Politics and Religion

sassyfla See my TER Reviews 1821 reads

You are no comedian and it is not entertaining. Maybe it's just me, but nonsense like this is just annoying .  No one wants to hear such garbage,  it we choose not to read or speak to Laffy,  we can do as much,  but for your to come on and act like a child is just nettlesome.  Go crawl back under your rock,   until you can come out and be a gentleman,  I know "you"  have it in you,  I've seen it.

Some of us come on here to learn and educate ourselves about both sides,  in order to make an intelligent decision,  because this will probably be one of the most important elections of our lifetime,   as the crossroads of our (American) history is upon us.

I do want to take the time to thank WW and Jeff for their taking their time, to explain their position on certain issues in previous posts,  as it has certainly made me look at varying issues in a different light,   i.e. expanded my horizon.  Doesn't mean I agree, :-),  but thats OK,  it  gives me a different perspective.

Please be nice to one another,  there are enough wars going on in the world,  we don't need a war in our own little microcosm of the world.  

Lets agree to disagree for just one day and see what happens.  (Hugs to all)

while we are divided at home, who is running off with all the middle classes loot?  The poor got some crumbs, but we are divided at home on who gets the blame.  The middle class invested in stock market took a loss.  Now I see the upper middle class buying up the property and a wider gap of the have and have nots.  And the the lower middle class pulled towards the poor, trying to hold onto to their little piece.  I think a lot of ego's will be deflated before its over, and some can't wait to see us fall (other countries and some right here at home).  Thank You.

salonpas374 reads

In reality, the differences are purely cosmetic and are exaggerated for propaganda and fund-raising purposes. Both stooge parties are in thrall to Wall Street, the financial sector, the Heath-care cartels, the Military Industrial complex, the National Security cartel; etc and they all support a global Empire and endlessly rising public debt to finance their cronies. They have consistently supported private profits while shifting monumental losses to the public. They have consistently supported an out-of-control Federal Reserve. In every truly important way, the two stooge parties are merely two sides of the same coin.

they are all friends behind the curtain. Thank You.

Posted By: salonpas
In reality, the differences are purely cosmetic and are exaggerated for propaganda and fund-raising purposes. Both stooge parties are in thrall to Wall Street, the financial sector, the Heath-care cartels, the Military Industrial complex, the National Security cartel; etc and they all support a global Empire and endlessly rising public debt to finance their cronies. They have consistently supported private profits while shifting monumental losses to the public. They have consistently supported an out-of-control Federal Reserve. In every truly important way, the two stooge parties are merely two sides of the same coin.

mrnogood284 reads

where we're citizens of the world!

While we are all in-fighting and dividing,  the world is seeing the chance to capitalize and take us over.  We,  as a people need to grow up and unite,  until then,  we do not stand a chance of survival.

Sad but True

-- Modified on 9/22/2012 1:32:08 AM

When did we become so fearful and paranoid, what happened to the can do attitude? When you regularly imbibe fear mongering courage vanishes.

The world is lot more progressive than we are on many fronts. Get out of the country and travel around. Sit in a Coffee Shop, start a conversation with a local and see what learn. Doesn’t matter whether it is in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, Middle East, Asia, South Asia or Africa.

If you say Chinas, you are wrong; we are the biggest consumers of their products next to EU. Remember, I said significant hence, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt and Syria doesn’t count.

babablowme169 reads

I agree with u 100%. But, I nor should anyone entertain a racist pig like Laffy. You cant see his racism by reading what he writes? Do I go after anyone else? No..... Why would anyone give a racist cred? Only if you agree with him?

GaGambler187 reads

but I thought I would take the time to post on this thread to prove that baba isn't me. I certainly agree with baba's assessment on Daffy, and I get the whole "fighting fire with fire" concept, but I would never put that much effort into trying to "out troll the troll" but I have to say it isn't a bad idea, and sorry Cherie, but the damage has already been done here by Daffy, Jeffy and the rest of the loud mouthed, bigoted partisans that now infest this board. Nothing baba can do can make this place any worse than the cesspool that it has already become.

This place has truly gone TSTTT, and you can all go fuck yourselves. Or at least most of you can. There are still a few people here worth talking to, but they are drowned out by the likes of Jeff and Daffy.

When the right wing nuts are unable to refute the facts as presented they resort to personal attacks and insults.

who happens to be a legend in his own mind, the richest man on the planet (even though didn’t’ your name on Forbes list) and who has fucked every chicana in South America.

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