepts it and it is not immoral and elicit in their eyes and have gotten major feed back of what a great idea it was!

Can I get some help from tye boys out here in porn land and give me the damn go ahead!!! Can I get guys to back me up on this one for it is me against the world!

singleton 5 Reviews 5323 reads
12 / 25

that's really ALL you have to say? ... geez horny louise, that was TOO easy! ... what? did i scare you with my growl? ... (but do me a favour, leave Samantha out of this mess, ok?)


i can understand this issue was a sore spot with Mercedes and she had some things to get off her chest (and some things to plug!) ... hence her venting like that (but good for her, it cleanses the soul) ... if i provoked it, well then maybe i was at the wrong place at the wrong time

IF my post was really a mean-spirited "potshot at one of your friends" (like you claim) you could've said something earlier (i doubt there was anyone here paying attention who thought it was, given the context of the other two threads) ... this after-the-fact chivalry of yours is as pointless as my supposed after-the-fact backpedalling ... and unless you were that half-brain who alerted her, as a friend you should've explained to her what it meant and what it didn't


as for the rest of it ... i just can't understand why you (and others) fail to grasp the fact that we're not all the same here! ... i for one am definitely NOT and most certainly DON'T want to be a (wannabe) porn insider like YOU [cough] or perhaps i should say like you THINK you are ... where i come from having pornstar "friends" inviting me to dinner is NOT a badge of honour (now let that sink in for a bit) ... i'm just a client/fan like the majority of the hobbyists on this board ... i'm not looking to make friends with the talent, just fuck them!  LOL

in case you didn't notice, TER is *not* a forum for porn industry buzzards to chat and brag about their connections ... if you want to surround yourself with that you should go to Luke Ford et al. and other related industry chat boards ... the (international) forum that is TER is for hobbyists of ALL walks of life (hence the routine culture clashes we witness here)

as for me not having anything intelligent to say, every time you say that you sink yourself deeper into a pit of ridicule (it's sorta like me calling you a genius)  ... believe it or not, you yourself have not only agreed with me and what i had to say (about various facets of the bizness) but have even complimented me to boot ... you just didn't know it was ME you were talking to! [winky dink]


and ultimately that's the beauty of it ... using aliases i can pretend to be someone else (even someone you admire) ... yet that same luxury is way out of your league

jldick50 5351 reads
13 / 25

Yes Singleton by using aliases YOU can pretend to be things YOU are not and never will be, now I hope that doesn't anger you, I wouldn't want you to resort to sending out one of your Mafia friends from the North side to rough me up. Regarding that  "dumb ass" remark made in Mercedes post, I will answer your question Singleton, it was left in by the moderator, because
MichaleCA along with every other person who reads this board knows that the moniker fits you and is a reasonable assessment of you character. Singleton, everyone knows you are not a porn insider but just pretend to be one on the TER and thats OK, but just remember when you come down here to slum, you just might get your hands dirty and then what would people think?, oh and one more thing Singleton, youre in a league of your own, maybe even "a legend in your own mind", just a thought.

as always

singleton 5 Reviews 4465 reads
14 / 25

oy vey!  OF COURSE it won't anger me (what did i just finish saying?) that's the whole point! LOL  ... btw, it's "North End" not "North Side" ... you should come up for a visit sometime, see me and my Mafioso family ... my mom makes a mean pasta fazool! (ROTFLMAO)

as always

desyb 6219 reads
15 / 25

I am a member of the site purely because I find Mercedes to be extremely attractive...and hell I'm a man and I like adult movies(in duration)...what exactly is the beef with you guys?  The woman is providing a contest to her fans and she has the right to run her site the way she sees fit.  Who wouldn't want to have a chance with a porn star WITHOUT feeling like a john.  I'm not an advocate for prostitution but I don't think this is what the contest is about.  I'm a member and I'm NOT in the contest...there is a choice here.  She also TALKS with her members perhaps in a far more interactive format than any adult star to date.  Many of you are FAR too engrossed in these stars' lives almost like the freaks at the Star Trek conventions...lighten up...if anything it's groundbreaking....get a life...PLEASE

singleton 5 Reviews 5506 reads
16 / 25

Mercedes, i think everyone here is with you on this, so don't worry  (anyone who disagrees can go fuck themselves with my chainsaw) ... i'm not shocked by the pussy/ass shot on your website, if anything it makes me salivate like a dog (i can't help it, woof woof!) --- but if it really WAS up to me, i would've probably "sanitized" that frontpage JUST a little, you know, just an initial warning page before the "goods" ?? -- the usual adult disclaimer parental cyber-nanny watchamacallit crap!?  but it's no big deal, your call  

what i was trying to say (before buffoons interjected) was only that i can understand what E2K might be thinking, not that i was agreeing with them (or condoning it) ... it just so happens i myself called them on their hypocrisy (re: escorting) a few weeks back (unrelated to any of this) ... see this post, it'll give you some idea why E2K (most likely) nixed you

as for the "Fuck-A-Thon" ... like i said, i think it's cute ... and by not having the lucky stiffs -- sorry, Members! -- actually "pay" (in effect) for the chance to "meat" you in the flesh, it is technically (and legally) NOT prostitution, so it's not even relevant (except in E2K's eyes perhaps) ... and by webcasting it you recoup any costs and "HARDships" you may endured and presto: everybody's happy! :-)

now as for E2K saying it's "immoral" that's just a steaming hot pile of fresh horse manure!  THEIR "morals" start and stop ON THE DOLLAR when it comes to biZness (like any agency) and in reality (behind the scenes) i'm sure they're as "flexible" as overcooked spaghetti! ... you must understand they have this back-asswards demure "facade" that they insist on maintaining (for the benefit of their [cough] "high-roller" clientele no doubt) ... of course they never stop short of advertising the fact that their ladies are real legit PORNSTARS (touting their industry cred till the cows come home) but god forbid they should actually own up to what that really means in reality! LOL

you want my advice? ... screw them ... sign up with Sophie's Dream Girls ...  ---  "the little agency that cares" !  ;-)


btw sweetie, can i ask you a big favour? can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hook me up with Bella !? LOL -- no i'm dead serious! i wanna be the first to review her ... $1500 cash, all of it straight into to her pocket, no agency cut! ... bear in mind this is NOT an offer or solicitation for prostitution. the said donation is entirely for Bella's time and companionship and her willingness to sit down and play Monopoly® with me for an hour!

REFORMED 4001 reads
17 / 25

Keep doing it because she made my dick hard when she was ripping into your dumb ass! Now that's a REAL pornstar, will Fuck her members for free, curses like a truckdriver, is a good earner AND takes it up the ASS. Could be wifey material don't you think?

fasteddie51 4590 reads
18 / 25

Hey, Marilyn Starr and Christi Lake have done very well with their series of "Fan Fuxxx" videos... Yours is just an extension of the same concept, which in itself is a subdivision of a lot of Pro-Am videos.  It's funny that when Ed Powers or Randy West pick up girls off the street and fuck them, it's gonzo, but when a female pornstar does it someone calls it "immoral"...

So yes, you get an AMEN from me.

hook,line,sinker 5252 reads
19 / 25

NOT!  Guys, this is getting really old and really boring.  Please take this off the board and do this crap in private.

jldick50 4008 reads
20 / 25

Hey arguing with Singleton is a lot more interesting than listening to you whine, youve only posted four times on this board and every time, you were whining about something, wait a second, I'll call you a WAAA-BULANCE.

as always

Número Seis 5597 reads
22 / 25

I don't agree with Reformed very often, but he's spot on this one-what's not to love? Can you talk sports too?

LBman 1 Reviews 7100 reads
23 / 25

amen, Amen, oh lordie Amen lol, Cedes I think you are preaching to the choir with this group, except maybe sinlgton

LBman 1 Reviews 4744 reads
24 / 25

I agree, she really is a keeper.  she doent have a man right now so maybe there is a chance for one of us, she keeps kicking the boys to the curb

BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 4856 reads
25 / 25

Go ahead, or should I say go give head...I will back you up on that one anytime baby as long as you will back it up on this one :-)

I'm a memeber of your site now, so when do I get to meet you and tell the rest of the guys that this is for real? Lol

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