Politics and Religion

You're right. Now that it’s out there I’ll confess I hate you.
9-man 3684 reads
1 / 24

Just out of my liberal hope for the destruction of this nation.

No, not really. I see McCain as president being the best hope for the doom of Republicans. Apparently, Bush wasn't enough for you.

Yes, conservatives I wish the worst for my nation just so the Democrats can be in power.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1232 reads
2 / 24

Just out of my liberal hope for the destruction of this nation.
9-man, 8/5/2008 6:51:37 PM
"No, not really. I see McCain as president being the best hope for the doom of Republicans. Apparently, Bush wasn't enough for you.

Yes, conservatives I wish the worst for my nation just so the Democrats can be in power."

What a disgraceful,whiny, sniveling ,nothing of a man you are..
Maybe its just my poor education and my pride in my country that gets in my way,  but I sure hope if Obama gets elected, he does a much better job than I think he will..

RightwingUnderground 1088 reads
4 / 24

that's absolutely all you have left.

How about one more showing of honest response? How many of your liberal brethren endorse your viewpoint?

9-man 1118 reads
5 / 24

Think about how you suddenly believed that letting McCain be elected was part of my diabolical plan.

Yeah, like I would really meant that, and how willing you were to believe it . . . says something.  

I'm for Obama. I wouldn't dream of allowing Republicans four more years of reckless, unprincipled rule. That would be like letting the baby keep the nailgun.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2015 reads
6 / 24

9-man, "Yeah, like I would really meant that, and how willing you were to believe it . . . says something."

Yep says to me.. there is no way knowing when you are telling the truth or lying  
Typical Lefty

9-man 1851 reads
7 / 24

You bought it hook, line, sinker, part of the dock . . . you really believe liberals are holding that back?  

Really, I expected people to get the joke immediately, but apparently, you really believe liberals think that way, know it, and not only that, are holding back their confession.

If you're not embarrassed, I'm embarrassed for you, after I stop laughing. What a peculiar view of psychology.  

9-man 1783 reads
8 / 24

I expected some saucy responses to my sarcasm, I didn't expect you guys to actually believe it.

As for not knowing when I'm telling the truth or lying. I'd feel hurt, except you didn't know that anyway and don't really know it of anyone here. As far as you know, I'm a chick, and you like anyone else are just presuming that I'm Zinaval.

Next time I try for dry humor, I'll add one of those damn smiley faces that I thought were so unnecessary, not realizing anybody would believe it.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 8:18:55 PM

RightwingUnderground 1407 reads
9 / 24

I hate you with such a passion that I'm willing to believe anything that reinforces my hatred. When nothing honest comes along to reinforce my stereotype of you and your types I feel compelled to make stuff up. I may not always reveal what I make up, but I will keep repeating it in my mind until I actually start believing it.

Or wait. . .

maybe I believed your practical joke/ psych experiment simply because you have exhibited past behavior that makes it entirely plausible.

or maybe. . .
you're now feeling remorseful and are looking for a cleaver way to try to take it back.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 8:27:26 PM

Hiding In Openly 1403 reads
10 / 24

because most of them have been mistakenly identified you as Zin. Faulty intel must be their best excuse after all. I'll look forward to majority of them repeat their mistakes again and again.

Best regards

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1391 reads
11 / 24

My pride has nothing to do with what you post and actually people like you make me very proud that I am not like you...

 You seem to have strange  bounds of decency and the love for your country is not portrayed in your posts.

Timbow 1310 reads
12 / 24

Even if Obama wins he will only have a 4 year term worse then JIMMA Carter and the Reps with Liberman wiil stop him from destroying  the country . I doubt the DEms will get 60 votes now so we will survive.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2024 reads
13 / 24

"I doubt the DEms will get 60 votes now so we will survive."

I hope Pelosi keeps up with her no oil delusions and maybe we will get the majority back...Stranger things have happened..After all her Congress has much lower approval than Bush..

9-man 1463 reads
14 / 24

You might have gone around the bend to hatred here. It really never occurred to me it could be taken seriously. It was sarcasm. I expected to attract comments like, "oh, come off it Zin." I had to pick my jaw up off the keyboard when I saw what Quad wrote. Then I saw what you wrote.

It was a lame, half-hearted attempt at a little dry humor. It misfired.

I feel insulted by the response, though, and appalled it was taken seriously. So, I'm within one post of leaving the board again.

Ga, I'll still be on this website but not writing on P&R, and I reaffirm the bet. If McCain wins, you will get your money.

RightwingUnderground 1257 reads
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allows you to think that it's true. You actually can't see that I played your same trick on you?

Problem for you is that I admitted it in the same post so you have no excuse for being tricked except for the fact that you WANTED TO BELIEVE (in spite of the facts).

You're using this as an excuse to leave (again)? Must be that the shame and guilt overwhelms your feelings of being insulted.

Timbow 1325 reads
16 / 24

Yep ,the oil issue is helping the Reps and that tire pressure   gauge  not a wild joke by MAC at Sturgis may well go down in history as a symbol of defeat :)

RightwingUnderground 1544 reads
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9-man 1331 reads
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It would have been a good topic for discussion. Would have. It sounds so good now. Unfortunately, I'm off the board as of now.

And if McCain wins, GaGambler will still get his money. Just wanted to make that straight.

GaGambler 2088 reads
20 / 24

I have heard Republicans, true right wingers that despise McCain echo the same sentiment in reverse. Some of them, not so secretly hope that Obama is elected and that after he FUBARs this country that a true "conservative", I guess along the lines of a Romney will usher in a new era of Repulbican control.

It just reinforces my belief that I hate all partisans, not you in particular Zin, and not just lefties but all partisans are scary fucked up people when it comes to being put in charge, or what they're willing to do to get in charge.

BuckFush! 3544 reads
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The Idiot Bush and his evil overlord, Chaney, have already fucked this country over like never before. It will be up to McCain or Obama to clean up whatever is left over.

9-man 1915 reads
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I chose one because I am paranoid.

Shame and guilt? Not in the way you think. I'm embarrassed that what I wrote as a passing bit of sarcasm was taken seriously as being me. I'm insulted at that.  

Using this as an excuse to leave: fact is, if I'm posting here, I'm being irresponsible. That's mainly what I feel guilty of. My time should be directed elsewhere.

Moreover, you've been seeing me here a lot because I've been sick and home from work for an extended period. All of that is done with. Adding all of it together, and I should go.

I'll make an exception, I will post news items here, but I don't plan on commenting on them. It keeps a foot in here for GaGambler.

9-man 5835 reads
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I have a brother who will slip in statements in a way that you can't tell if he's being humorous or serious. I have done this here.

GaGambler 2070 reads
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I didn't think one way or the other about it. It just seemed like a typical Zin post to me. You have been the Chicken Little of the P&R board for as long as I can remember. Can you really blame anyone for believing your stated motivations? I believe I have accused you of exactly that on more than one occasion.

I don't see what the big deal is, or why you should be more offended at Quad's accusation then mine?

Oh well, let us know when you get published, I am sure some other partisan lefty will take your place and keep Moose company. lol

I'll be sure to spend the four hundred bucks you'll owe me come November on a provider, on that subject at least I'm sure we can agree.

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