Politics and Religion

Zero chance of me voting for Clinton
GaGambler 74 reads

If Trump does something that convinces me I can't vote for him, my throw away vote would be for Gary Johnson.

I know this is a pipe dream, but it would be nice if the religious nut jobs kept the GOP, the social liberals, but fiscal conservatives created their own Libertarian Party (but less goofy) taking members from both the GOP and the Dems, leaving the Dems with the loopy Bernie crowd.

We would have the nut jobs from both the left and the right with their own parties and the sensible people left in the middle. See, i told you it was a pipe dream. lol

GaGambler694 reads

Pro choice advocates score a win today despite the fact the GOP is blocking hearings on filling Scalia's seat.

The link is the best available as the decision just came down, I am sure someone else can provide another link as one becomes available.

and it looks like it blew up in their face and as you said made abortion rights even stronger.  

I suppose it's one less reason to fear a GOP Presidency, even if Scalia was replaced with hardline conservative it still would have been the same decision at 5-4

Ginsburg, Kennedy, Breyer are all approaching 80 (Ginsburg may already be there) and there is still an open seat....2/3 likely will retire by the end of the next presidents first term.....Plus there are all the Circuit Court vacancies that will pile up in the next couple years....By Jan 2017, there will be 3 open seats on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals...And you know most cases never make it to the Supreme Court, thus the Circuit Courts have the final say in the vast majority of cases...

So just how tightly are you going to have to hold your nose in order to vote for Hillary?

(D-WV) who was running for POTUS, that would be a tough vote....He's a true DINO....He's probably the only true blue dog Democrat remaining in the senate...

Any chance you vote for Clinton over Trump?....What about the 3rd party candiates like Gary Johnson (Libertarian) or Jill Stein (Green Party)?....You could always write me in if you don't feel like voting for any of the aforementioned - lol...

If Trump does something that convinces me I can't vote for him, my throw away vote would be for Gary Johnson.

I know this is a pipe dream, but it would be nice if the religious nut jobs kept the GOP, the social liberals, but fiscal conservatives created their own Libertarian Party (but less goofy) taking members from both the GOP and the Dems, leaving the Dems with the loopy Bernie crowd.

We would have the nut jobs from both the left and the right with their own parties and the sensible people left in the middle. See, i told you it was a pipe dream. lol

...said it is..."exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women’s health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly-elected representatives.”

You see GaG, Republicans aren't against abortions, they just have the best interests of women in mind.

Fucking crocodile tear-crying hypocrites.  Fucking Republicans.


I will head right down to RNC headquarters in Dallas (or where ever it is in Texas) and pledge my across the board support for the GOP while re registering as a Republican. Thank you so much for this insight into the goodness of the party.

I still think we should extend the allowable period for abortions to the 200th trimester in cases like fg or LTM.

And about damn time too, after Federal prosecutors basically destroyed this man's life/family.

In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out the corruption conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

"There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the court. "But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government's boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute."

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