Politics and Religion

Your linked source doesn't come close to even making a case for your claims.
marikod 1 Reviews 1832 reads
1 / 30

Washington Post Fact checker concludes Rubio, not Hillary, is the liar
         Apparently, Marco Rubio reads the P & R Board because he stated in the debate that Hillary “spent over a week telling the …American people that it was because of a video.”  Some of our lost and confused righties made a similar claim last week.

           After examining Hillary’s PUBLIC statements during this period, however,  the Washington Post fact checker has concluded that Rubio is the one who lied, not Hillary.  While some family members claim Hillary told them in private that the video was the cause of the Benghazi attack, there is no PUBLIC statement from Hillary- as opposed to Susan Rice and the WH – that the video caused the Benghazi attack.  So while we can’t conclude whether she lied to the families in private, she never made the public statement about video-Benghazi causation that has been attributed to her. (A Breibart article faulting the fact checker likewise fails to list any public statement that the video caused the attack).

       The Post has awarded “Two Pinocchios” to Rubio. Should we give the lost and confused  righties “Two Pinocchios”?

      Nah….Let’s give them Three. LOL

GaGambler 274 reads
2 / 30

and at the risk of agreeing with you, it was Susan Rice and the White House who have the most culpability where it comes to Benghazi. Hillary has done a LOT of despicable things in her life, but I do like to place blame where it properly belongs, and IMHO Hillary was only guilty of being a "good soldier" it's not like she was going to come out  and call her boss a liar.

mattradd 40 Reviews 258 reads
3 / 30
followme 294 reads
4 / 30

hillwhorie has some responsibility for the lack of security in Benghazi.

There is also no doubt, that the sly, evasive, and at times snooty and sarcastic way she responds to the questions about the video, she knew it was not the video yet the victims families say she told them it was the video( they have no reason or anything to gain by lying  about it so they are  completely believable).

Yes of course she was protecting obama who has responsibility too.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

HONDA 153 Reviews 293 reads
5 / 30

............to testify along with Hillary about security issues. Their absence is proof positive this was a political witch hunt against her all along. Where have you been? In your igloo? The Benghazi hearings backfired on Republicans, I doubt we will hear much about Benghazi after the shellacking the Committee chair Rep. Gowdy took from Republican conservatives and the MSM. You can stick a fork in it.....lol

Posted By: followme
hillwhorie has some responsibility for the lack of security in Benghazi.  
 There is also no doubt, that the sly, evasive, and at times snooty and sarcastic way she responds to the questions about the video, she knew it was not the video yet the victims families say she told them it was the video( they have no reason or anything to gain by lying  about it so they are  completely believable).  
 Yes of course she was protecting obama who has responsibility too.  
 You're Welcome  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

GaGambler 296 reads
6 / 30

many of whom like Susan Rice should have had their careers ended over this won't, mainly because instead of going all the way to the top in the form of Obama, or concentrating on those who bore the bulk of the guilt, namely Susan Rice, the committee chose to focus on Hillary who was most likely the least culpable of any of them for as you said "political purposes"

Obama covered this up for political reasons, he wanted to keep his job. The Republicans went on a witch hunt against Hillary Clinton also for political reasons, they want to win the White House. It appears that NO ONE was looking for the truth so the guilty parties get off scot free and the GOP rightfully ends up with egg on their face.

I guess we should just chalk it up to "politics as usual" no one can claim the high moral ground here, both parties come off looking pretty bad to anyone really paying attention.

HONDA 153 Reviews 260 reads
7 / 30

This should never have been politicized the way it has. Unfortunately we have 4 dead American's and zero chance of ever getting to the bottom of whatever happened that fateful night in Benghazi.

followme 284 reads
8 / 30

The investigation is not over , how do you know they will not be called to testify, have you been talking to Wayne Simmons too.

You're Welcome  
2016 = GOP WH Senate and House

followme 277 reads
9 / 30

Posted By: HONDA
This should never have been politicized the way it has. Unfortunately we have 4 dead American's and zero chance of ever getting to the bottom of whatever happened that fateful night in Benghazi.

and that is because hillwhorie and the obama administration is covering up (deleting) the truth and made it political long before anyone started any investigation(s).

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP All The Wa

ed2000 31 Reviews 265 reads
10 / 30

Does anybody think that Rice's multiple and rehearsed statements were unapproved? Of course HRC is not alone in the culpability. The only person I trust less than HRC is BHO. Of course he's more responsible but most Republican's can't find their ball sacks let alone think about going after BHO with impeachment (the only real recourse)

And the Washington Post's extensive defense of Clinton's position totally ignored input from people such as General Carter Ham.

-- Modified on 10/30/2015 8:38:33 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 250 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 264 reads
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She was simply the Ambassador to the U.N at the time and was nothing but Clinton's (and Obama's) mouth piece.

-- Modified on 10/30/2015 9:51:32 PM

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 273 reads
13 / 30
followme 262 reads
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For the lack of security or the like, however, though she was just the obama and clinton  mouthpiece and lackey,  there is no doubt she knew the story about the video was bullshit, when she went on the Sunday talk shows and lied for obama and clinton.

Thank you

GaGambler 287 reads
15 / 30

It was she that told the bald faced lies over and over about what happened in Benghazi, while Hillary was only a bit player in the cover up if at all. I put Hillary in the "middle management" or 'upper middle management" at the most in this. The orders came down from the White House, Susan Rice was the mouthpiece, laying all this at Hillary's feet IMO is a matter of trying to get political payback and nothing to do with justice any longer.

If the committee had gone 100% after Obama for this, I would have supported them, or if they had put 100% effort into getting the woman who had the most to do with the cover up in the form of Susan Rice, I would have supported that as well, but to let the people who did the ordering AND the person who did 90% of the lying off the hook just to focus on trying to knock the Democratic frontrunner out of the race just doesn't fly that well with me.  

Just remember this was a cover up designed to get Obama reelected, not Hillary. Going after her is like punishing NCAA teams for what their previous coach did before today's players had even signed with the school. I just don't buy the theory that Hillary was an enthusiastic part of the cover up.

ed2000 31 Reviews 273 reads
16 / 30

That's like going after the White House Press Secretary for making a statement. He's the face of the WH but absolutely powerless (except to resign of course). HRC on the other hand was Rice's direct boss, knew what she was doing and to a lesser degree powerless (except to resign). My guess is HRC refused to participate so vocally (smart politics not good ethics) so BHO ordered out someone more willing. That still makes HRC part of the cover up and her helping Obama get reelected was part of helping herself get elected in 2016. And this whole thing did revolve around State Department decisions. And CIA to some extent. We don't think Ambassador Stevens was really in Benghazi to open a cultural center do we? It was part of the covert CIA arms deal BHO was cooking up. But to not go after Hillary is not serving justice either. The little fish and the big whales go free all the time. Ask any DA. You get what you an get. And what that goes on in DC isn't political? Plus what's come out about her email legalities has nothing to do with Benghazi.

GaGambler 327 reads
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and I blame the GOP almost as much as I blame Obama et al for the way they handled this. The GOP had the chance to go after Obama for this if they had the political balls to do so. They miscalculated and lost by going after Hillary. That's life, guilty people get away with crimes everyday, The Republicans blew this one and harping about it for a decade like the Dems do about hanging chads and the like isn't going to do anything but make them lose even more credibility.

Sometimes you have to take your losses and move on, that's what the GOP needs to do in regards to Benghazi.

ed2000 31 Reviews 319 reads
18 / 30

If it hadn't been for this most recent investigation by those with balls (which has been much more real than all the previous ones) the email issues would most likely never have come to light.  

Justice can be served in many ways. Sometimes the only leverage over a known but "not provable" person is to convince them to resign, thus preventing them from continuing their escapades. I see this as not much different. HRC just needs an additional push from the 2016 electorate to go home.

-- Modified on 10/31/2015 1:48:06 PM

GaGambler 250 reads
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With the GOP maintaining at least split control of Congress, having Hillary in the Oval Office really wouldn't bother me, but giving Bernie Sanders even a snowballs chance in hell of ruining this country is risk I would rather not take.

Am I placing my own interests above those of so called justice? Perhaps, but this nation may never recover from a Bernie Presidency, and I for one don't ever want to find out.

mattradd 40 Reviews 262 reads
20 / 30

"HRC just needs an additional push from the 2016 electorate to go home." Unless someone can pin a crime on her, I don't see her going any place she doesn't want to go.  ;)

GaGambler 292 reads
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After all her previous address for eight years was on Pennsylvania avenue. So in a way winning the Presidency would mean her returning to someplace she lived before.  

Come on Matt, I thought of all people you would have thought of that one before me. lol

ed2000 31 Reviews 266 reads
22 / 30

True to your form you distort the facts surrounding Tillman's death. His unit indeed tried to cover it up. Within a week, but unfortunately after the family had been "officially" told the incorrect version, the Generals involved opened an investigation suspecting fratricide. A Congressional Oversight Committee that did investigate, tried to hang their hat on a memo sent to GWB telling him to be careful in his public statements since an investigation was ongoing, so of course that must be evidence of a cover up. If it was such a big cover up, how is that within a month the family had been apologized to by the Army and told the truth? Once you tell the truth, these things tend to go away except for those that care nothing about the truth.

ed2000 31 Reviews 258 reads
24 / 30

The facts are as I stated, Bush was told to be careful about making any statements as the death was under investigation. The reason for the investigation at that point in time was it was highly likely it had been fratricide. My point is your so called "cover up" lasted privately only about a week and within a month the investigation was over and the results were published which included a formal apology to the family.

You attempted to compare this response to Obama's. Show us an example where his administration was this quick and forthcoming. I can show several where Obama and no one that works for him still refuse to take any responsibility and continue to blame others

GaGambler 251 reads
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I think it's fair that we call Laffy a racist for his hatred of Ben Carson. I can't wait until he starts calling Carson a KKKlown, I think he has called Carson something along those lines already.

I love watching him turning himself into a pretzel trying to justify why hating Carson is somehow "different" than despising Obama.

ed2000 31 Reviews 250 reads
26 / 30

You're dangerously close to agreeing with far right loons and far left ones that Bush ordered the murder. Even General Wesley Clark said so.


mattradd 40 Reviews 241 reads
27 / 30

Hillary wins. Maybe everyone will have forgotten, by then, that you said it first!  ;)

Do you believe? I hope not! ;)

GaGambler 265 reads
28 / 30

any faint praise I give to the GOP however, gets me labeled as a "rabid righty"

So feel free to use it next November, assuming of course that Hillary actually wins, which of course is not exactly going out too far on a limb. I can't wait to hear Laffy claiming that he was the FIRST to predict she would get elected.

ed2000 31 Reviews 242 reads
29 / 30

When I state something as purely an individual, as a personal thought it never matters to you. The only thing that matters to you at that point is what you think ALL people on the right say or think.

Bigot AND hypocrite. And THAT is an observation about just one person, YOU.

ed2000 31 Reviews 243 reads
30 / 30

Posted By: Laffy

 You lied about what I said.
I did no such thing. Close to agreeing is not agreeing.

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