Politics and Religion

you are so very wrongteeth_smile
brooks5 80 reads

the greatest expansions this country has ever had were when Kennedy and Reagan cut taxes

the problem is that the dems, to buy votes, never cut costs in violation of their "deal" with Reagan - yeah, go figure!

economic GROWTH is the key - it solves all ills.  As Kennedy famously said "a rising tide lifts ALL boats"

Obama's tax increases produced less than 2% growth, Reagan got 5%+ cutting them following the disaster that was Jimma

dems want to slice up the pie in increasingly small pieces, republicans just want to make another pie

Hayek, Laffer, and Friedman ALL disagree with you

Kansas is fine, all we are hearing now is the whining of the losers who are seeing their hand-outs at risk

a year from now, it won't be a story cuz Kansas will be thriving and libs will need another lie to promote to prop up their nonsensical economic bullshit

nuguy46749 reads

The scream is for a higher minimum wage. But upon getting it, the next complaint is because they now make too much money, they may not qualify for the free stuff, go figure.  

By jacking up minimum wage, Seattle has provided a valuable lesson in liberal economics. The plan has now backfired.  

Nora Gibson is the executive director of Full Life Care told KIRO 7 she saw a sudden reaction from workers when Seattle’s phased minimum-wage ordinance took effect, bringing minimum wage to $11 an hour. She said anecdotally, some people feared they would lose their subsidized housing so they have asked that their work hours be reduced to remain eligible for all government subsidies.  

It doesn’t stop at $11/hour. The law increases it to $15 starting January 1, 2017. So they will have to reduce their work hours even more to remain eligible for handouts. Good thing the minimum wage wasn’t raised even higher, most would not work at all, they prefer to be spoon fed and remain on the government plantation.  

Remember free market capitalism? Under that system, the harder and smarter you worked, the higher your standard of living. But that was found to result in income inequality, so now we have a system where wealth is bestowed by bureaucrats, and working harder doesn’t always make sense.

Gov. Brownback's Let's-Totally-F*ck-Up-Kansas-Experiment Is Nearly Complete.

Republican governor, Sam Brownback, and one-time presidential contender had hoped to make Kansas the national emblem of conservative governance. Brownback's hard-fought victory on election day won him another four years, but it did nothing to fix the problem that nearly cost him his job: the state's finances. Kansas's budget has for months resembled a wallet with a hole in it—every time the state's bookkeepers peek inside, they find less money than the government thought would be there. Just a few days after the November election, the Kansas budget office revealed that revenue projections were off by more than $200 million, bringing the budget gap facing Brownback to $600 million in all.

The yawning deficit is widely blamed on the deep income tax cuts that Brownback, along with a Republican legislature, enacted during his first two years in office. They not only slashed rates, but more importantly, they created a huge exemption for business owners who file their taxes as individuals. By Brownback's own description, the tax plan was a "real live experiment" in supply-side economics, with the idea being that lower taxes would spur investment, create jobs, and refill Kansas's coffers through faster growth. Yet even under the most charitable analysis, revenue has plummeted much faster than the economy has expanded.

Now, Kansas's red ink has left the governor red- faced. Brownback is asking Republican state lawmakers to slow the income tax cuts over the next few years, raise taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, overhaul school funding, and divert money from the state's highway fund in order to balance the budget.

-- Modified on 5/11/2016 10:48:35 AM

brooks580 reads

once they are done squeezing out the lib spending Bullshit

just like in Illinois

another disproved lib fantasy

waaaaah, we want more of the money you EARNED!  waaaah!

it has been so popular that NO other "Red State" has  followed the Kansas experiment. The moral of the story here: One can argue whether cutting taxes is a good thing. One can argue about whether government is too big. One can even argue about whether low taxes increase business activity. But one cannot credibly argue that tax cuts increase revenue or even pay for themselves. They didn’t for Ronald Reagan. They don’t for Sam Brownback. They won’t for the next politician who tries—whether he (or she) is in Washington, D.C. or in some state capital.

Posted By: brooks5
once they are done squeezing out the lib spending Bullshit  
 just like in Illinois  
 another disproved lib fantasy  
 waaaaah, we want more of the money you EARNED!  waaaah!

brooks581 reads

the greatest expansions this country has ever had were when Kennedy and Reagan cut taxes

the problem is that the dems, to buy votes, never cut costs in violation of their "deal" with Reagan - yeah, go figure!

economic GROWTH is the key - it solves all ills.  As Kennedy famously said "a rising tide lifts ALL boats"

Obama's tax increases produced less than 2% growth, Reagan got 5%+ cutting them following the disaster that was Jimma

dems want to slice up the pie in increasingly small pieces, republicans just want to make another pie

Hayek, Laffer, and Friedman ALL disagree with you

Kansas is fine, all we are hearing now is the whining of the losers who are seeing their hand-outs at risk

a year from now, it won't be a story cuz Kansas will be thriving and libs will need another lie to promote to prop up their nonsensical economic bullshit

brooks576 reads

the laws of

- human nature
- unintended consequences and
- physics, specifically thermodynamics

libs, putting more and more on the gubment teat daily

Not much over $15 per hour, if that.
When the minimum wage hits $15+ , you will be able to drive up to a McDonalds and actually understand the person talking to you.
Those who stay on the Dole will NEVER be able to buy a home.  They and theirs will continue to be Dem

brooks569 reads

do you want fries with that?

there is a good reason for income inequality!

it's simply gotta be someone else s fault!!!!

gonna take a while to pay off student loans at minimum wage, even if you live in Daddy's basement and mommy cooks your meals

GaGambler104 reads

Anyone who graduates with a Liberal Arts degree most likely went to college as a way to put off the "real world" for a few more years on Mommy and Daddy's credit card and is NOT the type of employee I want working for me. Except for hookers of course, Liberal Arts grads often make great hookers

brooks556 reads

does constantly agreeing with me embarrass you?

cmon, come out of the closet all the way!

I like it when they Gag!

It's the same with gagging, I let others be the "Gaggee"

brooks554 reads

if I am the gaggee then you are gagging on me as the GaGger (active verb) right?  I am pretty sure that's how it works


I like it when little asian bitches GaG!

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 5:09:45 PM

I am sure you have been around long enough to remember TrannyBoy, your posts are just about as articulate and your insults even weaker, but you keep flailing away. I am sure eventually you'll stumble across a witty line although it will most likely be one that you "borrow" from someone else.

brooks590 reads

you GaG as the GaGger, I am the recipient as the GaGgee

and thanks - no really THANKS! ;)

cmon GaGger IS pretty good stuff - it obviously left a mark ;)

nah, never heard of the guy, I am a relative newbie

we agree a lot but you seem to want to continue to insult me so I am honor bound to reply,  I don't do well with fuck board bullies.  you have made it clear that you don't like me and consider me stupid so by all means continue to make your point as often as you wish

see my offer above and make your choice, I also sent a PM with a one-time offer.  I believe it to be more than fair

I like it when they Gag!

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 10:40:05 PM

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 10:51:44 PM

I consider fg stupid, I consider Laffy annoying.  

I find you annoying, a bit lame most of the time, but not stupid. As you have been quick to point out, we even agree on a lot of issues, that doesn't mean I don't still find you an annoying troll.

I hope this clears things up, I tried to type slow just for you.

brooks588 reads

why do you read and take the time to reply to my posts when you can just not read them?  you do have free will as our good lord intended

admit it, I fascinate you and you hang on my every word! ;)

often, a few days later, you either repeat my points or state something similar thinking that if enough time passes that no one will notice

cmon, admit it   I have your DEEP respect and you have a man-crush on me

as Rodney King famously said "can't we all just get along?"

-- Modified on 5/13/2016 11:41:19 AM

-- Modified on 5/13/2016 12:16:40 PM

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