Politics and Religion

You don't even know how to properly post a link.
nuguy46 682 reads
1 / 16

for those of you who are unable to navigate the web and thus deny Hillary's 'hanging her hat' on Machado, follow the link.  Or you could ask Bobby Abreu (baseball layer for the informed) about Machado.  And do you think Bill will want to meet with her to discuss further use in the campaign?


JakeFromStateFarm 133 reads
2 / 16
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 145 reads
3 / 16

Is the ONLY thing left to accuse Secretary Clinton of is that she has defended a woman who was ridiculed by her opponent? Oh, boy! That must seem something absolutely terrible to you! Maybe the House Ethics Committee ought to jump right on this!  

Here's a more damning story: Dumbfuck Donny gets Degenerate Whoremongers to Campaign for him on National Fuckboard!

JakeFromStateFarm 140 reads
4 / 16

It's obvious her campaign unearthed this and sprung it on an obviously startled Donnie (for whom I have NO sympathy, BTW, as it just proved --again--he's not very fast on his feet).  Then they rode it for all it was worth.  
Nice job, I thought.  But to canonize her as doing nothing but having "defended a woman who was ridiculed by her opponent?"  GaG me with a spoon.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 146 reads
5 / 16

I doubt this will become a cornerstone of the remainder of the campaign. And if she's not "pure as the drive.snow," does it mean that such a skilled debate tactic should be out of bounds for her? Just because her opponent is a sluggish buffoon doesn't mean she should be expected to go out of her way to avoid "taking advantage" of him. Are you and the OP suggesting she has not been conducting herself in the "ladylike" way people expect a female candidate to behave?

JakeFromStateFarm 129 reads
6 / 16

Or that it should have been "out of bounds for her."  And who said I thought she wasn't being "ladylike?" You've seriously got to be kidding making up thoughts to put in my head -- let alone in my post -- that I never thought or wrote.
Your assignment is to go back and carefully read what I actually wrote.  Then come back and apologize.  Alternatively, you could do nothing and continue to look like a fool.

GaGambler 159 reads
7 / 16

Now you know how I feel when you do exactly the same thing to me. lmao

Your assignment should be to go back through your own posts and count just how many times you have pulled the same Chicken Shit move yourself. and no fair drafting PS to do it for you, but if BPS volunteers to do so, I am ok with that.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 182 reads
8 / 16

First, the quotes on "ladylike" was meant as a term I was sure that both of us understood as a fish right-wing media is hawking to discredit the candidate to those viewers who are sexist about this this election. Not an accusation.  

But Secretary Clinton DID nothing other than uncover what Donny actually SAID and to the extent that he was intimidating her about gaining weight during the post-pageant year during which she was supposed to trotted around for Trump's commercial and social gain. Without accusation or any kind of put down, I seriously want to ask you if you can IMAGINE what it's like to be under pressure to look "beautiful" if a woman, or "handsome" if a man, by another party whose sole interest is a monetary interest for a lengthy period of time? Even providers are not under that kind of outside pressure from agencies (though possibly from pimps) even though it is to their own interest to keep in shape. That is serious abuse in the most absurd way.

And remember, I started this in response to the OP whose attempt to discredit Secretary Clinton suggests that somehow she had aligned herself with a woman of questionable standing. This is utterly absurd. It would also be a low blow to attack Trump for his alignment with the same woman after she won the pageant. No one controls what she allegedly did or failed to do.

If I've done you wrong, I'm sorry, but please understand how insane it seems for even the thought of another foolish accusation gaining traction, and even the hint of it being given any credit or possible validity, especially by someone who ought to be able to see through it, at this late stage in the game when we know enough about Donny to be pretty certain that any supporter of his now knows what he is, what he wants to do to the American people, and the danger he poses to the world and the Earth are extreme and near absolute, that such a voice today is cut of the exact same cloth and an enemy of the people and the State!
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Or that it should have been "out of bounds for her."  And who said I thought she wasn't being "ladylike?" You've seriously got to be kidding making up thoughts to put in my head -- let alone in my post -- that I never thought or wrote.  
 Your assignment is to go back and carefully read what I actually wrote.  Then come back and apologize.  Alternatively, you could do nothing and continue to look like a fool.

JakeFromStateFarm 140 reads
9 / 16

Posted By: GaGambler
Now you know how I feel when you do exactly the same thing to me. lmao  
 Your assignment should be to go back through your own posts and count just how many times you have pulled the same Chicken Shit move yourself. and no fair drafting PS to do it for you, but if BPS volunteers to do so, I am ok with that.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 100 reads
10 / 16

By the way she's presented in this magazine it could be your sister for all you know. Hm... speaking of the devil?

And even if it is her, in Latin countries something like this would never be considered porn. Every respectable actress outside of the United States would do a scene like this and it would be looked at as nothing to talk about.

GaGambler 268 reads
11 / 16

Than yes, it is "predictable" that I would call you out for this as you are one of the biggest offenders in this regards on the board/s

JakeFromStateFarm 103 reads
12 / 16

I'll admit to being argumentative but I have yet to hear you admit to anything except being an "asshole," of which you are rather proud.  I proudly call myself one, too, but you seem incapable of realizing that you are also just my "Mini Me."  And Mini Conan, of course.

JakeFromStateFarm 150 reads
13 / 16

You write as if I was on Donnie's side when you should know I was not.  You write as if I don't understand the pressure the young woman was under.  All in all you have done nothing less than set me up as a straw man for arguments you should know I never made and would never make.  We actually agree with each other but you continue to argue your point as if we didn't.  I'm not sure what bizarro world you live in but it's not the one I inhabit.
All I did was point out that the entire issue of Ms. Machado was clearly teed up by Clinton and played beautifully to her advantage.  And I give her props for doing it.  Which you seem not to get.

bigguy30 201 reads
14 / 16

The Google searches for voter registration have surged in Hispanic areas.

Posted By: nuguy46
for those of you who are unable to navigate the web and thus deny Hillary's 'hanging her hat' on Machado, follow the link.  Or you could ask Bobby Abreu (baseball layer for the informed) about Machado.  And do you think Bill will want to meet with her to discuss further use in the campaign?  

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 106 reads
15 / 16

He doesn't seem to be able to take a simple "I agree with you." Very odd.

borabora 15 Reviews 120 reads
16 / 16

...to present some evidence that Trump was a bisexual gigolo.

Seriously, why come to a fuck site to denigrate hookers

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