Politics and Religion

You know what is wrong with POLITICS??? Fucking RELIGION!angry_smile
†BabyJêsusWithPoopyPants† 3140 reads


----------------Though Mormons describe themselves as Christians — the church's formal name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints— some evangelical Christians do not consider them so. In a Public Religion Research Institute poll released in November, 49% of evangelical voters surveyed said they do not regard the Mormon faith as a Christian religion.

That popped up in October, when the Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Perry backer, called the Mormon church a "cult." Perry repudiated the remark. In a discussion this month sponsored by the Iowa Republican news site, political activist Craig Berman said "a thousand pastors" were ready to argue that nominating a Mormon would result in President Obama's re-election as a punishment from God. (Berman was subsequently hired, but quickly fired, as state political director for the Gingrich campaign.)

"There are some people who this is a deal for. They'll talk about it, they're not going to shy away from talking about it," says Craig Robinson, former political director for the state Republican Party, who runs the Iowa Republican site.

Romney's faith will be an issue for evangelical voters in South Carolina, says Dave Woodard, a Republican political consultant and political science professor at Clemson University.

"I don't know how overt it will be or covert it will be," he says, "Wear your big boy pants, because it will get rough down here."

Evangelical caucusgoers haven't embraced a single candidate." ------------------

You can't be a conservative unless you want to be in bed with the fucking fruitcakes that think Almighty God Jehovah is a AMERICAN. Which he isn't. And if he is even real, he is against human government. But is he isn't and ALLAH is the true god, then we are all fucked up the ass anyway. And if he is Elohim, God the Father of the LDS, then why the fuck isn't ROMNEY a shoe-in. BLAH BLAH BLAH, YADA YADA YADA. Let's welcome in the new regime no matter who they are as they lead us further into a fascist police state, and a one world governement, and the new world order, and the parousia of Yeshua, the second born son of God as he takes the birthright from his brother Satan the Devil, first born of YHWH, and guides us toward the desolation of all government in the battle of Armegeddon and destroy all those who are ruining the earth, and binds Satan and his demon hoardes and castes them chained into the abyss for a thousand years, all before cannabis is legal, to unleash them for the final judgement of all life in the universe.

Tune in. Turn on. Drop out.

Eno is god.

Why are some religions "cults" while others aren't? It seems to me that the only difference is the size of your membership.

If it was written in modern times, it's a cult. If  no one even knows who the fuck wrote it, it becomes "the word of God"

I think that is why Mormonism, despite it's size and power still retains cult status amongst most "mainstream" religions, because you can trace it back to a single person in relatively modern times.

That's just my take on it, and I don't claim to be able to tell the difference between the various fairy tales. I don't know why a book written back a centuries before man figured out the world was round carries more weight that one written in modern times, but it seems to be the case.

And the religous groups keep butting into politics.

The churches, especially the Catholic church are always seeking to abolish the death penalty.

All those preachers like King and Jackson who push a religious basis for civil rights.

Churches are now into this economic justice and pushing for programs for the needy.

I wish the theocrats would shut up and pray, and leave issues like the death penalty to Ceaser.

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