Politics and Religion

You are still talking about yourself? eomteeth_smile
bigguy30 43 reads

Posted By: brooks5
stew in his own juices - and those are our friends  
 our enemies just bitch-slap him

brooks5333 reads

calls bullshit on Obama's claim that we are winning against ISIS

he directly contradicted the "President"

and Brennan was Obama's boy!

that follows the recent withering criticism of Barry's foreign and defense policy by ALL of his former Defense secretaries (Panetta, Gates, Hagel)

are members of Obama's administration so disgusted by his fecklessness and lying that they are starting to bitch-slap him publicly like the "World Leaders" libs like so much?

fucking stunning!

nuguy4655 reads

being reported on ABC news, they are saying his policies are leading to killing of innocent civilians by Russia and Syria..call for immediate increase against Syrian govt....

he's incompetent and an "amateur" as reported early in his occupancy of the WH....his legacy is going down the tube...as is the USA>

brooks556 reads

an honest media outlet would have had BOTH on the front page

if Barry is so fucking smart, why has he learned NOTHING in 7 1/2 years

fucking amateur

brooks565 reads

stew in his own juices - and those are our friends

our enemies just bitch-slap him

bigguy3044 reads

Posted By: brooks5
stew in his own juices - and those are our friends  
 our enemies just bitch-slap him

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