Politics and Religion

you've made a new friend!
brooks5 95 reads

perhaps a soul-mate in bigguy

cmon man, get with the struggle, you're an oppressed asian!  ;)

you guys might need a room

-- Modified on 4/20/2016 1:31:09 PM

would they have tried to place them on her person, rather than throwing them at her. First "Corporate Whore," and now this. Don't know if Bernie was behind it, but I doubt that stunt will help his prospects any. Many women will view it being tremendously sexist, and many men will have their memories jogged; some distant and others not so distant, regarding the times they frequented strippers.  ;)

GaGambler157 reads

This is a huge fucking leap of logic. I can't see how anyone can deny that Hillary is a whore, but not the good kind that sucks your dick.

GaGambler131 reads

I don't consider Donald Trump a corporate whore and on the opposite side, despite my absolute loathing of Bernie Sanders, he too is hardly a corporate whore and for that matter neither is Crazy Uncle Joe. If he was a whore, his old ass wouldn't be broke after spending decades in national office.

but to deny that Hillary is a corporate whore is just a complete denial of the facts. The only one close on the Republican side would have to be Jeb Bush. Others might have tried to be as big a whore as here, but despite their best efforts none that I can think of have even come close.

Based on where is wife works! ;) But, we nitpick this to death, however, my point is not what you or I believe, but whether or not the stunt will hurt Sanders; particularly with the women vote.

GaGambler107 reads

I thought my answer was quite clear, I most certainly think that Hillary is indeed a "corporate whore" and this attempt to make this a sexual attack is fucking ridiculous, actually laughable in it's transparency.

followme124 reads

hillwhorie came about.

Thank you  
2016 = 28

bigguy30104 reads

Just so that he could build parking garages and his casinos.
You don't him consider a corporate whore?
I consider Trump a lot worse!
This is why the Trump supporters are clueless.


Posted By: GaGambler
I don't consider Donald Trump a corporate whore and on the opposite side, despite my absolute loathing of Bernie Sanders, he too is hardly a corporate whore and for that matter neither is Crazy Uncle Joe. If he was a whore, his old ass wouldn't be broke after spending decades in national office.  
 but to deny that Hillary is a corporate whore is just a complete denial of the facts. The only one close on the Republican side would have to be Jeb Bush. Others might have tried to be as big a whore as here, but despite their best efforts none that I can think of have even come close.
-- Modified on 4/18/2016 9:44:38 PM

brooks5103 reads

beating down losers like you

It's kinda pathetic when someone (or someone's surrogates) tries to play the victim when they're running to be the leader of the free world. Besides, everyone knows that if you support Bernie Sanders, you want to tax the rich, you want to cut the military budget, you want universal health care seen as a right, you want the minimum wage raised to 15 dollars an hour, you want to prosecute people on Wall Street who caused the financial collapse....and oh, you want the women folk bare foot and pregnant making the mens sandwiches.  

Calling Hillary a corporate whore is an insult. To whores.

Given your gender, I would think you would recuse yourself from speaking for women; and especially so, know how you feel about them!  ;)

You ignored my point entirely!

"Don't know if Bernie was behind it, but I doubt that stunt will help his prospects any. Many women will view it being tremendously sexist..."

It's not what you or I believe, but how women see it, and how they will respond. When Bernie's claws came out by saying Hillary was unqualified, I predicted that his "mensch" was damaged, and it may cost him. And, indeed, in New York his poll numbers don't seem to be improving much if any. We'll see how he does in California, if his supporters keep throwing dollar bills at Hillary. Any predictions? Mine is, it won't help him, but not certain it will hurt him.

we should totally abolish Wall St., revert to a 19th century agrarian economy, all retreat to Vermont communes, where we could attend free College & eat endless supplies of free Ben & Jerry ice cream. Right. In essence, the dude is a delusional, dementia ridden socialist running a "cult of personality". Pity WW & others don't see that------------- :)

Posted By: willywonka4u
It's kinda pathetic when someone (or someone's surrogates) tries to play the victim when they're running to be the leader of the free world. Besides, everyone knows that if you support Bernie Sanders, you want to tax the rich, you want to cut the military budget, you want universal health care seen as a right, you want the minimum wage raised to 15 dollars an hour, you want to prosecute people on Wall Street who caused the financial collapse....and oh, you want the women folk bare foot and pregnant making the mens sandwiches.  
 Calling Hillary a corporate whore is an insult. To whores.
-- Modified on 4/18/2016 4:51:38 PM

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 4:56:23 PM

GaGambler128 reads

Matt is trying to come at it from a sexist point of view, and not everything is racist or sexist in origin. Can't anyone disagree or even detest a woman or minority without their sex or race being brought into it. Does anyone thing fg won SPOTY because he's black? Of course not and TJLooneytunes would have won SPOTY back when she was here, but not because she was a woman, but because she was a fucking looneytune.

bigguy30129 reads

Just let me say, you have no sense of reality at times.

Also it would be nice, if the world did not use gender or race.
The world does not work like that and you know it.
Matt is right, I think it will hurt Bernie some in the polls.

You are Asian man and should know better.
Since you are a minority yourself, even with your mix background like myself.

Posted By: GaGambler
Matt is trying to come at it from a sexist point of view, and not everything is racist or sexist in origin. Can't anyone disagree or even detest a woman or minority without their sex or race being brought into it. Does anyone thing fg won SPOTY because he's black? Of course not and TJLooneytunes would have won SPOTY back when she was here, but not because she was a woman, but because she was a fucking looneytune.
-- Modified on 4/18/2016 9:23:39 PM

brooks596 reads

perhaps a soul-mate in bigguy

cmon man, get with the struggle, you're an oppressed asian!  ;)

you guys might need a room

-- Modified on 4/20/2016 1:31:09 PM

are either: disabled, running a business avoiding the IRS and have no benefits paid in or ever paid a dime in taxes, are in their 20's with a baby on the way and won't traditional marry because they can get more in benefits working the system single with baby daddy that is too sorry to work and pay child support.  That's who wants us to pay more taxes!  Thank God we out number them, I hope.

By the way, I find Americans to be very mean today on both sides.  They don't know how to have a debate.  On social media, the hate astonishes me "if you are voting for Hillary, delete me now"  Good fucking grief......

Thanks for letting me be a part of here.


on his $200K salary was a miserly 13%. Anyone else think he's a tad of a hypocrite?

FatVern111 reads

Hillary, or Bernie?  

I can't tell since both of them are pandering toward the BLM crowd. I won't speak for black people, but as a registered voter, I find their behavior disgusting.

brooks5128 reads

both will ignore blacks as soon as they get in office

happens time after time

even their guy Obama fucked them over and made race relations immeasurably worse

Republicans KNOW that the black vote is lost, consider blacks their political enemies and, on good days, ignore them too

it's the blacks leaders fault

life is hard, being stupid makes it harder

bigguy30121 reads

You start off trying to make valid points, but end it with your normal bullshit.
So you are a expert on blacks and black leaders now?
Just stay in your lane bs5, because it's plenty of stupid white people voting based on their own racial insecurities.

When white leaders especially republicans, get into office.
They don't care about whites people, who put them in office either.
It's all about money and who is going to put a lot of it, in their pockets.
The color green is all that matters to them, especially with the GOP.

You seem to forget the GOP believes in business first and maybe country second.

Posted By: brooks5
both will ignore blacks as soon as they get in office  
 happens time after time  
 even their guy Obama fucked them over and made race relations immeasurably worse  
 Republicans KNOW that the black vote is lost, consider blacks their political enemies and, on good days, ignore them too  
 it's the blacks leaders fault  
 life is hard, being stupid makes it harder
-- Modified on 4/19/2016 6:36:28 AM

brooks5104 reads

anyone surprised?

please tell me which part that you find stupid

betcha can't . . . . . again

bigguy30109 reads

The answer is you and your stupidity.
So the more you post comments on here.
You keep proving my points about you.  
It's funny how you just don't get it. Lol

Posted By: brooks5
anyone surprised?  
 please tell me which part that you find stupid  
 betcha can't . . . . . again
-- Modified on 4/19/2016 8:29:26 AM

bigguy30106 reads

I find it disgusting, how Trump is pandering to mainly white people.
Also how he is supported, by the white supremacist groups around the country.
Just look at the make up of his crowds and compare it to Hillary or Bernie.
They don't have just black people or the BLM groups.
It's diverse crowds, unlike Trump white power campaign!

Posted By: FatVern
Hillary, or Bernie?  
 I can't tell since both of them are pandering toward the BLM crowd. I won't speak for black people, but as a registered voter, I find their behavior disgusting.

FatVern97 reads

How can a pro-WS candidate also be against white supremacy?... Isn't the same system?

Posted By: bigguy30
I find it disgusting, how Trump is pandering to mainly white people.  
 Also how he is supported, by the white supremacist groups around the country.  
 Just look at the make up of his crowds and compare it to Hillary or Bernie.  
 They don't have just black people or the BLM groups.  
 It's diverse crowds, unlike Trump white power campaign!  
Posted By: FatVern
Hillary, or Bernie?    
  I can't tell since both of them are pandering toward the BLM crowd. I won't speak for black people, but as a registered voter, I find their behavior disgusting.

bigguy3097 reads

Posted By: FatVern
How can a pro-WS candidate also be against white supremacy?... Isn't the same system?  
Posted By: bigguy30
I find it disgusting, how Trump is pandering to mainly white people.  
  Also how he is supported, by the white supremacist groups around the country.  
  Just look at the make up of his crowds and compare it to Hillary or Bernie.  
  They don't have just black people or the BLM groups.  
  It's diverse crowds, unlike Trump white power campaign!  
Posted By: FatVern
Hillary, or Bernie?    
   I can't tell since both of them are pandering toward the BLM crowd. I won't speak for black people, but as a registered voter, I find their behavior disgusting.

... candidate.

It reminds me of how after his inauguration, George W Bush had to be driven via an alternate route because the main route had people throwing rotten fruits and vegetables at the newly selected and anointed President.

Actually, yes I do think it was an act totally lacking in any class or dignity.  

We really have stooped to new lows

brooks5122 reads

when Monica blew the trailer-park trash President in the White-House

and dems and womens groups hailed Bill as a hero and victim and protector of the Constitution!

Willie giggled and told friends that he was just trying to bust a nut on a fat chick

it's the kind of shit dems do routinely these days

now Trump is taking the reps there

I guess that it serves us right

with clowns like big, laffy, cynic, hpy on these boards defending the crudeness whadya expect

bigguy3096 reads

You have no creditably at all.

Posted By: brooks5
when Monica blew the trailer-park trash President in the White-House  
 and dems and womens groups hailed Bill as a hero and victim and protector of the Constitution!  
 Willie giggled and told friends that he was just trying to bust a nut on a fat chick  
 it's the kind of shit dems do routinely these days  
 now Trump is taking the reps there  
 I guess that it serves us right  
 with clowns like big, laffy, cynic, hpy on these boards defending the crudeness whadya expect

brooks589 reads

yet another personal attack after not even trying to disprove, or even disagree with, my points

geez, AT LEAST blame Bush for something . . . .  lol

bigguy30106 reads

Posted By: brooks5
yet another personal attack after not even trying to disprove, or even disagree with, my points  
 geez, AT LEAST blame Bush for something . . . .  lol

brooks5106 reads

know the truth if it bit you in the dic

But, I will stick with my prediction: "Don't know if Bernie was behind it, but I doubt that stunt will help his prospects any."

Do you have one? Will it hurt or help him, or neither?

GaGambler119 reads

and it was one of George Clooney's neighbors who was behind it, not Bernie Sanders himself.

I am watching CNBC right now and they are talking about it, but not a single peep about it being sexist in the slightest. They are talking about exactly what they should be talking about, how much money is now involved in politics and the evils of SuperPACS. I think you are getting your skirt all blown up over nothing.

I am not a woman, so I do not consider myself an expert on what a woman would consider to be sexist. There's at least one woman who considers it so, and that would be the woman mentioned in the link in my OP. I have no idea if she's the exception or the rule, though I'm wondering how many women voters will also see it as such. My only point is, will it hurt him? My guess, and it's only that, it's not going to help him with women voters. And, if nothing else, it may energize some women voters who favor Hillary. I suspect she's quite happen with the stunt. Do you have a prediction?  

I did get the impression, originally, that Bernie had nothing to with it, much like regarding the guy that called Hillary a corporate whore. But, like what occasionally happens with over exuberant Trump fans, someone may have done something that could do Bernie more harm than good.

GaGambler109 reads

Only the media is trying to make this an issue and you of course. Everyone else has either moved on or accepted this as what it is, A Bernie supporter/s pointing out what a corporate whore she is. Claiming it's sexist is like claiming I call fg stupid because he is black.

and people wonder why I detest political correctness. I suppose you believe in micro aggressions too, don't you? Well I don't believe in "micro" aggressions, when I want to be aggressive there is nothing fucking micro about it. Now please give it a fucking rest already.

you fail to answer the question! I gave you my prediction, what's yours? Now, you've expanded into political correctness and micro aggressions. I'm taking about the optics of a specific event, and the possible consequences of them on Sander's campaign.

No one other than  effeminate men, feminists with no taste, obscure journalists looking for fame,  senior citizens wearing depends, or  patrons in no touch strip clubs catering to the blind,  would ever think of  Hillary on a stripper pole.  

 I couldn't even imagine a  late night  comedian coming up with a stripper Hillary joke that could possibly be  funny in the least.  
  Any certified strip club patron with balls larger than peas, would ever  throw a dollar toward  Hillary on a stripper pole.  
   When I saw Bernie fans throwing dollars at Hillary I understood their message loud and clear, Hillary is a Corporate  whore willing to stoop as low as it takes, for every dollar she can find.
  The message they were sending had nothing to do with strippers.  

  In my opinion  Joy Ann Reid used a  classic example of false outrage to get her name in print while manipulating easily offended effeminate men and feminist women .  
  From my perspective, Bernie supporters dollar gimmick won't hurt him at all.   :-D


Posted By: mattradd
would they have tried to place them on her person, rather than throwing them at her. First "Corporate Whore," and now this. Don't know if Bernie was behind it, but I doubt that stunt will help his prospects any. Many women will view it being tremendously sexist, and many men will have their memories jogged; some distant and others not so distant, regarding the times they frequented strippers.  ;)

"From my perspective, Bernie supporters dollar gimmick won't hurt him at all."

GaGambler134 reads

Hanging around with Planet Stupid must have rubbed off on you if you couldn't understand what I was trying to tell you.

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