Politics and Religion

Majority Leader Reid - For fucks sake, use the nuclear option to move the DC Cir nominees
The Moose 26 Reviews 1784 reads

Enough is enough...Republicans don;t want President Obama to fill seats on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals....

The repubs come up with this lame and pathetic argument that Obama is stacking the court, when he is merely trying to fill VACANCIES....FDR tried to "stack the courts" back in the 1930's by proposing to add 6 seats on the SCOTUS, THAT is court packing...

I hope senator Reid has the courage to invoke the nuclear option and confirm the 3 highly qualified nomiees (Millett, Pillard, Wilkins)...And if the repubs use the nuclear option in the future, so be it....They couldn't possibly confirm anyone worse than some of the judges W put on (Janice Rogers Brown, Brett Kavanugh, Priscilla Owen, Sam Ailito)....

...He was the Attorney General of Texas as well as a Texas Supreme Court Justice so he should know better than to call it "court-packing."

It's unbelievable how much contempt he has for the voters of Texas to expect them to swallow his bullshit.  Actually, not so unbelievable considering the population of droolers in Texas and he feels like he's in the Alamo facing an attack from the Tea Party since he's up for re-election next year.

In a year, there will be a rash of new Senators.  

I can't predict the future, or I would go to the track.  But there are possibilites.

If ObamaCare continues its rocky start, there may be a lot of Dems who voted for it that are in trouble.  Even in uber-lib CA, a few of my leftie kith and kin are talking borderline apostasy.  (They are still Dems, but in danger.)

The Dems could lose the Senate.  (I said could because, as I said, I can't predict the future)  

Then there is 2016. One side or the other will have a huge "I told you so," depending on how Obama Care works.]

If it the GOP says "told you so" there could very well be a GOP pres and a GOP majority Senate.

If Reid does the nuclear option now, the Dems will be stuck with it if the tide turns.

If you are so sure that Obama Care will work, you want Reid to play that card.  If you have doubts, you may want to wait that out

The Senate only elects a third of their members every 2 years. This go around, the math just isn't looking good for the Dems.

The Dems will be defending far more seats than the GOP, and only 1 of those seats will a Republican be defending from a blue state. Democrats will be defending from many red states. On top of that, many Democratic Senators are retiring, leaving many open seats.

In all likelihood, neither party will have strong control in the Senate. It will be pretty close to a 50/50 split.

Now, the House on the other hand....there is a growing chance, that despite all their gerrymandering, the GOP could lose control of the House.

But I don't think Obamacare is going to be a major issue.

GaGambler217 reads

and you may have a change of heart about it's impact on the makeup of Congress. I wouldn't be surprised to see many Dems trying to put some distance between themselves and Obamacare, or start claiming that they were lied to to get their vote, much like they did over the War in Iraq.

Personally I am fine with split power, the less that gets done in DC the better off the country is for it.

I believe whoever wins the White House deserves to have his/her people approved for his/her cabinet, administration positions and judgeships, as long as no one can find any significant fault with the appointee's character or service.

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