Porn Stars

AsianFan should have been kicked out long ago.
DesertDweller 4120 reads

The moderators should not have had to wait for that little creep AsianFan to hack others' logons before kicking him out.  His baiting and goading other TER members alone should have been reasonable grounds to ban him from TER.  He never made any positive contribution other than to pick fights with others just for the sake of pushing other people's buttons.  If I knew who he was, I'd take his keyboard and make him eat it!

I wrote a letter of complaint stating my concerns. I was concerned that if AF can steel user names how can we be guaranteed privacy on ter here is the e mail i sent them and there responce i have deleated my email address
the real one

He has been banned from TER.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue 12/9/2003 5:08 AM
To: TER Support
Subject: FEEDBACK: Membership Inquiry

Username: colhogan
RE:       user names
It has come to my attention that Asian Fan on the porn star board has been
duplicating user names like mine and posting bad posts that cause trouble
It apears he is trying to form a breach of trust between TER and Hobbists

How can we be assured he can not gain personal info credit card info ???

This really gives ter a bad image check out the thread on the porn star
board check with michael the moderator
thanks please advise
i really like TER but I want Privacy too

-- Modified on 12/10/2003 4:59:34 AM

fasteddie513577 reads

Where have you been, Hogan?  He was banned three days ago... in fact, you can still read his farewell rant below...

As to accessing info, it can't happen.  All he was doing was inserting a space in front of the poster's name and registering it as a different alias... it takes some close scrutiny, but if you looked hard enough you could see the extra space...  it in no way threatened any member's private info...

"If you don't have thick skin to give and take then this is not the place for you or others that lack the thickness require."

 -- Asian Fan

-- Modified on 12/10/2003 1:26:16 PM

I hope they are very cunning linguists, otherwise they may not be able to figure out his hillbilly speak (I can say Hillbilly since much of my family is from the dirty south), I think General George Armstrong Custer made a better last stand.


-- Modified on 12/11/2003 3:14:52 AM

-- Modified on 12/11/2003 3:25:38 AM

jldick504377 reads

Custer was actually a Lieutenant Colonel when he made his stand at the Battle of Little Bighorn and met his demise along with the rest of the 7th Cavalry.

as always


Col, how many more threads about this are you planning on opening up?

The guy's gone - it's over - move on.

It's an ANONYMOUS site (unless you're telling people who you are offline) - calm down and don't take everything so seriously. You whine over every little perceived injustice. As far as private/personal info, what did you give TER that you're so worried about falling into the public domain?

This site is a place to exchange information about this hobby.

elf37049 reads

Did anyone forge YOUR handle?  Were you even any part of this business?  Colhogan was letting us now what Staff's reply was.  Now that we got rid of one jerk let's not start up all over again.

the only issue i have now is you. Mind your business and move on

hopefully you wont follow af steps

-- Modified on 12/11/2003 10:31:06 AM

-- Modified on 12/11/2003 12:04:19 PM

jldick503410 reads

Now thats the old Hogan that I missed.

as always


Go join your lover AsianFan and get lost, jerk.

The moderators should not have had to wait for that little creep AsianFan to hack others' logons before kicking him out.  His baiting and goading other TER members alone should have been reasonable grounds to ban him from TER.  He never made any positive contribution other than to pick fights with others just for the sake of pushing other people's buttons.  If I knew who he was, I'd take his keyboard and make him eat it!

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