Politics and Religion

You are really going out of your way defending how Watson ignores the facts .....
Timbow 978 reads

and he cannot find the truth that way. Maybe we should give him the benefit of doubt that he has not read critical evidence.

Posted By: Timbow
 with this fairy tale comment even though Watson made some good points in the rest of his writing.  Quote :  
   OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.    
  Credible facts and evidence now do not support his position. Believing the cop killed in self defense I do not give the thug any benefit of the doubt.  I admit Al Sharpton could well use this part of the FB post talking with his hands up in the air.    
Posted By: 613spades
   I m 99.9% certain that wilson did not murder brown. But would you admit that after getting punched in the face and having to wrestle for his gun, shooting inside a car might have raised his adrenaline levels a bit? Maybe he did kill brown out of anger after that? I ll admit that there's a .1% chance that he did. I ve seen similar things happen in combat and even fist fights that escalate to knives being used or someone going to far in anger. So the OR in his statement might be far fetched but not completely wrong.    
 -- Modified on 11/28/2014 7:03:42 PM

Americans as a whole should discontinue their pursuit of this unobtainable goal. The entire idea of justice is ridiculous. Why do people continue to demand the one thing that can never be delivered

Absolutely! So when someone comes over and steals all your crap don't start crying about justce.

GaGambler971 reads

and I am one of the biggest "thumper haters" on the board from either side of the aisle.

Why would you feel it necessary to make two separate posts to nit pick and misquote a guy, especially a black guy who is trying to see both sides of the story?

Come to think of it, I don't recall you lining up on the side of the "anti religious" I am firmly on that side so I think I would have remembered seeing another "righty" lining up against the bible thumpers. So is it just black athletes that "praise Jesus" that you have issue with? Or can you direct me towards your many posts bashing Jesus freaks that don't happen to be black guys calling for reason?

Timbow1054 reads

Quote :
 OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.

GaGambler1580 reads

but slightly less so than your original post/s

Watson attempted to be even handed by admitting he didn't know exactly what happened, and of course neither do we, by only quoting the half of the statement where he ponders whether the cop "could" be guilty, you are just as guilty of distorting his words as bigfatgirl on the opposite side of this issue.

Why you felt the need to distort his meaning when it's obvious what he meant is beyond me. I cannot in good conscience call out DA and fatgirl for distorting the truth and not call you out for doing the exact same thing.

Timbow1043 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
but slightly less so than your original post/s

Watson attempted to be even handed by admitting he didn't know exactly what happened, and of course neither do we, by only quoting the half of the statement where he ponders whether the cop "could" be guilty, you are just as guilty of distorting his words as bigfatgirl on the opposite side of this issue.

Why you felt the need to distort his meaning when it's obvious what he meant is beyond me. I cannot in good conscience call out DA and fatgirl for distorting the truth and not call you out for doing the exact same thing.

GaGambler933 reads

That's the kind of crap that someone like Fatgirl would do. Are you admitting that you have no more ethics than bigfatgirl or Hadji?

I call bullshit and say it was deliberate on your part, just like it is when they misquote and distort to "make a point" on their end. When you have a strong argument there is no need to distort or misquote. Congratulations for taking the low road right along with hadji and fatgirl

Timbow798 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
That's the kind of crap that someone like Fatgirl would do. Are you admitting that you have no more ethics than bigfatgirl or Hadji?

I call bullshit and say it was deliberate on your part, just like it is when they misquote and distort to "make a point" on their end. When you have a strong argument there is no need to distort or misquote. Congratulations for taking the low road right along with hadji and fatgirl

-- Modified on 11/28/2014 9:45:34 AM

GaGambler742 reads

apparently I was wrong.

Thanks for proving that the right can distort and misquote just as badly as the left. It's a healthy reminder why I will never join either party, both sides are never content to let it go at the truth, not when they think their point will be bolstered by  bending, stretching, or flat out ignoring said truth.

I m 99.9% certain that wilson did not murder brown. But would you admit that after getting punched in the face and having to wrestle for his gun, shooting inside a car might have raised his adrenaline levels a bit? Maybe he did kill brown out of anger after that? I ll admit that there's a .1% chance that he did. I ve seen similar things happen in combat and even fist fights that escalate to knives being used or someone going to far in anger. So the OR in his statement might be far fetched but not completely wrong.  

But isn't that essenatally getting to the core of the matter?

Why do cops need to push the situiation to the point where someone needs to die?

Why didn't Wilson simeply wait for backup rather than engaging someone he admitted was physically superior to his abilitiies?

He was struggling in the car -- and I certainly support his efforts to control his pistol (and hope he didn't draw it from the holster) -- but I wonder why he didn't simply put the car in reverse and pull back 50 yards?  That would have certainly eliminated the possibility that Michael could have hit him.

He could have waited for back up.

Yes, that's a bit of Monday morning QB but it's a reasonalbe question -- why don't out police consider the options that leave everyone alive rather than going for the kill so often?

Its how they are trained now and the law supports it for the most part. If theres any perceived threat they have the right to use deadly force. I would prefer there be more training but until we force change I don't believe it'll happen. Put yourself in the cops shoes. I'm continually surprised by how f***ed up people are, I don't envy the police one bit.

Timbow959 reads

with this fairy tale comment even though Watson made some good points in the rest of his writing.  Quote :
 OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.  

Credible facts and evidence now do not support his position. Believing the cop killed in self defense I do not give the thug any benefit of the doubt.  I admit Al Sharpton could well use this part of the FB post talking with his hands up in the air.  

Posted By: 613spades
   I m 99.9% certain that wilson did not murder brown. But would you admit that after getting punched in the face and having to wrestle for his gun, shooting inside a car might have raised his adrenaline levels a bit? Maybe he did kill brown out of anger after that? I ll admit that there's a .1% chance that he did. I ve seen similar things happen in combat and even fist fights that escalate to knives being used or someone going to far in anger. So the OR in his statement might be far fetched but not completely wrong.  
-- Modified on 11/28/2014 7:03:42 PM

Where you have witnesses statements all over the board is stupid. I believe wilson for the most part. I can't fault his actions. Do I believe he got hit hard enough to be fearful of his life like his statement? No, I ve been in enough fights and seen enough of them to know what a person looks like after bein hit that hard, being knocked out, having your eye socket broken. Wilson barely hard a mark. That's really immaterial because if brown charged him he had the right to shoot him. But I won't say there is absolutely zero chance wilson didn't act in anger and pull the trigger one last time as he was falling to the ground. Again I don't believe that happened; would never want to believe it but I will admit there is a very minuscule chance it did. You can't take a statement that postulates 2 theories and use it to discredit the whole statement. The leading part of the paragraph is the most credible and put FIRST for that reason. Without BEING there you can't say for certain what happened or why and even if you were there you wouldn't know for sure why it happened. It's stupid to say any thing different. You have the right to your opinion, and you can be certain but you were probably just as certain before the grand jury evidence was released. Hell I was 99% sure he didn't exacute him before the grand jury evidence. Now I m almost certain but there will always be questions that can't be answered in situations like this.  

Posted By: Timbow
 with this fairy tale comment even though Watson made some good points in the rest of his writing.  Quote :  
  OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.  
 Credible facts and evidence now do not support his position. Believing the cop killed in self defense I do not give the thug any benefit of the doubt.  I admit Al Sharpton could well use this part of the FB post talking with his hands up in the air.  
Posted By: 613spades
   I m 99.9% certain that wilson did not murder brown. But would you admit that after getting punched in the face and having to wrestle for his gun, shooting inside a car might have raised his adrenaline levels a bit? Maybe he did kill brown out of anger after that? I ll admit that there's a .1% chance that he did. I ve seen similar things happen in combat and even fist fights that escalate to knives being used or someone going to far in anger. So the OR in his statement might be far fetched but not completely wrong.    
-- Modified on 11/28/2014 7:03:42 PM

Timbow979 reads

and he cannot find the truth that way. Maybe we should give him the benefit of doubt that he has not read critical evidence.

Posted By: Timbow
 with this fairy tale comment even though Watson made some good points in the rest of his writing.  Quote :  
   OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.    
  Credible facts and evidence now do not support his position. Believing the cop killed in self defense I do not give the thug any benefit of the doubt.  I admit Al Sharpton could well use this part of the FB post talking with his hands up in the air.    
Posted By: 613spades
   I m 99.9% certain that wilson did not murder brown. But would you admit that after getting punched in the face and having to wrestle for his gun, shooting inside a car might have raised his adrenaline levels a bit? Maybe he did kill brown out of anger after that? I ll admit that there's a .1% chance that he did. I ve seen similar things happen in combat and even fist fights that escalate to knives being used or someone going to far in anger. So the OR in his statement might be far fetched but not completely wrong.    
 -- Modified on 11/28/2014 7:03:42 PM

GaGambler819 reads

and the rest of what he had to say was quite rational, even handed and what "black leaders" like Jesse fucking Jackson and Al fucking Sharpton SHOULD be saying instead of putting all the blame on whitey.

This is without a doubt the most positive and constructive commentary I've heard about this horrific event. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton could learn a lot from this young man!

I'm not saying that he is incapable of writing a response of this caliber. Only that I'm somewhat suspicious, because 1. I would think a professional athlete wouldn't have the time to post a well thought out tweet. 2. There are social media PR firms for hire, that will post to your account.

He went to duke on a scholarship before transferring to Georgia for more playing time. He also posted the 3rd highest score in NFL history on the wonderlick test coming into the league...  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I'm not saying that he is incapable of writing a response of this caliber. Only that I'm somewhat suspicious, because 1. I would think a professional athlete wouldn't have the time to post a well thought out tweet. 2. There are social media PR firms for hire, that will post to your account.

... and it's one of those times I'd rather be wrong instead of right.

I'm skeptical, and provided two facts which support my skepticism. Which I admit could be unfounded. However, the two facts which you provided are circumstantial at best. The post reads as if it was written by a writer. Perhaps there is a writer inside of this NFL player.

even if there was a professional writer comminitcating the underlying sentiments is that a bad thing? Does the messenger change the message if it's accurately communicated?

However, integrity is lost when someone takes credit for something they didn't do.

I probably won't give it another thought after today.

You're kidding me? At least in the NFL for the most part these people are not only physically above average but mentally so too.

Yes, some are both less educated and in some cases simply very good physically but slow intelectually (but not mentally).

I'm pretty sure that the top people in sports could be at the top in any industry and the NFL is a very competivie industry so I suspect that even if you'renot at the top of everyone's list you're failrly smart and coordinated.

nor the intelligence of NFL players. I believe NFL players are intelligent, and I have no doubt they a coordinated. I found it strange for an NFL player to be focused on an event, any event outside of the game on game day. I could see if the event was very personal, and involved a players family member, however these guys are professionals.

You also have to take inconsideration that a. there are social media PR firms for hire. and b. after not having won Monday night's game, it would seem out of the ordinary for a player to focus his attention on the outcome of the BW indictment.  

Human beings can't be focused on every and all events taking place in the world, not when they have a career to focus on.

Effing  great link. HOwever I want to suggest the flip side on this.

I'm while, live in a nice, quiet middle class neighborhood where cops for the most part (like 99%) only issue speeding tickets!

I hear what the video is saying but let's thing about the other experince. There was a story by a black college professor who lived in an affulent neighborhood (I think Colorado). When she and her husband were taking a vacation an leaving their teanaged kids at home, given the risks she set up a meeting between the police chief and her kids so they knew these black teanagers belonged in the nieghborhood. Would any white parents think tat was neccessary?

While I thing we have very bad statistics one police shootings I'm pretty sure that more black, especially young, people are shoot than whites of the same age. While I'll agree that other things that just race are involved here (poverty, living in projects where crime and ganes are prevelent)  I think we need to keep in mind the (positive and negative) signallying that simple skin color conveys -- which is a correllel to the video.  Experience tells me that most black people are not any different, or any more dangerous than white people.  But I'm probablu just as guilty as other whites in fearing a few young black men on a lonely street more than the same if they were white.

 While things like rational analysis/game theory min-max strategies might rationalize the behavior in the end it comes down to limited interactions, inabilitity to accurately assess the risks and granting a level of tolleration  I give the white counter parts. The problem is that the statistics I base my risk assessments on are a bit biased but a bunch of other factors than race.

And, true honesty is usually this messy. No one emotion, but rather a collection of many for many different reasons. And, it's important to acknowledge the shadow side in events and people, but without becoming fixated on it, while ignoring the light.

-- Modified on 12/1/2014 4:37:47 PM

Everyone has the right to make a fool of themselves.  Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin chose an opportune moment to exercise their freedom

Timbow782 reads

Quote :
The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story...

Posted By: ed2000
Everyone has the right to make a fool of themselves.  Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin chose an opportune moment to exercise their freedom.  

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