Politics and Religion

Muslims fomenting hatred against Jews on Campusesangry_smile
SouthernJezebel See my TER Reviews 3322 reads

aided and encouraged by the left, of course.  Our "tolerance and freedom" will destroy tolerance and freedom by tolerating those who want to subvert our Constitution and culture.

Priapus532111 reads

Stale to say the least. Speaking of tolerance & freedom, where's your long promised "Koran burning" video on youtube ?

Jesus-----you must be bored---whassa mattter---------no one taking you up on your "truckstop specials" ?-----;)

...we need to start rounding up Muslims and put them all in gas chambers.

Oh, don't forget to round up the Christians too. Better yet, I think the best way to wipe out the Christians is make them play fist-a-cuffs with a pack of lions. You know, just for historical accuracy's sake. Plus, if we put it in a stadium, we can watch it on pay-per-view!

Let us see:

The physical world is getting destroyed progressively with pollution, smog, global warming.

The philosophical world is destroyed by the lack of philosophy, religious fanaticism and hate

The scientific world is destroyed with finding more and more powerful ways to kill all living things

I don’t about narrow world view, my world consist of physical, philosophical, scientific, What I believe in is:

“Philosophy is thinking about things in the world we live with, science is learning about things in the world we live with and religion is learning to live with things we live with”. That’s my religion, philosophy which cover my life on earth.

several years ago.

There was a management conference in Lake Arrowhead in January some years ago and I decided to take a young lady who managed my business. She had never been IN the mountains before let alone to the other side into the high desert. She had never seen snow up close.

She was BLOWN away at how big the mountains were and that there was this HUGE (to her) lake way up in the mountains. When the snow fell, it fell so heavy she said it seemed it should be making a loud sound but it fell silently. Since the age of 2 when she came from Mexico she had never gone further than 5 miles from her home in Whittier. THAT formed her world view. She was INCAPABLE of grasping how vast the world around her was.

The same is true of you and why I hold out NO HOPE of convincing you of how narrow and negative your worldview is.

Good luck with your narrow, bitter view of the world. That's what YOUR philosophy has given you.

Priapus531340 reads

Btw, let's see mrnt deny that he is NOT religious--------he should google "disingenuous"-------then again, he should google many words, since their meanings escape him------;)

on his show.

He responded rhetorically, "Why does the meat avoid the grinder"?

Taken literally, this implies a certain level of intelligence to meat.

Since I have been here you have unsuccessfully tried to convince everyone here that I'm "too stupid to post here".

You have unsuccessfully tried to paint me as a racist. And now for some reason you feel compelled (obviously for the purpose of mockery) to "prove" me to be religious.

Meanwhile, I have proven you to be a liar, a welcher, and a coward. And yet you keep trying to throw jabs my way.

I can only conclude therefore, that you lack the intelligence of meat.

Stick to little boys and silly pictures.

Priapus531193 reads

More like DENSA ( Bottom 2% of IQ )

"You're too stupid to post here" ?! You just proved my point.

Moronic beyond belief.

Watch administration pull this because of what you initiated; you lack the education & impulse control to properly conduct yourself here.


You have no problem name calling (dung bettle) and yet you want Mommy to come to your defense?

WHO intitated what? Unlike YOU, "admininstration" understands timestamping and sequencing of posts.

You're out of your league and too fucking stupid to realize it.

Priapus53907 reads

Talk about hypocracy [ sic ] intitiated [ sic ]

Funny thing-----I've been called a "racist" by several & laughed it off. When that charge was hurled at you by several, you respond with false child molestation charges, which have no place on this board, but, you're too stupid to realize that.

Back to your rubber room.

The charge of racism was not "hurled at me by several". I was YOU and YOU alone that continued that charge. You are a LIAR.

The "several" was the members, Mari, GaG, zisk, and others who disagreed with your attempted labeling. Yet you continued.

I do not take charges of racism, ESPECIALLY when used as a badgering mantra like YOU have used it towards me, lightly. Yet you continued.

So, IN RESPONSE, since you showed no desire whatsoever at halting the attempt at
trying to label me a racist, I tagged you with liking little boys.

Well big guy, laugh it off.

HAHA funny funny.

It's the fight YOU PICKED. YOU attacked me from the time I got here just like you did with compressor and others. Shut your stupid childish fucking piehole and leave me alone.

Or don't.

Your call.

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 9:56:56 AM

Priapus531302 reads

ANOTHER false charge hurled at me. I think your memory needs refreshing. Check the below link.

Before you hurl invectives such as " Black & Brown panws of the left", THINK !

As of now, consider yourself left alone.

Priapus531598 reads

Unlike you, I work & don't have time to archive
& link every insult lodged against you by numerous individuals, else I'd be here for weeks.

Your overly sensitive complaints about past slights belies the fact that you "want to be left alone".

Ok, mrnt, since you obviously cant stand the "heat" of politically incorrect rough & tumble P&R board , I'll leave you alone & will advise WW & Ini to do same. Hopefully, your agitated psyche will be calmed.

On your future posts, you might wanna use pic below to avoid getting upset :

Everyone buys you're soooo busy.

Not too busy to find a post from months ago and try to drag Ini into your pitiful definition of "several".

Face it, everyone knows you're  a fucking liar, a welcher, and a coward but they put up with you.

From the number of times you whine to Mommy about me, it's clearly you who has trouble with the "rough and tumble".

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