Politics and Religion

Your shorted post ever. Lol
JackDunphy 93 reads

That tells me all I need to know. ;)

Is it the fact that he spoke at a mosque, or was it something he said there?  ;)

I didn't read anything about them being "under FBI investigation, presently!  And, for that matter even in the past! ;)

And, the Imam in question left in 2003.  ;)

And, you seemed to choose the option of one talking head over another!  ;)

And, I wonder if this totally non-biased reporter exercised any investigative journalism to determine the culture of that mosque, presently. I suspect, no! If she did, and it had reinforced the narrative of a radical culture existing there, I'm certain it would have been included in the article!  ;)  

Gee, Jack! If I didn't know better, I'd think you can't think beyond the gruel Fox News feeds you!   ;)


Obama's whole point is to show that Muslims are like everyone else, correct?

So instead of choosing a mosque with a pristine reputation, he goes with one with a sullied past.

This makes sense to you????

"Obama's whole point is to show that Muslims are like everyone else, correct?"

His point is, their rights to religious freedom of worship are just as valid as any church, or synagogue or temple.

And, where would you find this "mosque with a pristine reputation?" And, who would be the judge of that. For many Republicans there is no such animal!   ;)

And, you go by one article to judge their spiritual culture regarding peaceful vs. hostile behavior?  ;)

One arrest after an investigation 5 years ago. They must be a hot bed of radical Islamist's!   ;)

Again!  Reaaaaally! Fox News!

Nice job shooting the messenger and not worrying about the message.  

Remind yourself that next time you link to the HuffyPoo. LOL

But maybe you are right.

Maybe there isn't ANY mosques with a pristine rep.

Who knew? :D

-- Modified on 2/4/2016 4:11:05 PM

What Obama investigation?

And when did the investigate mentioned in the article end?

regarding Muslims!  ;)

"But Kelly pressed on, saying the neighbors 'saw men going in and out of the garage.'"

"'They saw packages being delivered. They saw Muslims, and they did not think that was enough to call the cops. Do you?' she asked."

Last night on “The Last Word w/Lawrence O’Donnell”, they really took a risk and it backfired on them when they had a Muslim woman guest who was very upset with Obama’s speech. Her objection was based primarily on his choice of mosque. Her point was how roughly 2 out of 3 mosques in the U.S. treat women. She claimed to having recently been to this mosque in question where women are not allowed into the normal prayer areas and are forced into the balcony which is dimly lit, where they are kept out of site of the men and are relegated to being less than second class. And yet it’s Obama that claims to be leading the charge for gender equality.

Her most hitting point used the analogy of what the reaction would be if a President spoke at a church where the black members of the congregation were treated the same as the way two-thirds of mosques treat their women. Jonathan Alter’s only comeback was, “Well, the Orthodox Jews do it also.”

I couldn’t find a video. Given the content it’s obvious why they will not be making it available.

Facts don't matter here no matter where they come from. Right wing source, left wing source.....it just doesn't matter.

The libs here decided to go full wk on Barry and the mosque, and once that happens, nothing can change their mind.

As any rational observer knows, Islam as practiced by far too many of its worshipper, is bigoted, dangerous, homophobic and antiquated. It needs to evolve and come out of the stone ages.

Funny thing is, with liberals wk for it all the time, it makes that evolution all the more unlikely. I always thought libs stood for tolerance, openness and were pro woman and pro gay rights. And maybe they are, unless a muslim is involved and all their liberalism vanishes when that happen. Odd.

Bill maher has made some libs come around on this issue, maybe he can bring others into the light

So, now you confab with your best bud, who can't even post the show he's referring to, for our own analysis. We are just suppose to take his word for how it reads. You guys really do practice your insular thinking in a bubble.  ;)

P.S. I read the Wall Street Journal, and I'd be happy to send you my papers when I'm done with them! ;)

P.S. And, I don't watch cable or network news, other than BBC, when I'm traveling out of the country.  ;)

You will have to search a little for it but I just watched it again on line. MSNBC full episode access requires logging in. They accepted my account credentials with my cable provider, very similar to my access to HBO-GO. I didn't check fully; they might allow the creation of an independent account but I suspect it requires an accompanying account with one of their partnering distributors.

The episode date was 2/3/2016. The Muslim woman is Asra Nomani, author and Daily Beast contributor. Her first comment starts at 31:00. To put the segment into full context start at 29:00. It runs through 37:45

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