Politics and Religion

You better be ready. (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 97 reads


So I am not completely sure how serious this is but in 5 days (July 15th)  
"Project Jade Helm 15" will begin!  
This will take place in 5 Southwestern States:  
- Nevada  
- California  
- Arizona  
- New Mexico  
- Colorado  
This project is suppose to be MARTIAL LAW, CIVIL WAR & RED LIST extraction drill!  
Ms. Leila Lovely

aluminum foil to line helmets so the new military mind control lasers can't get in. Praying that The Donald can stop this before we all have to submit to unnatural POTUS-SCOTUS.

youknowwhoiam124 reads

This image came up when I Googled Chicken Little.

Yeah, makes no sense to me either. It's just " o_O "

Get my drift?

intelligence. Why not throw in some blind trust and faith?

Jade Helm is in fact an unprecedented military action on US soil. It is geared towards training for civil unrest and martial law scenarios. It does presume a suspension of Constitutional rights, including instruction in search and seizure of weapons from a civilian populace as well as detainment and internment of "dissenters".  

Jade Helm is also targeted not towards those third world countries we associate with "terrorists" and our "enemies"; it is targeted towards modern, first world operating environments. Like the US. Moreover, it is not limited to US troops - we've invited the UN to train their blue helmets to help quell civil unrest here in the good 'ol USA.  

No, I don't believe the sky is falling. I do however, believe that "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance". It COULD happen here.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
― Henry David Thoreau

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