Politics and Religion

Home depot co-founder billionaire : "fat cats are people too"
Priapus53 3692 reads

I think Home Depot's competition, Lowe's, could make a "killing" stocking up on following product--------;)

...who organized businessmen to deprive funds of politicians who support the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for people to form or join a union. He's also the same guy who tried to have tort reform enacted so that he wouldn't get sued when his company drops a pallet on a customer's head.

So the problem with the economy is that rich fucks like Langone feel guilty with wrecking the economy and getting bailed out by the taxpayers they fucked over. What a fucking cry baby.

I'll tell ya what. I have no problem with Obama patting this twerp on the head, so long as the Occupy protesters all get to line up and take turns kicking him in the nuts.

Snowman392462 reads

That's why the National Guard has automatic weapons.

While the loser OWS crowds try to lug that up to the town square, they will be in the opening for easy shots.

We've been here before. The Guard won...

Priapus531720 reads

Dude, where did I advocate mob violence ?! Chill & take your meds.

Perhaps reading a good back will calm you down----------since it sounds like you have ADD, even an abridged comic book version will do--------

Snowman39981 reads

you suggest the sale of a device to behead people should go through the roof, and then say...

Who, Me, advocate violence???

Damn dude, instead of askeing me to read, perhaps you need to go back and read your own posts!!

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