Politics and Religion

You're reading the New York Times
St. Croix 273 reads

when you should have been trolling PCH on Saturday. There is always an accident or two on that stretch from Pepperdine University to Zuma Beach, and you missed the big one. I can see it now, cross dressing former Olympian being represented by a Saul Goodman wanna be. But now that I think about it, Saul the character is even less obnoxious than you (lol).  

And you're surprised that a writer from the NY Times has a similar view of Kyle, as does Bill Maher, Howard Dean, or Michael "waiting for a coronary" Moore, or most liberals for that matter? Do I need to explain to why Belinda Jenner is courageous, and Kyle is insane?  
Posted By: marikod
        Sometimes I wonder, and sometimes I just don’t know. Am I the only one who thinks a 65 year old man who, after fathering numerous children and living with the Kardasians, decides he is really a woman at heart is insane, or at least deranged? This guy is not courageous – he is sick.  
        And a guy tasked with protecting servicemen from suicide bombers and worse who acts out a bit when he comes home, is anything but courageous?  
       True- I am prejudiced against cross-dressers – if I ever come across Mein when he is wearing a dress, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.  
       But it seems to me that this is political correctness run amok.  For once, Fox News got it right and the mighty New York Times struck out.  

Sometimes I wonder, and sometimes I just don’t know. Am I the only one who thinks a 65 year old man who, after fathering numerous children and living with the Kardasians, decides he is really a woman at heart is insane, or at least deranged? This guy is not courageous – he is sick.

       And a guy tasked with protecting servicemen from suicide bombers and worse who acts out a bit when he comes home, is anything but courageous?

      True- I am prejudiced against cross-dressers – if I ever come across Mein when he is wearing a dress, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.

      But it seems to me that this is political correctness run amok.  For once, Fox News got it right and the mighty New York Times struck out

...is insane, or at least deranged?  If he's caught he will be disbarred because it's a crime of moral turpitude.

Who in his right mind would take the chance of destroying his career and his family?  It's not like he can pick up his tools and get a job in another state.

Of course, this doesn't apply to you, marikod, because you're neither a lawyer nor a hobbyist.  You're just here for shits and giggles - and to pass judgment on others.

St. Croix274 reads

when you should have been trolling PCH on Saturday. There is always an accident or two on that stretch from Pepperdine University to Zuma Beach, and you missed the big one. I can see it now, cross dressing former Olympian being represented by a Saul Goodman wanna be. But now that I think about it, Saul the character is even less obnoxious than you (lol).  

And you're surprised that a writer from the NY Times has a similar view of Kyle, as does Bill Maher, Howard Dean, or Michael "waiting for a coronary" Moore, or most liberals for that matter? Do I need to explain to why Belinda Jenner is courageous, and Kyle is insane?  

Posted By: marikod
        Sometimes I wonder, and sometimes I just don’t know. Am I the only one who thinks a 65 year old man who, after fathering numerous children and living with the Kardasians, decides he is really a woman at heart is insane, or at least deranged? This guy is not courageous – he is sick.  
        And a guy tasked with protecting servicemen from suicide bombers and worse who acts out a bit when he comes home, is anything but courageous?  
       True- I am prejudiced against cross-dressers – if I ever come across Mein when he is wearing a dress, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.  
       But it seems to me that this is political correctness run amok.  For once, Fox News got it right and the mighty New York Times struck out.  

Nor is anyone always rational in all aspects of their lives. Just some of us put together longer strings o seconds, minutes, hours, in such states than others. I'm not up on the story of Chris Kyle, and I just heard about Chris Jenner from you, but I suspect all of what I just said can be applied to them.  ;)

CltLuvr276 reads

Come on mattradd, there's a huge gap between irrational and insane.

An irrational person crosses the street against a red light.  

An insane person has his dick cut off because he would rather be a women.

It's not a choice any of them wanted to have to make. It's a anomaly, though it does happen, where a persons brain's gender does not match his or her genitalia. And, if they choose to make the change, they go through intensive psychotherapy and medical consultations before being approved for the procedures needed to gone through for that change. So, it would be a hard sell to convince any psychiatric professional or psychiatric institution or facility that a person who had made the change was insane. Now, a person who had cut his own dick off, maybe so!   ;)

Yes 65 is too old to be jumping on the tranny-train. This comparison reminds me of the Bradly Manning story. If Manning wasn't accused of treason, he'd be the "new" American hero I mean she?

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