Politics and Religion

You should immediately prepare an advance directive, aka...
saltyballs 1039 reads
1 / 15

Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed to protect Medicare because so many older Americans depend on the federal program to help cover their health-care costs.

One of the most influential senior lobbying groups wants to remind Trump of his promise. And it wants to pressure lawmakers, especially Republicans, into also showing their support.

In a new online and TV ad, a narrator for AARP says: "You've earned your Medicare. It was a deal that was made long ago, and AARP believes it should be honored.

"Thankfully, President Trump does, too," the narrator says, cutting to a clip of Trump saying the same thing, knowing older voters would prove to be a decisive voting bloc for him.

"Now it's Congress' turn," the narrator picks up. "Tell them to protect Medicare."

As intended, the multimillion-dollar campaign already is generating buzz and has resulted in hundreds of thousands of petition signatures, emails and phone calls to members of Congress, according to officials.
I guess we will find out pretty soon whether Prez Tweet will be able to use all of his buffoonery, threats and power playing to keep Congress from savaging Medicare and Social Security. Those that now totally control Congress have had their eyes upon dismantling those programs as well as the Affordable Care Act for some time. And hope that some sleight of hand tricks by them, and supported by the new president, will finally come to pass without senior citizens knowing or understanding what is happening. It used to be that no politician in his//her right mind would even consider screwing around with those key long time senior programs for fear of being voted out of office. Now these politicians feel they can get away with anything and fear no one. Maybe senior citizens are still a viable voting block that can turn the course of future elections. It looks like we may be finding out in the next 2-4 years because I find it hard to believe Prez Tweet has the backbone or skill to prevent major major changes to Medicare or Social Security. Not issues that he truly cares about at the present.

JackDunphy 240 reads
2 / 15

You have heard that the Trustees have said that the programs are unsustainable and that Medicare will start paying OUT more than it takes IN just eleven years from now right?

Now I know the Dem plan is just to keep everything as is and let them rot away, but if there are any adults in the room in congress, they will acknowledge the massive problems we have in funding these programs and make very serious and fundamental changes.

As is typical for a lib, you have done nothing but to demagogue the issue, as Dems in congress do, and the result of that is scaring people who want to make necessary changes into not making them by telling the public they want to throw granny off the cliff.

Obama had a great idea. He put together a bi-partisan debt commission which would have reformed SS and MC to fund them well into the future.  

Like the "America First" person he was, he promptly tossed his own, hand-picked commission's recommendations into the trash can and here we sit, 6 years later, with a massive problem kicked down the road and into this current president's lap.

And you, the AARP and chicken shit Dems along with some pussy Reps in congress want to do nothing.

Yeah, that always solves a problem.

marikod 1 Reviews 305 reads
3 / 15

The Florida GOP county chairman told the town hall audience yesterday that the Affordable  Care Act has a provision saying that " that anyone over the age of 74 has to go before what is effectively a death panel. Yes. they do. Yes they do. It’s in there folks, you are wrong."

       He was even willing to fight about it when someone called him a liar.

       I don’t like the sound of that at all. I plan on eating myself to death, and I don’t want some government panel telling me it’s time to go when I turn 74 and have to go before them.

       It must be true because the Congressman standing beside him refused to say he was wrong and agreed it was in there. When questioned by CNN, he said the GOP guy was referring to the  Independent Payment Advisory Board. Of course, no one is actually required to go before this Board at age 74 or anytime. The Board if ever constituted simply acts to cut costs if Congress fails to do so. But why tell the truth to the audience?

What an incredible political stunt the repeal Obamacare movement is.

hotplants 202 reads
4 / 15

Here's an idea: how about we take the $21Bill we'll need for this silly wall (and, lets be realistic---it will cost more than that), and spend it on SS? For that matter, why not divert some of T's desired money for building more warships and Nucs? We only get to blow off a couple two/3 N bombs before the game is over anyway. We already have 'those.  

Won't fix the whole problem by a long shot. But, if we're just gonna piss away a lot of money......
Posted By: JackDunphy
You have heard that the Trustees have said that the programs are unsustainable and that Medicare will start paying OUT more than it takes IN just eleven years from now right?  
 Now I know the Dem plan is just to keep everything as is and let them rot away, but if there are any adults in the room in congress, they will acknowledge the massive problems we have in funding these programs and make very serious and fundamental changes.  
 As is typical for a lib, you have done nothing but to demagogue the issue, as Dems in congress do, and the result of that is scaring people who want to make necessary changes into not making them by telling the public they want to throw granny off the cliff.  
 Obama had a great idea. He put together a bi-partisan debt commission which would have reformed SS and MC to fund them well into the future.  
 Like the "America First" person he was, he promptly tossed his own, hand-picked commission's recommendations into the trash can and here we sit, 6 years later, with a massive problem kicked down the road and into this current president's lap.  
 And you, the AARP and chicken shit Dems along with some pussy Reps in congress want to do nothing.  
 Yeah, that always solves a problem.

TwoMints 282 reads
5 / 15

There are a type of death panels and they are necessary.

Ineffective and futile treatment should be refused to patients. It's amoral. Doctors can and do refuse some treatment. They usually go through an ethics board. Which is, in a way, a death panel...

I'm not sure about the age, I actually doubt that. The age is irrelevant. We can't keep throwing every possible treatment at patients without a cost analysis. Medical care is a finite resource. Money is finite. (well governments don't think so but still..)

Might sound harsh, but I expect the exact same for myself and my loved ones and I'm currently dealing with a parent in just such a situation.  

Posted By: marikod
The Florida GOP county chairman told the town hall audience yesterday that the Affordable  Care Act has a provision saying that " that anyone over the age of 74 has to go before what is effectively a death panel. Yes. they do. Yes they do. It’s in there folks, you are wrong."  
        He was even willing to fight about it when someone called him a liar.  
        I don’t like the sound of that at all. I plan on eating myself to death, and I don’t want some government panel telling me it’s time to go when I turn 74 and have to go before them.  
        It must be true because the Congressman standing beside him refused to say he was wrong and agreed it was in there. When questioned by CNN, he said the GOP guy was referring to the  Independent Payment Advisory Board. Of course, no one is actually required to go before this Board at age 74 or anytime. The Board if ever constituted simply acts to cut costs if Congress fails to do so. But why tell the truth to the audience?  
 What an incredible political stunt the repeal Obamacare movement is.

JackDunphy 158 reads
6 / 15

But I have been hearing a whole bunch of crazy shit from libs since 11/8, so your latest lunacy doesn't exactly come as a shock plants. lol

And I think someone missed a DJT tweet the last few days! He will negotiate the shit out of that wall and then when that Mexican money comes rolling in...well...hello "Profit City!"

Sadly plants, our economic problems are just a tad larger than simply diverting the money from a few capital ships or from a barrier on the Southern border.

There is one very odd Trump affect I am seeing with you libs. He has made you into economic conservatives all of a sudden. lol

Where were you when Bush, Obama, etc were blowing $20 trillion out the ass?

hotplants 147 reads
7 / 15

Jesus christ dude. How about we let individuals make these kinds of decisions, instead of the state?  

WTF. What has happened to empathy and acting like a human being? I sincerely hope that if/when you or a family member is faced with this kind of painful decision, that you will still have the right to make that decision, based on what you feel is correct---not what the state has determined is cost efficient.

hotplants 259 reads
8 / 15

blowing 20 bill (likely much more) out of their ass. And, really, what makes you think I was not already an economic conservative?  

Seems a pretty simple start to a solution to me. Wall? complete waste of money. More nucs and aircraft carriers? waste of money.  

Economic support for US citizens---especially the most vulnerable? Bring it on. Isn't this what T campaigned on? Saving the little guy?  

When does that program start?

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 252 reads
9 / 15

... they better think twice.   It may be a repeat of 2010 and 2014 and the chipmunks will lose control of Congress.

-- Modified on 2/12/2017 8:26:45 PM

JackDunphy 213 reads
10 / 15

...to place the best possible plan for growth in and get the fuck out of the way of the entrepreneurs and job creators. Let's repatriate that $2 trillion and get this country moving again.  

His regulatory reform and tax policies should go a long way to make this country business friendly again and if better jobs are created, that should ease the stress for tens of millions of "little guys."

As Joe Biden said. Its all about three letters. J-O-B-S. Yes, I know, that's 4 letters but we are talking Biden here. LOL

I know it seems like 3 years plants but he has only been in office for 3 weeks. He needs time. Time that I certainly don't expect libs to give him as they shit their little girl panties every time he sneezes.

Lets see what happens over the next few years and then we can impeach him. ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 246 reads
11 / 15

...a living will with a DNR request for yourself.  That way your wishes will be respected.

-- Modified on 2/12/2017 6:03:14 PM

hotplants 307 reads
12 / 15

(Has it only been 3?)

I am waiting in rapt anticipation to see how T, with his administration of billionair wall street insiders, a Reb congress, and the rest of the inexperienced, ideological clown brigade, manages to actually do *anything* to help the people to whom he sold his snake oil to get elected.  

So far, he's been distracted with the minutia of silly twitter battles over things that nobody but him cares about... when he's not antagonizing our allies, or trolling fed judges.  

Meh. I guess we all just have to wait for the POTUS to get his focus?

earlweaver 228 reads
13 / 15

"the dogs bark, the caravan passes" ;)

TwoMints 229 reads
14 / 15

I'm all for individuals making those decisions right up until the money for treatment comes from others.

Trust me private health insurance simply doesn't cover some things for good reason. Same thing tax payers should do.

You seem to look at one case and feel pity. We should. But when you are dealing with a million or more people thinking that for free that they should receive 100's of thousand or millions of dollars of treatment paid for by others that's ruination.  

Everything has a bottom line.  Spock said it best. The needs of the many (citizens) out weigh the needs of the one.  

You and your family don't get free rain to decide how to use other peoples tax dollars. That's common sense.  

If it happens to me, hopefully I'll have the grace to meet my maker, not trying to eek out another couple of months of shitty living in a hospital bed.
Posted By: hotplants
Jesus christ dude. How about we let individuals make these kinds of decisions, instead of the state?  
 WTF. What has happened to empathy and acting like a human being? I sincerely hope that if/when you or a family member is faced with this kind of painful decision, that you will still have the right to make that decision, based on what you feel is correct---not what the state has determined is cost efficient.

mattradd 40 Reviews 130 reads
15 / 15

Social Darwinism. Trump being one of them!

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 12:40:54 PM

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