Politics and Religion

Yours is more a subjective berratement than a "question".
AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 1410 reads
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which one is preferable--to grow the power and influence of government or protect the rights and economic liberty of the individual?
 Which is better---government dependence or self dependence?
Notice whenever Obama speaks it's always in the collective,words like we,us together,community,the group. He disparages what the individual achieves on his own. Remember his despicable speech where he said if you're successful you didn't do it by yourself,if you have a business you didn't build that? What a jerk.
Leftists like him hate and fear what the individual can do because they prefer them to dependent on government.
Last question---do you realize the more the government grows the more the freedom of the individual shrinks?

GaGambler 343 reads
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and I have been on record since day one about issues like Gay Marriage, legalizing drugs, and how the Patriot Act was one of the two worst pieces of legislation EVER passed in the history of this country, or at least in my lifetime.

All my posts over the last decade are still here for anyone to check, and I have also said that is Santorum was elected I would seriously consider taking a four year "vacation" in another country. So don't say you've seen "not one" word of protest from a righty. That's complete bullshit and I can prove it.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 205 reads
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Lefties say the govt has no business in the bedroom. I agree but they are fine with it taking too much out of our wallets,infringing on private property,or how we can't buy big gulp sodas.
 So if someone works his ass off and builds a business,or if someone goes to college and med school for 10 years and makes a 6 figure salary it's because of roads and bridges?Right, the only Steve Jobs became successful is he used roads every dayWhat about the guy who dropped out of school and makes minimum wage? He uses roads and bridges.
 You didn't answer the questions. You did drop in the racial reference,which is what you guys do when you can't think of anything else.

Posted By: Laffy
about "The Left is taking away our freedom" until/unless they are for gays getting married.  
 None of your f-ing business.  Period.  
 And legalize pot.  Tomorrow.  You cannot say both booze and cigs should be legal but not pot......especially when Pot has beneficial medical properties.  
 And it was the Right's hero, Bush, who put in spying on Americans and the ENTIRE Right said, "I don't care if the government spies on me since I have nothing to hide."  
 I didn't see ONE SINGLE WORD of protest from ANYBODY on the Right on that issue while he was Prez.  
 Not one.  
 And people like Hannity said that if anyone was against it, they were guilty of treason and should be shot.  They only started screaming HITLER on that issue 5 seconds after the black dude was sworn in and acted like they didn't cheer-lead that policy for years.  
 And legalize prostitution.  Tomorrow.  None of your damn business.  Heck, I saw that a woman that was arrested for having "too many" sex toys.  
 Probably my favorite is when Santorumm was running for Prez and he'd preach about "getting the government out of our lives" and "loving FREEDOM and the CONSTITUTION" and not 30 seconds later.....literally.....say he wanted to ban porn.  
 And the entire crowd CHEERED.  
 Not only that, none of the other candidates ripped him for it.  Bachmann actually agreed.  
 And quit being such a stupid sheep over the "You didn't build that" quote.  
 It sure is odd you Righties always wet yourselves with, "Liberals are Satan for always taking things out of context" when you're even worse.  
 He clearly talked about roads and bridges that businesses need to be successful.  And the internet.  How much research is done by universities that businesses use?  
 And he even mentioned "individual initiative."  
 Thanks for proving you've got that virus too.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 294 reads
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The controlling corporate oligarchy and their banks entirely own and control both parties. The contrasting political ethos's have been manipulated and orchestrated to keep John Q Citizen suspicious and hateful of his very neighbor. With Conservatives its done through authoritarianism, prohibition, intolerance and nostalgia. With Liberals it done through regulation, subjugation, political correctness and 'the greater good'. Either way the "citizen" is being herded/brainwashed into lifelong fiscal slavery far removed from "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".        

Posted By: AliquippaJones

 Notice whenever Obama speaks it's always in the collective,words like we,us together,community,the group. He disparages what the individual achieves on his own. Remember his despicable speech where he said if you're successful you didn't do it by yourself,if you have a business you didn't build that? What a jerk.  
 Leftists like him hate and fear what the individual can do because they prefer them to dependent on government.  

GaGambler 294 reads
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My positions haven't changed much from back then. The Patriot Act wasn't at the top of the list, but my positions on several issues were made rather clear, and I don't see myself backing off of anything I said on this particular post.

I am sure I can find dozens of posts where I slammed the Patriot Act, but rather than me link a hundred posts slamming it, I defy you to find a single post of mine defending it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 328 reads
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Do all righties, like you, think in simplistic black or white terms. Yes, I'm an individual. However, when I became married, my wife and I became a we. We started balancing between what was the good or desire of one or the other of us, and what was the best for both of us. Because there were time when one or the other laid their needs aside, for the moment, we were able to do and attain more than what we could have as individuals. At least that is how I experienced it. When we had children, we were no longer a married couple, but a family. Then the balancing, I previously mentioned became even more complicated. As my membership into larger circles of society increases, my I-ness gets a bit deluted in all the we-ness. A good example was when I got drafted into the armed services. There was a lot of I-ness in the effort I put into my service, but I was draft because I was a part of "We the people." All societies struggle with the tension of I-ness and we-ness. Having a bunch of I's doing just as they please leads to chaos, and having too strong of we-ness can lead to oppressive governments, and possible disasters caused by rampant nationalism run amok. There's some place between black and white, and we as a society are trying to strike the right balance. Too much I-ness is just narcissism, which were are very susceptible to, which is why so many on the right do not truly have an accurate view on what American Exceptionalism means, let alone where the concept came from.  ;)

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 309 reads
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That's the debate---getting the balance right between the person and the state. Take a horizontal line.On the right tip you have anarchy. Keep moving left you'd have libertarians,then Tea Party conservatives,establishment Republicans,moderates in the center,liberals,socialists,and all the way at other end there is totalitarianism---a behemoth,all powerful centralized state.
  I'm on the right side of the line because I believe the state exists to serve the individual,not the other way around.When the left wants to demonize something they put Big in front of it--Big Business,Big Tobacco,etc. I worry about Big government. And I don't want government subsidizing business or corporate welfare That's a perversion of capitalism.

Posted By: mattradd
Do all righties, like you, think in simplistic black or white terms. Yes, I'm an individual. However, when I became married, my wife and I became a we. We started balancing between what was the good or desire of one or the other of us, and what was the best for both of us. Because there were time when one or the other laid their needs aside, for the moment, we were able to do and attain more than what we could have as individuals. At least that is how I experienced it. When we had children, we were no longer a married couple, but a family. Then the balancing, I previously mentioned became even more complicated. As my membership into larger circles of society increases, my I-ness gets a bit deluted in all the we-ness. A good example was when I got drafted into the armed services. There was a lot of I-ness in the effort I put into my service, but I was draft because I was a part of "We the people." All societies struggle with the tension of I-ness and we-ness. Having a bunch of I's doing just as they please leads to chaos, and having too strong of we-ness can lead to oppressive governments, and possible disasters caused by rampant nationalism run amok. There's some place between black and white, and we as a society are trying to strike the right balance. Too much I-ness is just narcissism, which were are very susceptible to, which is why so many on the right do not truly have an accurate view on what American Exceptionalism means, let alone where the concept came from.  ;)

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 309 reads
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So how come everyone who attended a public school didn't build a billion dollar business,professor?
The internet was developed by the military. National defense is a legitimate constitutionally mandated function of the federal government.
What are you gonna do in 2017 when Obama is gone but the Tea Party is still around? Wait I know...Hillary in the WH... They hate women,that's it.

Posted By: Laffy
I gave you about 10 explicit examples of how you're complete hypocrites.  
 Here's another huge one:  You all cry 24/7/365 how "Obama is taking away our freedom" yet have NO PROBLEM saying, "Corporations are people, my friend, and they can buy our elections in complete secret.....even if it's people from other countries doing it."  
 That is taking away our FREEDOM more than anything else.  
 We get to "pick" from whoever HUGE MONEY lets us "pick" from.  
 Most of those med schools would not be there without tax dollars, Cletus.  
 Steve Jobs would have done what, exactly, without the internet?  
 And stop whizzing your pants when you're called racists because Tea Baggers have done nothing but make racial "jokes" from the second Obama made the scene.  
 All that Birther crap is nothing but racism.  They call his wife a "gorilla" every day.  All the "jokes" about Obama and watermelon and fried chicken.  Did you miss all those frats boys singing about "Hanging all the n*&^%^ers from the trees.....that they learned at the national convention?  
 At Palin's campaign rallies, people walked around interviewing her groupies and it was n-word this and n-word that when talking about Obama.

nuguy46 248 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 245 reads
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In fact, as you pointed out, all your social views are quite Liberal.  You are conservative in your fiscal and foreign policy views.  So you're really a not a classic righty.  More like Liberighty.  Or a Righteral.  You pick. LOL!

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 265 reads
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Constitutional conservatarian.

Posted By: inicky46
In fact, as you pointed out, all your social views are quite Liberal.  You are conservative in your fiscal and foreign policy views.  So you're really a not a classic righty.  More like Liberighty.  Or a Righteral.  You pick. LOL!

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 263 reads
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Bigot minded doofus  daffy laffy would have a most difficult time wrapping his bird brain mind, around the fact, there are people who agree with some  Tea Party views, without attending their parties,  who are a lot like gagambler,  never anti homosexual, racist,  or any sort of religious guy, but not the kind of person who supports  Government spies,  peering in his window while listening to their phone calls with hookers.  
   Idiots like laffy don't understand, everyone in a crowd cheering for the same team, aren't clones like him and BP.
   Some girls pick their sport teams by how pretty their uniforms are.

 laffy picks his enemies by their  political and social views that don't agree with his.
   Hypocritical of laffy  to act like he supports homosexuals, when he often mocks  others who disagree with him, by referring to Homosexual fun, interjecting his hidden  Homophobia for all to see.  
 Anyone  who  understands   Freud 101 and the subliminal mind, knows exactly what I am talking about .
    That laffy boy is one screwed up white dude. I'm sure glad I realize all pasty face  white guys aren't like him.
   Nice to see you posting with common sense,  
       It'd be awesome if you could do it again,  sometime soon , without feeling the need to defend your buddy, or stalk JCA.  :-D

    I wish I could stay, I'm at work , break time is over in five minutes.  

    Have a nice day,
Posted By: inicky46
In fact, as you pointed out, all your social views are quite Liberal.  You are conservative in your fiscal and foreign policy views.  So you're really a not a classic righty.  More like Liberighty.  Or a Righteral.  You pick. LOL!
-- Modified on 4/20/2015 12:14:15 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 185 reads
13 / 13

on the Vegas board last week you claimed you two agreed on little if anything. Which is it?

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