Politics and Religion

You can probably guess my opinions ...
tjrevisted 5403 reads
1 / 24

what do ya'll think about this line:

(Governments derive)..."their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

And our constitution ALSO says, its OUR DUTY, and OUR RIGHT, to over throw treasonous Governments, at Home or Abroad.. Why do we ALL take our rights forgranted ?? Are they NOT important to us?? Is freedom not important ??
I dont understand Americans anymore, and I hate this..Are we lazy or scared?? OR EVEN WORSE, BLIND AND DUMB...So please tell me where other Americans heads are at..I TOOK AN OATH, to defend  the constitution, and why do I honestly have guilt that I may be letting down the honor, behind the oath I took? Let me hear that Im not the only one, let me hear that I am the only one..But be honest, and speak up guys and gals..

I think America is at a cross-roads, and I am by no mean condoning violence, but I am REALLY starting to see civil war in our fututre..

United we stand, and we all need to get on the same page, and see whats going on, for what it is, not the imaginary world and lies that our news paints for us..If we (Americans) cant stand united on this, I fear we will fall, devided!!!

I love my country, I am not trying to promote war, But their comes a time and place, where in your love for your country, you realize war may be the only answer, to fix all the things you see broken..

America is no longer the land of the free, and the America I love, IS FREE...How de we get this back..I write all my senators/representivies and spend hours weekly doing this, so my voice can be heard, AND ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DOING THIS TOO, and they still dont listen..Americans left and right, want and love freedom, right? I HOPE SO!!!

"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce."
- James A. Garfield, U.S. President.

"(The United States) can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans..."
- President Bill Clinton March 1, 1993 during a press conference in Piscataway, NJ

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
- James Paul Warburg, Foreign Agent of the Rothschild Dynasty and major player in the Federal Reserve Act fraud, speaking before the United States Senate on February 17, 1950.

"If we choose to violate the rights of the innocent in order to discover and act against the guilty, then we have transformed our country into a police state and abandoned one of the fundamental tenets of a free society. In order to win the war on drugs/terror, we must not sacrifice the life of the constitution in the battle."
US District Judge H. Lee Sarokin


"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance ? Let them take arms ... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson (letter to William S. Smith, 1787, in Jefferson, On Democracy 20, S. Padover, ed., 1939).

-- Modified on 7/7/2009 7:32:47 AM

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 2544 reads
2 / 24

... but I believe the very nature of the political process has corrupted our government beyond repair.

This is not a left/right thing.

A couple of years back, when states started requiring labels on products divulging if they were GMO; the federal government -- with ample donations from Monsanto -- passed a law that made it so states couldn't require such disclosure. While this was ostensibly "capitalist" it certainly restricts the free market by keeping people ignorant of facts.

Also a couple of years back, Comcast and Verizon went around to various state legislatures getting laws passed that would effectively prevent the formation of certain types of new competing cable companies. Same sort of thing.

This sort of stuff represents the inevitable corruption of a democratic system. You cannot put a legislator who earns $200k in charge of regulating a multi-billion dollar industry, and expect him not to acquiesce. SOME will stand strong; but the very nature of the self-selecting process in which people choose to run for office tends to weed out most of the people who would best serve. If we skipped elections entirely and just chose people at random we'd have more honest government.

A similar corruption comes from the other end. Politicians want votes, and the easiest way to get votes is to buy them. You give various constituencies "free stuff" -- taken away from smaller constituencies. This problem got bigger and bigger as the franchise was expanded.

Clearly, nobody should be excluded from voting on the basis of gender or ethnicity. But by failing to restrict the franchise adequately we have turned the government into a redistribution machine in which legislators shamelessly pander to people who can't even find the country on a map, much less cast a vote that says anything more than "give me other people's stuff."

Long ago, the right to vote should have been restricted, at least to "net taxpayers" -- i.e. people who have a stake in the cost of government. It should probably also have been restricted to people who can add 17+154 and find the country on a map. Maybe voters should even know how many justices sit on the Supreme Court or be able to name the current Vice President. Anyone who can't do these things should have NO say in governance.

This is a huge flaw -- but it is past the point of repair. We now have a government that constitutes its own special interest, and who corporate purpose is the fleecing of the best and brightest to serve everyone from well-connected corporate big shots to the ubiquitous teen mothers. It no longer serves its purpose and has become destructive of freedom rather than protective of freedom.

I really don't think it is possible anymore to change this mess through the democratic process. As of Obama's latest legislative agenda, the number of people who are net taxpayers is now less than half of the voters. If you look at eligible voters and exclude from it everyone whose primary source of income is government or an industry that serves government, everyone who gets all the taxes they paid in back when they do taxes every year and so forth -- you are now left with less than a majority.

Even if it WERE a bare majority, you could never get us all to agree on an agenda. Just look at this board -- full of very bright people, and I would hazard a guess that practically all are net taxpayers. Yet, as a whole, there isn't even consensus on the most basic of moral issues -- so we could never unite in a block. But the majority -- the 51% -- are ALL united on the basic principle of using government to take other people's stuff. Mostly ours.

I likewise took an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution. And that oath also included obedience to "lawful orders." IMO, it is up to me to exercise judgment in determining if an order is lawful (i.e. compliant with the Constitution); but as a practical matter I discovered that to be difficult.

I believe the best chance we -- those who DON'T want to use the governemt to take other people's stuff -- have today is represented by acting on two fronts.

The first front is a defensive action, waged via various organizations already described. Examples include Grassfire, NRA, GOA, NumbersUSA etc.

But you cannot win a defensive only war. Eventually you tire. You must also have an offense. And that offense has to strike at the heart of the resources, legitimacy and willingness to fight of the enemy's personnel. I believe that secession movements -- and there are many -- are the best offense.

Anyone passingly familiar with just a hint of U.S. military might should disabuse themselves right now of any notions of being able to win a war as some sort of disorganized resistance. You cannot protect yourself forever from that sort of power as a lone individual. You need the protection of an organized sovereign government for this -- and, in fact, that is the very PURPOSE of government -- to protect your freedom.

And where do you find such a government that will harbor you and protect you and even wield some defensive military capability of its own? YOUR STATE.

Not all states are suitable. There are two kinds of states: net takers from the feds, and net givers to the feds. In any state that draws more from the feds than the citizens pay in federal taxes, you will not successfully start a secessionist movement.

However, in states that are net tax donors -- you have far greater likelihood of success. And when such a state leaves the union, the federal government is deprived of taxes, manpower, materiel and legitimacy all at once.

So you have the defensive position using various organizations, but actively organize the offensive position as well.

This will, of course, ultimately destroy the existing federal government. Once one state goes, another will go too. Pretty soon, all that is left is the net tax recipient states. The numbers just won't work.

In the new sovereign states, steps should be taken to prevent the sort of corruption that destroyed the prior federal government.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1704 reads
3 / 24

... but I believe the very nature of the political process has corrupted our government beyond repair.

This is not a left/right thing.

A couple of years back, when states started requiring labels on products divulging if they were GMO; the federal government -- with ample donations from Monsanto -- passed a law that made it so states couldn't require such disclosure. While this was ostensibly "capitalist" it certainly restricts the free market by keeping people ignorant of facts.

Also a couple of years back, Comcast and Verizon went around to various state legislatures getting laws passed that would effectively prevent the formation of certain types of new competing cable companies. Same sort of thing.

This sort of stuff represents the inevitable corruption of a democratic system. You cannot put a legislator who earns $200k in charge of regulating a multi-billion dollar industry, and expect him not to acquiesce. SOME will stand strong; but the very nature of the self-selecting process in which people choose to run for office tends to weed out most of the people who would best serve. If we skipped elections entirely and just chose people at random we'd have more honest government.

A similar corruption comes from the other end. Politicians want votes, and the easiest way to get votes is to buy them. You give various constituencies "free stuff" -- taken away from smaller constituencies. This problem got bigger and bigger as the franchise was expanded.

Clearly, nobody should be excluded from voting on the basis of gender or ethnicity. But by failing to restrict the franchise adequately we have turned the government into a redistribution machine in which legislators shamelessly pander to people who can't even find the country on a map, much less cast a vote that says anything more than "give me other people's stuff."

Long ago, the right to vote should have been restricted, at least to "net taxpayers" -- i.e. people who have a stake in the cost of government. It should probably also have been restricted to people who can add 17+154 and find the country on a map. Maybe voters should even know how many justices sit on the Supreme Court or be able to name the current Vice President. Anyone who can't do these things should have NO say in governance.

This is a huge flaw -- but it is past the point of repair. We now have a government that constitutes its own special interest, and who corporate purpose is the fleecing of the best and brightest to serve everyone from well-connected corporate big shots to the ubiquitous teen mothers. It no longer serves its purpose and has become destructive of freedom rather than protective of freedom.

I really don't think it is possible anymore to change this mess through the democratic process. As of Obama's latest legislative agenda, the number of people who are net taxpayers is now less than half of the voters. If you look at eligible voters and exclude from it everyone whose primary source of income is government or an industry that serves government, everyone who gets all the taxes they paid in back when they do taxes every year and so forth -- you are now left with less than a majority.

Even if it WERE a bare majority, you could never get us all to agree on an agenda. Just look at this board -- full of very bright people, and I would hazard a guess that practically all are net taxpayers. Yet, as a whole, there isn't even consensus on the most basic of moral issues -- so we could never unite in a block. But the majority -- the 51% -- are ALL united on the basic principle of using government to take other people's stuff. Mostly ours.

I likewise took an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution. And that oath also included obedience to "lawful orders." IMO, it is up to me to exercise judgment in determining if an order is lawful (i.e. compliant with the Constitution); but as a practical matter I discovered that to be difficult.

I believe the best chance we -- those who DON'T want to use the governemt to take other people's stuff -- have today is represented by acting on two fronts.

The first front is a defensive action, waged via various organizations already described. Examples include Grassfire, NRA, GOA, NumbersUSA etc.

But you cannot win a defensive only war. Eventually you tire. You must also have an offense. And that offense has to strike at the heart of the resources, legitimacy and willingness to fight of the enemy's personnel. I believe that secession movements -- and there are many -- are the best offense.

Anyone passingly familiar with just a hint of U.S. military might should disabuse themselves right now of any notions of being able to win a war as some sort of disorganized resistance. You cannot protect yourself forever from that sort of power as a lone individual. You need the protection of an organized sovereign government for this -- and, in fact, that is the very PURPOSE of government -- to protect your freedom.

And where do you find such a government that will harbor you and protect you and even wield some defensive military capability of its own? YOUR STATE.

Not all states are suitable. There are two kinds of states: net takers from the feds, and net givers to the feds. In any state that draws more from the feds than the citizens pay in federal taxes, you will not successfully start a secessionist movement.

However, in states that are net tax donors -- you have far greater likelihood of success. And when such a state leaves the union, the federal government is deprived of taxes, manpower, materiel and legitimacy all at once.

So you have the defensive position using various organizations, but actively organize the offensive position as well.

This will, of course, ultimately destroy the existing federal government. Once one state goes, another will go too. Pretty soon, all that is left is the net tax recipient states. The numbers just won't work.

In the new sovereign states, steps should be taken to prevent the sort of corruption that destroyed the prior federal government.

tjrevisted 1824 reads
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Not only could I guess, we agree, and have VERY ''like''  oppinions, ALOT of the time.... Your love for this country, makes me have the HUGEST crush on you !!! I swear, I just want to Pledge Allegiance with you while Im wearing nothing but American Flag flannel sheets over my head, because I'm under them sucking your cock, with my hand on your heart, and your hand on mine...Ohhhh Lawd, Just the thought of it, gives me sweats and shakes, and EXCITES me SO!!!

xOxO, A governemnt who CAN NOT trust its law-biding citizens to keep and bear arms..CAN NOT, itself, be trusted, with the people (The Federalist Papers)....

To the GOVERNMENT who is asking me to surrender my freedom and liberties and right to bear arms.. I SAY, COME AND TAKE THEM!! There are somethings in life, YOU HAVE TO TAKE A STAND FOR!!! And this is where I draw the line in mine, I will live free, or die, and I have very little room (LIKE MANY OTHER AMERICANS) for anymore violations, Im either wholey a slave, or wholey free..Because if im not TOTALY FREE, Im a slave, and there is NO INBETWEEN FOR ME.. I dont understand who some   Americans have become.. But you have the ''right'' to be that way, in the land of the free..Just stop trying to take my ''right'' to be this way..Or your the one thats actrually ANTI-AMERICAN, not me

-- Modified on 7/7/2009 7:58:14 AM

dncphil 16 Reviews 1293 reads
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I see a large divergence of opinion, but I am not afraid of a civil war in the literal sense, with bullets.  As long as the means of communication are open and unregulated, I do not fear Americans.  (THis is one reason why I think the government should keep its hands of talk radio.  There are thousands of venues and media for liberal ideas, and I do not begrudge them those outlets.  If the one outlet for conservative ideas is limited, that would be a disaster.)

In any event, I take great faith in the enduring difference between the American and French Revolutions.  They didn't know when to quit fighting.

Even after our Civil War we went back to healing the divide faster than the French or Russians or Chinese did.

(The historic greatness of Lincoln is also as the  architect of the post-war policy of reconciliation, a tone that he set in his second innaugaral address, "With malice toward none, with charity for all let us strive ....to bind up the nation's wounds...")

tjrevisted 993 reads
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You're someone else I wouldnt mind getting patriotic with ;) lol

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 910 reads
7 / 24

Now YOU draped in the American Flag should be enough to make anyone a patriot!

Motive and means await only ... (*wink*)


no. 6 2060 reads
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I am now warming up to your commentary as well. The comment above is inspirational - on so many levels!

tjrevisted 1252 reads
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That makes me so glad no6..
EVERY ONE needs MORE patriotism in their lives,
these days!!!!

zorf 776 reads
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Uhhhhh, is the poster a provider?  That would explain the couple of asskissers above me legitimizing this horeshit.  

Here's an *honest* opinion...you're a complete fucking nutcase.  I didn't get all the way through it, but your rantings about America nearing a Civil War is consistent with your crackpot theories on everything taking place in government.  Maybe you would be a good lay - john seems to think so.  And maybe you look stunningly sexy in that Napoleon hat.  I don't know.  But I do know that if you really believe anything you've expressed in your last few threads, then you are a certified whackjob.    

wizard1565 3 Reviews 755 reads
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I am surprised she has not called you a fucking idiot for disageeing with her rants, thats how she usually respond to any dissent to her extreme opinions.  So perhaps she has learned civility in her few weeks away.

kerrakles 1266 reads
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Blindly following every idiot or anyone else for that matter is not patriotism. If you do, you are a mindless drone who cannot think.

Thanks for the BS essay.

zorf 1848 reads
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It's probably coming.  I only posted it a few minutes ago.  Give it time.

tjrevisted 883 reads
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and how you follow the heard of sheep right to slaughter..Baaahhhh..lol..

If you dont see the freedoms and liberties being stripped from us DAILY, it shows your the follower, WHO DOESNT THINK FOR THEM SELF..I can think for myself..YOU CAN NOT...and its obvious, to all the other thinkers on this board, who is a thinker AND WHO IS NOT...

WHILE THE NON THINKERS HAVE NO CLUE HOW REDICULOUS YOU SOUND..anyone who can think, spots you right away..THE FACT THAT THEIR ARE STILL SO MANY OF YA'LL, scares me.. THEY'RE ARE ALOT OF DUMB AMERICANS, who dont know they're not free anymore..Or in danger..

MOFW 988 reads
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wizard1565 3 Reviews 1275 reads
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because it did not result in regime change nor did it involve the South attempting to take over the US.  Although the South needed healing, the whole purpose of the war was to unify the nation after succession.  However, you are correct, Lincoln leadership and his VP Andrew Johnson help stem the revenge factor that the "Radical Republicans" wanted to bring to the South

IalreadyhaveaGF 1321 reads
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"Nazis thought they were patriotic"

Hitler didn't have a teleprompter, and Hitler also gave great speeches,and the Germans cheered with reckless abandon,and soon they were brainwashed, and became certified Patriotic Nazi's..
No thanks to the pudding..

wizard1565 3 Reviews 931 reads
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Aparently people like TJ who support the overthrow of a democratically elected government thinks what best for the US is what THEY think, the genesis of any civil war/revolution. Another historically correction, when the Nazi's won a majority of the Reichstag, they preceded to suspend the Constitution, giving the Nazi's control.

-- Modified on 7/7/2009 7:58:53 PM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1527 reads
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By Friday we will all be out of freedom. The way freedom works is collective unless your freedom is removed by due process. So in the context of collective freedom , if I loose my freedom then you loose yours. But of course if you end up in the loony bin then you won't have to worry about it. I hear they have some real nice loony
bins in Ga.

tjrevisted 1834 reads
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Wizard you know whats crazy..PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO SUPPORT MY ''RANTS'' ....Enough said..You dont see whats going on in this world today, do you? lol.

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 10:43:38 AM

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1336 reads
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You are so right TJ, its is crazy but I am an optimist.  One of those who said Hitler is not taking over Germany, until the SS came to my door huh.

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 11:43:23 AM

kerrakles 1283 reads
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and you happened to be the smartest American, is that right?

I would say there are few looneys like you who belong in the looney bin like Charlie said.

I know of a few nice looney bins around Atl, let me know if need help finding them.

tjrevisted 1769 reads
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tjrevisted 1170 reads
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You are right, you may be one of those people, who didnt believe Hitler was taking over germany untill the SS was at your door...Our country is in huge trouble........AND I HATE IT FOR OUR CHILDREN/us (In that order)..

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