Politics and Religion

You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you?
GaGambler 178 reads

I already plainly said, we can't know that until we see the list of the inmates getting their sentences commuted.

you really are TSTTT

-- Modified on 7/12/2015 8:44:00 AM

nuguy46210 reads

-- sold more oil than current restrictions allow - Obama and others looked the other way.

-- repeatedly pushed the envelope on technical aspects of the agreement—such as caps on its uranium stockpile—and got away with it.

-- Iran's procurement continues apace, if not faster than before the Joint Plan of Action was signed in November 2013. not acknowledged by Obama or his Western allies.

-- continues to seek illicit technology for its nuclear and ballistic missiles programs.  


bigguy30188 reads

It's nothing wrong with this story or this President actions on this subject!
Also talking about Iran yet with no details or deal is stupid.
Some of you GOP backers on here sound so foolish!

Posted By: nuguy46
-- sold more oil than current restrictions allow - Obama and others looked the other way.  
 -- repeatedly pushed the envelope on technical aspects of the agreement—such as caps on its uranium stockpile—and got away with it.  
 -- Iran's procurement continues apace, if not faster than before the Joint Plan of Action was signed in November 2013. not acknowledged by Obama or his Western allies.  
 -- continues to seek illicit technology for its nuclear and ballistic missiles programs.  
-- Modified on 7/11/2015 3:48:42 PM

GaGambler227 reads

The article does say that Obama is expected to commute the sentences of "dozens of non violent drug offenders" I think this is a GREAT step in the right direction and if true I am one righty who applaud him for it, it would be better if it were HUNDREDS or better yet THOUSANDS of non violent drug offenders getting their sentences commuted, but this is still a great first step.

On who the sellers were and who they were selling to. If somebody was selling weed to a 25 year old, sure, let him out of that's all it is.

But some asshole selling crystal meth to a 13 year old, regardless of how non-violent the person was, should fkin rot in jail.

We are short jail space, and provided the proper procedures were put in place to make sure the wrong people didn't get let out, I would be in agreement to your more generic point.

GaGambler229 reads

Yeah, an adult predator who sells crack or meth to children doesn't get a lot of sympathy out of me.

So with that caveat I take it we are in agreement?

Although I think marijuana should be legalized, and it will soon enough, I don't believe harder drugs should be, at least now.

I could change my opinion with further info/studies, etc.  

But if someone is just a user, I would treat it more like a traffic violation i.e. a fine only, but certainly no jail time, no need for a court appearance, etc

followme181 reads

While in some cases I'll agree to let them out, however, as Jack mentioned one of many cases/situations where the the offender should be in prison for many many years.

Hey maybe they can make an oval cell   lol

2015 = 28

-- Modified on 7/11/2015 7:07:18 PM

if this benefits one race more than the others?

GaGambler171 reads

Not everything comes down to race. If Obama does commute the sentences of non violent drug offenders I will support him doing so, regardless of the race of the prisoners getting released.

I do realize that it's "possible" that a racist like Obama "might" concentrate on commuting the sentences of mainly black prisoners, and if that is the case I will redouble my contention that he is a racist, but I will still support getting those sentences commuted. Putting people in prison for simply possessing drugs the government says are bad for you is the real crime, I support any effort to reverse this crime. If that means getting behind Obama on this one issue, so be it. It's a positive step regardless of who starts it.

Won't it benefit more blacks than whites?  The left's argument is that there are more black than white NVDO. They say the laws impact more black lives than white lives (racist) therefore the commuting of sentences is also racist.  


It's also very Christian thing to do.



Posted By: GaGambler
Not everything comes down to race. If Obama does commute the sentences of non violent drug offenders I will support him doing so, regardless of the race of the prisoners getting released.  
 I do realize that it's "possible" that a racist like Obama "might" concentrate on commuting the sentences of mainly black prisoners, and if that is the case I will redouble my contention that he is a racist, but I will still support getting those sentences commuted. Putting people in prison for simply possessing drugs the government says are bad for you is the real crime, I support any effort to reverse this crime. If that means getting behind Obama on this one issue, so be it. It's a positive step regardless of who starts it.

GaGambler255 reads

I know you are going for enigmatic, but once again the result is simply "stupid"

and at the risk of encouraging you to speak even more, what does this have to do with Christianity?

Forgivness, second chances, that kind of Jesus Christ teaching from Christians.

Posted By: GaGambler
I know you are going for enigmatic, but once again the result is simply "stupid"  
 and at the risk of encouraging you to speak even more, what does this have to do with Christianity?
Are Obamas actions on the issue racist?

GaGambler238 reads

They committed no crime against anybody, only against a state that claims to be imprisoning them for "their own good"

and how can any of us know if Obama's actions on the issue are racists or not until he actually starts commuting sentences? If he commutes only the sentences of black inmates, then yes his actions will most definitely be racist, but unlike some people here,  I will wait to see what his actions are before judging them racist, but I will allow for the possibility.

However a pardon or commuting of a sentence is form of forgiveness.


Won't the commuting of sentences benefit one group more than the other?

GaGambler179 reads

I already plainly said, we can't know that until we see the list of the inmates getting their sentences commuted.

you really are TSTTT

-- Modified on 7/12/2015 8:44:00 AM

Would the actions be racist if he follows through?

I can read just fine

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