Politics and Religion

You sound like an ignorant hillbillie that just hates the President no matter what...
RaymondDonovan 2867 reads
1 / 47

is crumbling due partly to sanctions and the drop in oil, and the jobless rate is 5.8.Ebola and Isis are non issues now because the election is over, so what's the bitch?
I know the usual party pooper will chime in so let's hear it. And if I hear Obamacare I'll kick my dog....lol

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 9:43:24 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 826 reads
2 / 47
JackDunphy 469 reads
3 / 47

Stop trying to spin the numbers bro. The middle class is fucked. So keep trying to tell the American people they are wrong and you are right.

It's fkin hysterical. Lol.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 12:29:13 AM

bigguy30 683 reads
4 / 47

When you block a jobs bills, veterans bills, farm bill, food assistance programs, medical benefits etc.

I can see why people may feel like that but blaming the President for your party actions is stupid.

The GOP are in there not to help the American people but keep power and work for the big money!
Posted By: JackDunphy
Stop trying to spin the numbers bro. The middle class is fucked. So keep trying to tell the American people they are wrong and you are right.  
 It's fkin hysterical. Lol.  

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 2:19:35 AM

RaymondDonovan 742 reads
5 / 47

Just not enough jobs to go around. One "help wanted" ad springs up, you'll have 20 resumes. The job that use to pay 60k, now can be had for 40k. The shrinkage of the middle class. Employers are paying less then before for "middle classs jobs"...And those goverment employees that got laid off aren't rebounding well. But I'll say this, if the GOP takes over in 2016, then we're ALL FUCK!

brookside84 7 Reviews 673 reads
6 / 47

In fact, thanks to Obama we are moving ever closer to socialism. Higher taxes, government forced healthcare (there I said it...go kick your dog), out of control gov't spending, growing debt that we may never be able to pay off ( can you say Greece? without the aid of the rest of Europe, the Greece's economy would have collapsed.) I could go on and on.

As for the unemployment rate, it is not a true indicator of how many Americans have stopped looking for jobs, and people that are underemployed.  

And you're telling me that Obama is responsible for lower gas prices and record Dow highs? Sorry but OPEC is producing at record rates. An excerpt from Yahoo Finance:
"Low oil prices and vast supply could result in gas prices continuing to decline and consumers having extra cash to power the economy. Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, Ali al-Naimi says he doesn’t see OPEC cutting production anytime soon, even if oil drops to $20 a barrel. “The Saudis seem to be thinking, we’re basically trying to smoke out the American producers. See how low they can go,” says Newman."

The Dow is because the FED is keeping interest rates at all time lows and corporations that stockpiled cash during the recession have finally started spending it.

RaymondDonovan 677 reads
7 / 47

For any recoverer, so lighted up. The only credit I'll give the admin is the sanctions on Russia and it's affect. So don't be so quick to show you're true GOP colors. And now we know where you stand, what's your bitch???
Now I think you may have time to edit your post.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:39:11 AM

brookside84 7 Reviews 709 reads
8 / 47

RD, thank you for the clarification, but your reference to Obamacare in the OP suggested to me that you support the current Admin.

Yes, you know where I stand. And I think I was pretty clear what my Bitch is. Gov't spending is out of control and we will pay for it dearly; everyone from the far left to the far right and in between.

But, I'm sorry you think you see my true colors. Yes, I may lean a bit to the right, but I'm much closer to the middle than your response indicates.  

While I am encouraged by some of the numbers from your OP, I am  at the same time leery of what the future holds. I think we are currently in an economic bubble that's about to burst and inflation is going to skyrocket.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 518 reads
9 / 47

and what specifically is "out of control".

User1994 23 Reviews 678 reads
10 / 47

DOW 18000 is the 1% getting even richer. And since the fed has been propping them up via Quantitative Easing, one could say that the fed is propping them up on the backs of the poor and midldle class whose paychecks have been devalued as result.

Unemployment is 11.4%. 0bama has rendered the U3 number meaningless. You have to count the millions of people who gave up looking for work. Also, when a job that is created is part-time, it is really only half a job.

It's true that gas prices are down and you naively assume 0bama has something to do with that. Well, the only thing that has to do with him is his getting thoroughly rejected in the last election. The threat a fracking is what brought down oil prices. Of course you missed the timing of this, as you do everything. The drop in gas prices has spurred positive economic activity which cannot possibly be credited to your beloved messiah, sorry to tell you.
Posted By: RaymondDonovan
is crumbling due partly to sanctions and the drop in oil, and the jobless rate is 5.8.Ebola and Isis are non issues now because the election is over, so what's the bitch?  
 I know the usual party pooper will chime in so let's hear it. And if I hear Obamacare I'll kick my dog....lol

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 9:43:24 PM

RaymondDonovan 523 reads
11 / 47

And get you head out of your ass... I never said,"naively",that Obama had anything to do wiith the price of gas,dam you're hard headed. And I don't think I even mentioned his name as taking credit for anything so quick jumping at shadows. Typical republican, you scare easy....boo!
And the Q Easing don't mean shit to me, cause in hard core dinero my 401k has more then double siince 2008, for whatever fucking reason who gives a shit.
Now you didn't mention the Russian economy, so wise ass what's your take on that, "Oh, it was McCain's ideal".
And of course you throw the typical "The Millions who have quit looking", and that may be so but there really aren't any hard facts on that,or what sector of the unemployed have quit looking (Laid off goverment employees or?). It's just something the GOP throws out to rain on everyone's parade.
So I guess I'm sorry to tell you....

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 3:48:46 PM

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 4:03:40 PM

JohnyComeAlready 714 reads
12 / 47

Which would make the current state of affairs rather ironic, wouldn't you say?

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
is crumbling due partly to sanctions and the drop in oil, and the jobless rate is 5.8.Ebola and Isis are non issues now because the election is over, so what's the bitch?  
 I know the usual party pooper will chime in so let's hear it. And if I hear Obamacare I'll kick my dog....lol

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 9:43:24 PM

JohnyComeAlready 718 reads
13 / 47

a jobs bill creates temporary employment opportunities. Those temporary opportunities are created by the government borrowing money from banks. The government is in debt, and has no viable solution to pay down this debt. The so called jobs bill you are railing on about can not be paid for.  

Bonus question - Who do you think President Obama, works for?

randomvr301 712 reads
14 / 47

I am yet to get a good and authentic definition of a "middle class".

1. Education Levels, College Degree or a HS Graduate
2. Two parent or single parent household.
3. Level of proficiency in current technology (Internet, Email, Online Banking etc.,)
4. First job starting salary
5. Current job and starting salary

So, who is this middle class

randomvr301 705 reads
15 / 47

A good portion of the 8 million or so jobs lost during 2007 thru 2010 because of the worst economic, financial, housing and jobs crisis since the great depression will never come back.    Corporations and companies have used technology to replace many of those jobs or eliminated them by reassigning duties and responsibilities to existing employees.

Here is an example:   Bank of America eliminated thousands of teller jobs when they used to technology to enable ATMs to accept cash and check deposits 24/7/365.   Previously ATMs only dispensed cash.

RaymondDonovan 543 reads
16 / 47

It was just a bunch of nuts. You're laying that on the Dems?.....you're reaching here.

JohnyComeAlready 639 reads
17 / 47

When the Dems adopted the "movement" as part of their 2012 Democratic Presidential campaign.

That and the Moveon.org counter TEAparty maneuver.

randomvr301 572 reads
18 / 47

1. Republicans voted to restore the taxes to 2000 levels!
2. No one is forcing health care on you.    Just don't go to ER when you get seriously ill,  Just die and go away.
3. Deficits at their lowest in history!
4. Half of the debts are for paying for wars from Korean war!  (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan)
5. The President has not changed the Unemployment rate calculus.   It is the Labor Dept that is reporting it since when, I can't remember.
6. If Obama was responsible higher gas prices, he is also responsible for lower gas prices.
7. If Obama is not responsible for the DOW, then Dubiya was not responsible for DOW nose diving to 7k in 2008 when people lost their life savings, 401(k) money, jobs and everything else.

Keep talking, and by the way if we follow you, why do we need a PRESIDENT in the first place?

randomvr301 646 reads
19 / 47

You are an idiot!    I am not 1% and not even close.    My 401(k) lost 70% of my life savings in 2008 in just two months.    As of now it has appreciated almost 150% of what I had before the collapse in 2008 and the new additions have advanced almost 1000%.

There are millions of Americans who are in the same situation as me.

HONDA 153 Reviews 521 reads
20 / 47

I'm not complaining about cheap oil prices, but there is a double edged sword to this cheap oil.  First, it could result in massive layoffs of workers in the oil industry. Second, this cheap oil could set off a chain of of bankruptcies among many oil producers, which could in turn bankrupt banks who have borrowed large sums to these oil producers. Third, American consumers will use the savings from low oil prices to buy mostly Chinese made goods. So how exactly does the U.S. benefit from cheap oil prices?

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
is crumbling due partly to sanctions and the drop in oil, and the jobless rate is 5.8.Ebola and Isis are non issues now because the election is over, so what's the bitch?  
 I know the usual party pooper will chime in so let's hear it. And if I hear Obamacare I'll kick my dog....lol

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 9:43:24 PM

JohnyComeAlready 626 reads
21 / 47

One would have to take into consideration how much money do they save when fuel prices are low.

I don't know about other Americans, but my fuel purchasing/consumption habits do not change with regard to the price of fuel.  

I would think the value of the U.S. petrodollar would go down or up depending on the price of crude. The only people that I think would benefit from the price of cheap oil are transportation/logistics companies.  
Posted By: HONDA
I'm not complaining about cheap oil prices, but there is a double edged sword to this cheap oil.  First, it could result in massive layoffs of workers in the oil industry. Second, this cheap oil could set off a chain of of bankruptcies among many oil producers, which could in turn bankrupt banks who have borrowed large sums to these oil producers. Third, American consumers will use the savings from low oil prices to buy mostly Chinese made goods. So how exactly does the U.S. benefit from cheap oil prices?  
Posted By: RaymondDonovan
is crumbling due partly to sanctions and the drop in oil, and the jobless rate is 5.8.Ebola and Isis are non issues now because the election is over, so what's the bitch?  
  I know the usual party pooper will chime in so let's hear it. And if I hear Obamacare I'll kick my dog....lol  
 -- Modified on 12/23/2014 9:43:24 PM

randomvr301 662 reads
22 / 47

Smart Americans like me will put gas savings in to bank and invest!   Red necks will go and buy more guns and ammo.     Hobbyists will go and fuck more girls.    Smart parents will put money in their children's education fund.    Careless will go to LV and blow it.    On and On.

randomvr301 604 reads
23 / 47
GaGambler 739 reads
24 / 47

but you aren't even note worthy in the SPOTY's in comparison to these idiots.

Not too mention saving this so called windfall of lower oil prices will have ZERO impact on the economy, the best thing that can happen is for people to spend whatever money they save on gas on something else, what that something is really doesn't matter. but if 300,000,000 people each spend an extra fifty bucks a month the impact on the economy will be significant.

but I am glad that people are starting to feel sorry for "rich oil barons" like myself. As for me, the impact is significant, but I am not about to go on welfare anytime soon. I obviously am only making half as much money than I was only a few months ago, but that's the risk that one takes in business. When times are good, I enjoy the rewards of my hard work, when times are tough, I suck it up and work harder. That used to be the way everyone thought. Now everyone wants a hand out when times are tough, or they look for someone to blame. Fuck that, I survived $6 oil in the mid eighties, I can certainly survive $50 oil for a while,  and if not, that's my tough luck, don't expect to find me here whining about how hard things are and how the government should give me a handout.

wrps07 696 reads
25 / 47

Savings in gas does not offset the huge rise in health insurance premiums, unless you can legal take your kids (18 years and older) off your plans and have them go to Obamacare (they pay) or medicaid.  

People are more likely to use it to pay off debt or build up cash reserves. All commodities are in a bear market in the US. Rents are not going up (mine stayed the same [never seen that before]). The GDP number masked the downturn in durable goods production. These are deflation signals. We could have a stock market crash any day now followed by a period of deflation.



We were getting ready to have a big melt down then the FED got scared and made those statements they will be gentle with interest rate increases. Resulting in stock market going up. 2015 will be a very volatile year in the stock market. Many people got record capital gains from mutual funds this dec 2014. Last time that happened was 2007. Looks like we have a pattern market crashes every 7 years.

JohnyComeAlready 665 reads
26 / 47

You are really going to save enough money on petroleum, that you can put the savings into an account, and invest... are you high on petrol fumes?

I spend roughly between 40 & 60 per fill up, depending on prices. I do this two to three times a month. The most I will save is 40 t0 60 dollars a month. I'll get to eat steak 5 days a week instead of 4 pussy, Louis, and my nonexistent kids education cost far more than that.
Posted By: comfortzone
Smart Americans like me will put gas savings in to bank and invest!   Red necks will go and buy more guns and ammo.     Hobbyists will go and fuck more girls.    Smart parents will put money in their children's education fund.    Careless will go to LV and blow it.    On and On.

User1994 23 Reviews 525 reads
27 / 47

Cut the shit. You want to convince as many people as you can that your commie hero has made their life's better when the exact opposite is true. And your 401k is going to be worth a wad of toilet paper if this keeps up.

User1994 23 Reviews 666 reads
28 / 47

You stupid idiot! Your 401k is growing on worthless money rolling of a printing press.

randomvr301 634 reads
29 / 47

At $3.90 a gallon my monthly bill was $590.   At the current $2.29 my monthly bill is $345.   That is $245 x 12 = cool $2,950 straight in to my 401(k) and add to that stock appreciation.

I fill my car at least 10 times a month at 15 gallons.

JohnyComeAlready 623 reads
30 / 47

You should embrace some conservative principles.  

Posted By: comfortzone
At $3.90 a gallon my monthly bill was $590.   At the current $2.29 my monthly bill is $345.   That is $245 x 12 = cool $2,950 straight in to my 401(k) and add to that stock appreciation.  
 I fill my car at least 10 times a month at 15 gallons.
That's like one hundred and fifty dollars a month at the pump, that is a ridiculous amount to spend on a personal use vehicle. Also why do you only purchase 15 dollars worth of fuel at a time? Motor vehicles operate and respond much better with a full fuel tank.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 576 reads
31 / 47

So, if my 401k, which tanked in 2008 to, let's say 100k. And now its current value is, again let's say 230k. Does that mean if I cash out now (which I wouldn't for tax reasons) is really worth 90k or less then a roll of toilet paper. Not that I'm giving that commie, pinko the credit but help me out.

randomvr301 664 reads
33 / 47
User1994 23 Reviews 645 reads
34 / 47

How do you miss EVERYTHING? Let's remember. It started right when it began to become obvious that 0bama's policies were not working. And timed for a week after the 10th anniversary of 911 so as not to stoke outrage. So with 911 anniversary behind, the economy in the tank, and the election approaching, all of a sudden it's, "Grrrrr! We're so mad at Wall Street!". LOL It got the same syncofantic coverage from the Democrat loyal Media as all of their other distractions, like the current "black lives matter" meme. The rapes, thefts, violence, filth, and disease were not reported. And all camera shots were carefully zoomed in to hide the small number of "protesters". It was also coordinated by a well known Liberal protest organize whose name I cannot remember but there are youtube videos of her telling protesters if they were to get arrested or not. Right after it starts, 0bama goes to the microphone and tells us he understands their frustration. And crazy Nancy Pelosi fawns about how young and cool they are. They then proceeded to paint Romney as Mr 1%.

And let's not forget that what finally silenced them was the fact that the fed began digitizing money and investing it on Wall Street, making the 1% even richer on the backs of the poor and middle class.

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 8:11:23 PM

GaGambler 757 reads
35 / 47

With more people like you, oil will be right back to $100 Bbl, just like it is supposed to be.

You sound like Al Gore, preaching to the rest of us about conservation but in the meantime leaving a carbon footprint the size of Texas. lmao

GaGambler 775 reads
36 / 47

I thought you said that you were well over 70, Why the fuck did you have your 401K allocated where it could lose 70% of it's value when you were close to 70 years old at the time? For your 401K to have lost 70% of it's value, it must have been weighted almost 100% in equities, your financial planner should be shot, and if you are your own financial planner, that goes double.

I think you are either a liar or an idiot. or of course the third option, which is you are both.

User1994 23 Reviews 734 reads
37 / 47

You'd think someone so obsessed with his 401k would know better.

Posted By: GaGambler
I thought you said that you were well over 70, Why the fuck did you have your 401K allocated where it could lose 70% of it's value when you were close to 70 years old at the time? For your 401K to have lost 70% of it's value, it must have been weighted almost 100% in equities, your financial planner should be shot, and if you are your own financial planner, that goes double.

I think you are either a liar or an idiot. or of course the third option, which is you are both.

JohnyComeAlready 674 reads
38 / 47

However he does sound like an environmental-mental case who would drive an electric vehicle, or reside in an urban pedestrian friendly area. He really is the worst of both worlds.

RaymondDonovan 756 reads
39 / 47

Greed, corruption, banking responsibility for the collapse in 2008, inequality of pay for CEO for losing money to its investors and just the banking industry and it's affect on our democracy. Aren't those the issues that everyone should be for? Or is it only Liberals that care and the Republican don't give a shit if everyone gets ripped off. Don't you care??? Now their methods may have seem alittle unorthodox to me but it didn't bother me and I don't recall any politician running on that platform 100 percent. I think most agreed with the message or I hope so, Democrats and Republicans. But I know some "oldtimers" will say that "God dam dem hippies". But that movement didn't sway me one way or the other.
My hope is that after the 2016 election,Elizabeth Warren will grab the bull by the horn and install some check measure to the financial industry.

randomvr301 794 reads
40 / 47

My job involves selling golf course maintenance and equipment replacement.   I have to visit at least 10 golf courses in a week, in Florida, NC, GA.    You mean I quit my job.

randomvr301 576 reads
41 / 47

It is down to $1.99 a gallon at St. Pete, Seminole, Largo and Clearwater!

JohnyComeAlready 582 reads
42 / 47

You are no negotiator .

Posted By: comfortzone
It is down to $1.99 a gallon at St. Pete, Seminole, Largo and Clearwater!

GaGambler 571 reads
44 / 47

as for you being a hypocrite, I don't really give a fuck as long as you Drive, Drive, Drive.

and remember now that gas is cheap, it is definitely the time to buy something like an Escalade, Navigator, or some other gas guzzling beast. lol

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 841 reads
45 / 47

Get a bike it will be good for your health.  

Besides, don't you know there is a water shortage?
Golf courses waste water so angry white rich pigs can knock around a stupid white ball!

How narcissistic!

JohnyComeAlready 717 reads
46 / 47

Sure everyone can care, it's the majority that will decide the final vote.

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
Greed, corruption, banking responsibility for the collapse in 2008, inequality of pay for CEO for losing money to its investors and just the banking industry and it's affect on our democracy. Aren't those the issues that everyone should be for? Or is it only Liberals that care and the Republican don't give a shit if everyone gets ripped off. Don't you care??? Now their methods may have seem alittle unorthodox to me but it didn't bother me and I don't recall any politician running on that platform 100 percent. I think most agreed with the message or I hope so, Democrats and Republicans. But I know some "oldtimers" will say that "God dam dem hippies". But that movement didn't sway me one way or the other.  
 My hope is that after the 2016 election,Elizabeth Warren will grab the bull by the horn and install some check measure to the financial industry.
Unless EW castrates that bull nothing will change, and hasn't America been emasculated enough thus far ?

JohnyComeAlready 579 reads
47 / 47
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