Politics and Religion

You doubt they will ever find them? Their pictures were on CNN
marikod 1 Reviews 2461 reads
1 / 12

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, responding to allegations that the Mossad conducted the assassination of a top Hamas leader at a ritzy Dubai Hotel.

    "I don't know why we are assuming that Israel, or the Mossad, used those passports," he continued.

     Well, maybe bc this guy was high on Israel’s list, the 11 member hit team did not look remotely Arab, and bc several other Israeli enemies in the past several years have had the bad luck to be standing near bombs that happened to go off, including an Iranian nuclear physicist last month and a Hezbollah commander, or were injected with poison.

      But something is wrong here. If you know Israel is out to get you, would you possibly be so cavalier as to check into a luxury hotel without security, as this guy did?

     And what about the hit squad - – could an operation be planned so meticulously except for one slight error –i.e., the 11 person hit squad all forgot that there were security cameras in the hotel? Now the entire team is on camera and, while false names and passports were used, no one wants their picture on Interpol’s list these days.

      Could this possibly be a set up? Some group is trying to frame the Mossad?
     What about the deeper issue? Has government sponsored assassination become the New Terrorism? Is this okay if some official says "hey, this makes us safer?"

  Didn't it take some gall to hit this guy while the Israelis were preparing their response to the war crime allegations?

    Should the Israelis be congratulated for killing the guy in his hotel room rather than using a drone strike and taking out every one in the vicinity, like we would have done?

Okay I at least vote for the last one.

-- Modified on 2/18/2010 7:09:26 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1101 reads
2 / 12

Mossad wouldn't need a 11 man team for one Hamas Boss ...
 after thinking this over I am modifying..
I think the Israeli's might have subbed the job out.Maybe the Russsians??

-- Modified on 2/18/2010 8:37:30 PM

St. Croix 946 reads
3 / 12

I know how you feel about drones, but seriously do you think we would use them in a populated cosmopolitan city like Dubai? I hope not as that would really rattle the world markets, and you and I are trying to get back to even. So I am glad they didn't use a drone.

I'm trying to think about this assassination logically, and it just doesn't make sense to use a 11 person hit squad for 1 target. There are a number of ways they (whoever "they" are) could kill someone, and do it with a one or two assassins. Plus to have your pictures taken is a definite no-no in that business. Drones in Wazirstan, car bombs in Damascus or Lebanon is one thing, but a bullet to the head, poison, suffocation, would appear to be the normal operating mode.

Yeah I think Mossad was behind this. Yeah maybe they were trying to pin this on another agency, but this just seems so amateurish. Oh well, just wait about 3 years and it will be a Hollywood movie.

T.I.N.G 916 reads
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That's my story and I am sticking to it!

marikod 1 Reviews 1393 reads
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today, unlike most of the Board.

     But you are right - it is utterly baffling why they would assign 11 persons for a low tech hit like this that essentially seemed to involve no more than breaking into his room and smothering him. As you say, two at the most could have handled this.

     As to the drone, I trust you will allow me a bit of hyperbole. Of course we would not use one on a four star hotel, or anywhere there were cameras.

Timbow 1496 reads
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Oh ,it was effective as hell as he is dead and they smothered a Hamas guy that was said to be buying weapons to kill Israelis.
No weapons used to kill, no credit card record and they were out of the country before the man was found dead. I doubt they will ever find them.
Yea, Dubai Oceans eleven hit . They sure knew what they were doing. I say Mossad.

-- Modified on 2/18/2010 9:22:29 PM

marikod 1 Reviews 1583 reads
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every night this week. I think I would recognize the girl if I saw her on the street.

   At a minimum they will not be able to fly anywhere. They are on the Interpol watch list.

Timbow 855 reads
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I doubt they look at all like those photos now.   Wonder if a lot of effort will really be made to find them ?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1283 reads
10 / 12

Granted they will have to go into hiding or live out in the open if they are from certain countries, as even with a disguise eventually they will be identified...
I am not sure if they are disguised or not but it is common practice to use disguise on certain missions, even the not impossible ones.

Timbow 1098 reads
11 / 12

We will see how quick if they are found and I am serious that there may not be much an effort;)

-- Modified on 2/19/2010 7:36:07 AM

St. Croix 1211 reads
12 / 12

If that movie taught me anything, it's how many different ways you can kill somebody. Talk about revenge. It's with Gerard Butler and Jaime Fox. Now you would think one very talented person could pull off this assassination with ease and leave absolutely no clues. So one would have to say it was done this way on purpose.

-- Modified on 2/20/2010 7:34:33 PM

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