Politics and Religion

your're right willy, it did come from W Europe, and so did the Illumitati. eom
mrnogood 1519 reads


mrnogood4727 reads

In 1972, Chinese Communist leader, Zhou En-lai, was reported to have answered US President Richard M. Nixon’s question on the impact of the French revolution on western civilization, with the line that ‘it is still too early to tell’.

From the begining of time man has needed to measure things this is where ''a hop and a skip, a handful, or a reckon (the length of a mans arm extended) came from, measurements like this we're always enough for trade and barter between locals. From goods, barter, trade, taxes, to land offers measurements have always been important, and the tyrant ALWAYS has the scales- TO CONTROL TAXES AND ''SAFE TRADE''-
The French Revolution would be the first real metric system of the world, and the begining of the West's FEDERAL ways, with the french's feudalistic metric system:. This metric system brought ''order'' out of the traditional systems of weights and measures then being used in Europe. Prior to the introduction of the metric system, it was common for units of length, land area, and weight to vary, not just from one country to another but from one region to another within the same country. Basically before this Revolution their we're lots of tyrants with scales and this did cause problems.
This FEUDAL METRIC system  ended with France OWNING most of Europe. So it did bring order, power, land, a cut off EVERYONES goods, while removing the scales from other tyrants hands..
As the french system was crumbling America's Imperialistic metric system began to sweep across Europe before and during the revolutionary war,  England hasn't had it's chance at this ''metric system'' yet  - The English  had the Royal Arc which didn't use metrics, but the tyranny of measures on the tyrants scale. The revolutionary war, and America's more establsihed AND POPULAR metric sytstem won out.
America's Imperialistic system measures capital and is called capitalism it was the FIRST to not only measure what is traded but what is produced by paying workers on this metric system. You will notice EVERYHTING that is traded globally is in our metric system (all though this is changing). America's system seems great, we get paid, right? It improved the standard of living around the world, right?
WRONG, america's system establishes WHAT capital IS while controlling production via wages to only produce ''CAPITAL'' the system promotes..Other values (and the world has plenty) are not recognized by this system as ''capital''. The metric system actually prevents growth, and a more robust global economy, by estalishing capital finance markets that will ONLY finance what their own version of what capital is for the global markets..While domesticating everyone by not promoting capital that would produce food independence, or any indepence from the market of ''capital''-
METRIC SYSTEMS ARE TYRANNY NOT FREEDOM - that controls people, with-out wars. America's Imperial metric created the era of markets, it did raise the standard of living BY FINANCING the industry, to then create the jobs. It also domesticated us by rendering us incapable of supporting ourself with out the system. We 're so domesticated we can't eat without it.
Our system started with The Industrial revolution, where they industrialized EVERYTHING  preventing others from prodution outside of the system giving American metrics, called the system, the biggest power over world production, this was actually the biggest power grab the world has ever seen. To the booming age of information, technology, science, and drug industries they only built, but created jobs for you to be good slaves in.
America's Imperial Metric system has guided production, like technology, then created global growth via outsourcing/globalization on this technology they created to measure production and growth on.
''The Great Debate'' of world order, between  America's Imperical Metric system and Britains metric system is  not about accuracy BUT POWER to establish the metric system, thus ruling the trade, and production OF THE WORLD
Metrics (or indicators) are powerful tools for tracking  
It's the metrication, ''grid'', or index, of the metric system that is so powerful. Tracking EVERYWHERE you spend, or recieve the dollar,AND KEEPING UP ON TAXES, and it's this Index that establishes the worth of those dollars it's tracking. a metric IS NOTHING with out the system defining it, the true power of the metric system is in who establishes the grid..The first system to establish this grid ruled over large ammounts of europe with it, and was federal, the second system the world saw would rule over the world, and is imperiacal. The third system is looking like it's gonna measure humans with the metric grid that has been placed all around us. It paid special attention to growth in country's that ususally participate in the system at alll, by placing jobs in the 3rd world.
The world may seems civilized, more advanced, but the truth is the metric system WAS THE END OF DEMOCRACY, so what, you get to vote in a stooge, when it's the system that runs everything.. America's capital is the system, it should the only seem logical we would use our military to protect our capital, and it's the system of metrics that makes the west imperical.
It will be the system comming that will globalize humanity, and it will be the system, not the dollar,or lack there of, that makes you play the dumb game of giving tyrants scales TO TAX YOU WITH


SO THE TYRANT WITH THE SCALE BENNIFITS, by establhing the measurements of trade, because they then can tax you

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 1:43:19 PM

But I don't think it has anything to do with freedom or tyranny. The origins of capitalism is a little more ugly, as it originated in western Europe out of the need to colonize the New World.

Priapus53772 reads

which ain't saying much.

At least I admit to my "cutting & pasting"; Mrnogood engages in that uncredited practice even more than the similarly dimwitted "tranny boy", using other's words to make them sound ahem, "profound"--------LMAO !

Ok, back to that hiatus.

encourage this idiot!!!!

It's been a nice few days without having to see any stupid cartoons . . . . .

What the hell, it wouldn't be the P&R board without both you assholes!  LOL!

Hell, I've been around. Just post when I have something worthwhile to say.

Just wish that the cartoon-lover would do the same . . . .

Priapus531806 reads

but, "Bitching Wedge" would suit the "prissy old maid" just as well.

If poor old PW would get a life, perhaps my posts wouldn't upset him so------:(

Lastly, PW & "worthwhile posts" are mutually exclusive concepts--------;)

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 7:37:16 PM

how you both appear at the same time.  Kinda like Batman and Robin.  But the bizarro version.

The Illuminati? You can't be serious. You do know that the New World Order conspiracy theory is just fictious drivel, don't you?

My grandfather was a Free Mason. He even reached the level of high Potentate. Guess what? He didn't control the world. Hell, he couldn't even control his own bowel movements. He was just an old man who would go a temple and wear a funny hat. Nothing more, nothing less. He had no more control over world affairs than you do, MisterNo. Guess what? The nice old timers who visit the Elks Lodge don't control the world either. Neither do the folks who go to the VFW, or the Boys and Girls Club, or the YMCA.

I was so sure they did.  Or maybe it was the Jews?  No, the Freemasons must be right!  Wait a minit!  My grandpa was a Freemason!  And he also was a Jew!  So why did he die poor?  If these people are controlling the world they are doing a damn lousy job of it.

Priapus531261 reads

The JackieMasons ! Oy !

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 4:59:12 PM

THe JackieMasons were the ones with all the money.  We got bupkis.

nothing but blogs on the first page (I didn't go further than the first few links), which are opinions based on random facts. Like your post; opinion backed by others' words.

You must really think we're stupid.

You poor fool...

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 11:22:54 AM

mrnogood1322 reads

This is report was done by several governments, and hunam rights groups - Scroll to the bottom.

It's not just this, but how they define OR MEASURE ''information'' do we use bit, GB, MB - or europes system.

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 12:15:27 PM

mrnogood1139 reads

and that measurement, and what is taxed, THROUGH OUT THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD has been a problem.

The tax what is produced, ANOTHER MEASURE,  that is made off the metric system, OF THE GOOD THAT IS BEING PRODUCED.

Have you ever gotten a bottle, gallon of gas, ON A EUROPEAN METRIC? NO, and their is a payment to convert, another measure.

You are a victim in a system of measurements

Funny, I never would have thought you had a sense of humor.

As for a system of measurements, yes - every single one of us on this planet uses measurements. From the time we're conceived, we use measurements. But, I'm not a victim; I don't think most measurements are bad for us.

For example, without measurements, no one would know how to compare one provider's rates with another; without measurements, no provider would know if their arses can accommodate a client's... well, anyway, I digress.

Not all taxes are an evil, NG. Just the unwarranted ones. I'm w/ GaG on this; I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes (not that I'll ever make enough to be more than a pin-drop in the bucket) just so long as the spending of said taxes makes sense.

You're still confusing opinions with facts, but hey... this particular post of this entire thread is a little better than the rest of your rantings.

TRULY bothering you that we'll ever get from you.

If you're paying half in taxes, you're not taking the right deductions. And if you're paying that much in taxes, then you're looking at the wrong figures; if the government is taking half your income, you're a financially wealthy man. They only take that much from those who make lots and Lots and LOTS of money.

And if you aren't the one paying half in taxes, then let those who are work it out for themselves. They know more about how to do that than you (apparently) do.

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 2:32:04 PM

Your pathetic baltherings remind me of an even worse version of my wife.  She kept telling me she was the smartest person I know.  Then she said something so stupid, even she recognized it was dumb.  I looked at her and said:
"You are either the stupidest smart person I know, or the smartest stupid person I know.  Which is it?"
She was smart enough to laugh.  You, on the other hand, are not.
Therefore, you now take the cake as the "stupidest stupid person I know."
You are stupider than mein,  exfean, madison and all the other idiots put  together.
This is a remarkable accomplishment.  I hope you are proud.  I also sincerely hope your entire personna is a troll joke.  If not, well, you are just sad.

mrnogood1102 reads

If they want to tax cow farts, WHICH OUR GOVT IS TRYING TO DO, they will measure it.

If the want to tax movement WHICH THEY'RE TRYING TO DO TO, they measure it.


Measure EVERYTHING massah, take this pound, or liter for letting my kiss your clean boots..


-- Modified on 7/18/2011 5:08:13 PM

You have proven my point again.  BTW, WTF do you know about what taxes I pay or don't pay?  Answer: nothing.  My post was about your stupidity, not my taxes, fool.

Priapus531813 reads

& those of his "ILK" ( I Love Konspiracies-----LOL ) on this board.

Ok---back to that hiatus for sure.

-- Modified on 7/18/2011 12:08:57 PM

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