Politics and Religion

you're full of shit
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 192 reads

you cite marx? LMAO!!! How many people have had to be killed to achieve your Utopia?


...clothes on when it comes to a healthcare alternative to Obamacare:

"I think one of the most unfortunate things my party did the last three years was not offer an alternative to health care. I’ve always felt that way. I think it’s absurd when I tell people that this isn’t what you should do, but I don’t have an alternative for you."

ACA, they should just play that clip over and over again in their campaign ads!

RokkKrinn203 reads

As soon as a proposal is put forward (generally a new and expensive government program designed to "solve" a problem), anybody against it is hit with the "Well, what's *your* solution to the problem?" argument.

Doesn't matter whether the argument is for an increase in the size and scope of government involvement in medical care, or bailouts for institutions deemed "too big to fail".  If the other team doesn't have a counter-proposal to deal with the "problem", they (in many people's eyes) have "lost" the debate.

There are very few people in government who have the cojones to raise their hand and speak a simple truth:  "When did we agree that (insert name of so-called "problem" here) was a matter for the Federal Government to address?"

The enumerated powers of the Federal Government are actually very few in number.  If the Constitution doesn't reserve a power for the Federal Government, then that power rightfully belongs to the States or to the People (see Amendments IX and X in the Bill of Rights).

Healthcare:  Not a federal matter

Failure of large institutions:  Not a federal matter

Practically anything other than the enumerated powers:  Not a federal matter

There are currently several Congresscritters and Senators who make arguments like these.  I hope they keep talking, and can punch their way through the BS that emanates from the government-media complex and start making a real impression in the national debate.

Republocrats and Demopublicans..they both have to go...

Preventing revolution is federal matter. Preventing mass murder, preventing starvation, preventing people dying in the street, epidemics are all federal problems to solve.  

Libertarian bull shit. It is like Karl Marx said in Das Capital, when the state reaches perfect equality under communism, “the state shall whither away”, didn’t happen, did it. Like egalitarian society is not achievable under right wings, tea party or under libertarian bull shit

you cite marx? LMAO!!! How many people have had to be killed to achieve your Utopia?


cuz all this time I thought his head has nothing in it.  

his mind is clear...  LMAO

RokkKrinn194 reads

I refer you to the Declaration of Independence:

"...,That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Ergo, it is the responsibility of the People to hold their Goverment accountable, with the implicit threat that Government only be allowed to exist with the consent of the Governed.  Apparently, you believe the opposite--that the Government is superior to the individual.  If that's really what you think, there are a lot of other countries (more and more each day, it seems) that believe that.  You might consider relocating to one of those nations...

When has there ever been mass murder in the US?  Maybe in the case of the American Indian, I could agree, but that ended a long time ago.  Meanwhile, mass murder as a governmental philosophy is on the march in many parts of the globe.

Prevent starvation?  Who's starving in modern-day America?  Or dying in the street?  Epidemics?  What are we talking about here?

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