Politics and Religion

You're qualified? You have to be 35 y.o., young man. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 673 reads


randomvr3014185 reads

It is about time these crooks are sent to prison instead of Governor's mansions.    Whoever has the evidence, letters and anything in writing that can be used to send Florida Governor Rick Scott to prison for defrauding Medicare to its biggest ever $1+ billion will be a true patriot and national hero.

Next up:

1. Rick Perry - Abuse of power
2. Scott Walker - Violation of Election Laws to win 2012 recall
3. Chris Christie - GWB closure for political pay back

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 4:30:54 PM

Because that was straight shooting there!

So have fun fantasizing about the rest of the people you hate going down. Of course if we're really gonna clean up corruption we won't have many Democrats left, and that would be a damn shame.

Posted By: csekhar73
It is about time these crooks are sent to prison instead of Governor's mansions.    Whoever has the evidence, letters and anything in writing that can be used to send Florida Governor Rick Scott to prison for defrauding Medicare to its biggest ever $1+ billion will be a true patriot and national hero.  
 Next up:  
 1. Rick Perry - Abuse of power  
 2. Scott Walker - Violation of Election Laws to win 2012 recall  
 3. Chris Christie - GWB closure for political pay back

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 4:30:54 PM

-- Modified on 9/4/2014 5:24:52 PM

These idiots want to throw shit against the wall to see what sticks. If they hear enought of it, they'll believe it.

86H13LTP638 reads

that if it were to go to far  ,the Generals , under the Constitution , have the authority to remove him from office .

Let's over throw this piece of shit.....Dude, chill....you only got two more years. Take a trip to the Ukraine,smoke a joint and enjoy the scenery...you're too tightly wound.

Yeah right!   It is the GOP Governors who are prison bound and not the two people you are naming.     See, you have to come up with something more believable.

President Obama is the most honest family man ever to become a President.

... and Fox News, or as Shakespeare described Limbaugh in Macbeth: "...it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

How come your star Republican Darrel the car thief has not found this out yet and held an inquiry?    You cannot prosecute people based on what you see and hear on FOX News Channel.   LMAO.

They insulted the jury and they didn't buy it. This crazy wife defense didn't fly and it backfired on them. 20 Year sentence for $165,000 of gifts, was it worth it? Those greedy bastard.

... and don't tell me you don't know about those high caliber country club prisons.

Eglin aka Club Fed recently closed, but there are a number of other minimum security facilities called Federal camps.

corporate executives convicted of a white collar felony like bilking shareholders out of billions tend to get a much easier stretch than say, a poor black man stealing a loaf of bread for the dinner table.
They might both get 5-10, but who do you think is going to the pen with cable TV and queen size beds in their room

I could see if you didn't want your tax dollars being spent to fund club fed. Now if that were true you wouldn't want your tax dollars being spent on prosecuting the case to begin with.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and don't tell me you don't know about those high caliber country club prisons.  
 Eglin aka Club Fed recently closed, but there are a number of other minimum security facilities called Federal camps.  
 corporate executives convicted of a white collar felony like bilking shareholders out of billions tend to get a much easier stretch than say, a poor black man stealing a loaf of bread for the dinner table.  
 They might both get 5-10, but who do you think is going to the pen with cable TV and queen size beds in their room?  
Have you been listening to the word of Jesus?

It doesn't upset me nearly as much as your ignorance.

Have you been listening to the voices in your head? Or the words coming out of your ass?

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
It doesn't upset me nearly as much as your ignorance.  
 Have you been listening to the voices in your head? Or the words coming out of your ass?
TVIMH, we had a meeting and we unanimously agree that I shouldn't put to much effort in being concerned with a corrupt politician. Not that I believe politicians should be corrupted by investors, that's just the way it usually is.

He rejected a plea offer from the prosecutors where his wife wouldn't do time, and he probably would have got the 10 years but would have actually done 5. Either he's a vindictive fuck or he thought his shit don't stink. Oh well, just as well for his sorry ass

May be his prison bound wife should be given a trans vaginal ultrasound every day while she spends the next 35 years in prison

JackDunphy964 reads

You just ran out of time on your way out to the raise the min wage to $15 rally right

The cowboy is prison bound instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for which he had a big 0% chance.


Rick Perry?

1. Not another Texas cowboy to start wars, cut taxes and bankrupt the country.
2. Not someone who does not know the voting age and where is Benghazi
3. I cannot think of a third, OOOPS

86H13LTP694 reads

in the illini block , renamed for all the Illinois Dems who reside there.

salonpas831 reads

They are both being charged for accepting gifts perfectly legal under Virginia State Laws. Not only will they probably spend the next decade in prison but will be completely bankrupt by the end of this trial. Hurrah to the asshole prosecutors who have not seen fit to prosecute a single banker or credit rating agency, the same turds responsible for the worst financial disaster in history.

JackDunphy786 reads

The penalty just doesn't seem to fit the crime, if we are to believe they could get 20 some years. Is that accurate?

I mean you can rape a kid and get just a few years in some states but this is all white collar crime. Same thing with pot. Lets not take up finite jail space for non violent criminals.  

In this case make them make restitution, hit him with a huge fine and 6-12 months in the pokey sounds like the right punishment.

Does anyone drastically disagree with me on this one?

His wife could have been spared time.But he didn't so fuck his ass.They flaunted all the "gifts" and treated this like their own personal ATM. As a politician you got to keep this shit on the down low if you're going to play this game. Oh and a 6k Rolex?? What a cheap fuck, that watch is 6K, USED!

...when the verdicts were being read.  They weren't tears of remorse since he didn't apologize.  All he said to reporters after the verdict was: "All I can say is my trust remains in the Lord."  A lot of good that did for Gov. Vaginal Ultrasound.  He should have put his trust in Horus instead of that bowdlerized version plagiarized by Christians.  (Hey DA, you've got a convert!)

McDonnell is a hypocritical thumper who got what he deserved.  And his children weren't innocent either.  They raided the kitchen of the governor's mansion, taking food and liquor.  McDonnell was forced to reimburse the state for his children's thefts.

Screw all of them but the thumper gov won't get more than a year or two and his wife will probably just get home confinement.

"All I can say is my trust remains in the Lord.".

So in prison he will get to meet a Lord whose name will be DeJesus who likes to grab the  fu*king asses of crooks like this man.

He was elected by the people and held a public office.   He should get the maximum sentence which is as I read 35 years in prison.    There he will definitely meet a guy named Jesus who will grab his fu*ing ass for what it is worth.

Like our President, if you are elected stay and live within your salary and don't go for handouts.   It will get you one day.

"Worst financial disaster in history" under Dubiya's watch!   LOL.   Dubiya did not send them to prison but gave them $900 million and bailed them out.     Thank heaven and bless you all seniors, Dubiya did not succeed putting social security funds in stock market as he wanted.    Sane people put brakes on him.     Otherwise all of that would have been wiped out like all those people who saw their 401(k) and retirement money disappear.

Thanks to President Obama, the money has been now recovered, DOW has gained 10,000 points since he took office.

Posted By: csekhar73
Thanks to President Obama, the money has been now recovered, DOW has gained 10,000 points since he took office.
Do you really not know where the money came from that has inflated the stock markets?

The FED had it PRINTED and virtually gave it to the banks.

and I'm sure those that are retired can rest alittle bit better now. Printed or not.

No. Additional money has been "created".

Interest rates cannot be held this artificially low forever. When they do increase, and they will, the FED will not have pulled nearly enough of all that extra money out of the system to avoid large scale inflation. Wait and see how much food and shelter you'll be able to buy with your new found gains, never mind hookers.

and QE has not caused a single dollar to be added to the currency in circulation. In fact, the Fed does not even have currency printing presses; they are all at the Treasury. Nor is the fed giving money to the banks; at best it is paying a higher interest rate for loans than the daily rate.

        You have fallen for another erroneous cliché often seen in the press. If you do a little reading, however, you will see that, at a risk of over simplifying, the Fed effectively borrows from the banks at a higher rate than the banks would pay each other and then uses that money to buy securities. More technically, the Fed electronically increases the reserve balances the commercial banks are required to hold with the Fed.  The money supply is not increased by one dollar.

        And while QE has played some role in the robust stock market, the notion that the rise is even primarily attributable to this policy has been rejected by most scholars. But we will save that complex discussion for another time.

Posted By: ed2000
Posted By: csekhar73
Thanks to President Obama, the money has been now recovered, DOW has gained 10,000 points since he took office.
 Do you really not know where the money came from that has inflated the stock markets?  
 The FED had it PRINTED and virtually gave it to the banks.

They HAD it printed. Of course they do not do it themselves but it was THEIR actions that resulted in it happening. Also PRINTED is a simplistic euphemism for the creation of electronic funds that I thought 73 could understand. Of course the paper was not actually printed.

Also missed was the word VIRTUALLY. The rate charged on the loan is so low it might as well have been a gift.  

P.S. You listen to the wrong "scholars". Anyone that thinks the massive increase in the M1 supply is not responsible for the present stock bubble is smoking more than weed. Now the FED needs to figure out how to withdraw it without causing ill effects (good luck)

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