Politics and Religion

You are part of the problem so, STFU
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 524 reads

You have no room to criticize, support or oppose because it is meaningless and hollow.

Yes, I've been away. Busy as a beaver, and my back is free of knife wounds.

With that being said, I've thought long and hard about this one, and I've come to a simple conclusion: I'm not voting.

I just can't do it. Not this year.

I could vote for the Republicans, but those shit heads put me out of work for a while, not to mention that think it's perfectly fine for big government to get all Big Brother on women's lady parts. When you go to such lengths to shit on the privacy rights of half the US population, just to satisfy a few fucking Jesus Freaks, then you've lost my vote.

I could vote for the Democrats, but, sorry, I just can't do it. Not when Democrats are regularly trying to take away, or limit my 2nd Amendment rights: which means the right to protect and defend my own life. You've lost my vote Democrats. Get back to me when you stop shitting on my rights.

I'm also growing increasingly disturbed by how fucking nutty the social justice warrior wing of the Democratic party has become. It's like a never-ending circle jerk of a bunch of humorless shitheads trying to win the Oppression Olympics.

When I was a teen I couldn't stand that worthless bag of fat Jerry Fartwell and his pet douche Pat Robertson. Pious assclowns waving their sausage-sized fingers in disapproval because as a strapping young lad, I had the temerity to look at a pair of tits and get an erection.

But these days, it seems like you get the exact same kind of disapproval from crazier-than-catshit feminists who think I should punch myself in the face on a daily basis to fight "The Patriarchy".

And of course, these people never take a moment to pause and reflect that their position is identical to that of the religious right. In the 80's and 90's they wanted to censor music, today they want to censor video games.

Sigh. So what is a voter to do? My answer is simple. I'm staying home on election day. Fuck 'em both.

By the way, I think I predicted more than a year ago here that the GOP would take the Senate, but it would be damn close, and the GOP would only have a 1-2 seat majority. I think that will probably happen. Not that it'll mean a damn thing.  If the Dems are anything but suicidal, then they'll filibuster the GOP like the GOP has done for the last 6 years. Of course, Democrats always fail to show any backbone whatsoever, so they might every well put the suicide option on the table.

In which case, I fully expect that the GOP will impeach Obama. The House will discover that being a black President is a high crime and misdemeanor, and the Senate will convict. Most of the Democrats will vote for impeachment, saying they're saving their no vote for something that's truly important.

So who's looking forward to the Presidential debates between Hilary Clinton and Jeb Bush?

bigguy30678 reads

You have every right to do what you want, but you also are a small reason why this country is so fuck up at times!

I'm sure if someone came and punched you in the face, you would take it right?  
Hell no you would want to kick their ass, at least I hope you would want too.

It's no different here, you been punched in the face and instead of fighting back your taking it.  
Then saying I will kick your ass two years from now.  
The bully will keep doing it, until you fight back and right now you are giving the bully power over you.  

If someone was the reason I lost my fucking job for a while, I would not be sitting waiting for another shoe to drop on me or someone else.  

I would  make sure the same people that fuck me over, are the same ones that will pay some sort of price.  The way you could do this is voting, even if it's for the lesser of two evils.  

Why do that, you already told everybody the bully can keep punching you in the face for two more years!



-- Modified on 11/1/2014 3:23:41 AM

Dream on, but impeachment will never happen. What would be the benefit? It would take a year, to get O out one year early. It would divide the country, and then you would end up with what? Biden as president??? Impeachment would benefit the Dems. It would give them something to run on in 2016.

Nope, the best outcome is to let O be a lame duck President that Repubs can run against in the 2016 election. Pass stuff and force Dems to oppose and O to veto

bigguy30794 reads

If you think the repubscum passing one dangerous bill after another, will help them in the general election in 2016.  

Then like President Obama to told Romdumbass, please proceed Governor.  
The only good thing that would happen, if the repubscum get control of congress.

Everybody will see who the real fuck ups are and repubscum house members already gave us a preview!

salonpas665 reads

I expect the far right wing nut bags to push for Obama's impeachment right after he issues an Executive order on Immigration. They just can't help themselves! The tea party caucus will demand House leader Boehner schedule a vote on impeachment.

GaGambler780 reads

I'll give you the same odds I gave Willy, if you have the guts, all you have to do is step up to the plate. Two to one against, and we can pick a person of both our choosing to hold the money. I nominate Inicky to hold the wagers as he is known by enough of us here to be credible, and besides he is "one of yours" so there won't be any crying from your end about anyone running off with the pot.

Come on smart guy, put your money where your mouth is. I am booking all bets up to about the mid five digits. (I don't trust Inicky to hold any more than that, or he might be tempted to blow all our money on ticas. lol) Put up or shut up. Or you can be like Mari and do neither. lmao

salonpas601 reads

Since I'm not a gambling man, let me be clear what I meant. Obama may not be actually impeached, but articles of impeachment will be filed against him by the Republican House and voted on. It doesn't mean they will be successful, but they will try. I cannot see how this helps Republican's standing with minorities. Obama, Democrats and moi are silently hoping that they do.

Posted By: GaGambler
I'll give you the same odds I gave Willy, if you have the guts, all you have to do is step up to the plate. Two to one against, and we can pick a person of both our choosing to hold the money. I nominate Inicky to hold the wagers as he is known by enough of us here to be credible, and besides he is "one of yours" so there won't be any crying from your end about anyone running off with the pot.

Come on smart guy, put your money where your mouth is. I am booking all bets up to about the mid five digits. (I don't trust Inicky to hold any more than that, or he might be tempted to blow all our money on ticas. lol) Put up or shut up. Or you can be like Mari and do neither. lmao

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 12:48:46 PM

GaGambler574 reads

I am still offering odds that Obama will not have impeachment proceedings brought against him. Put up or shut up.

I think I was pretty clear in what I said last time so there is no need for me to clarify what exactly I had to say in my last post. Come on smart guy, prove that even though you are hardly any smarter than mari, that at least you have a bit of courage to your convictions.

salonpas724 reads

I expect they will force Republican leadership to do some batshit crazy things over the next couple of years. Just like Ted  "the missile" Cruz forced a Government shutdown earlier this year.

There is one "remote" pathway for impeaching Obama and that is, if he signs off on Republican attempts to gut popular programs such as Medicare, medicare, social security etc. Senate Republicans will have no problems reaching the 67 number threshold for impeachment. We live in some interesting times......lol


-- Modified on 11/2/2014 7:17:32 PM

GaGambler762 reads

You sound just like Mari now, and with as little courage of conviction about your views. If you are scared, just say so. I can't possibly think any less of you.

If the Republicans take over the Senate and keep the House, then send over bills to the While House that "guts" popular programs (in your language), and O signs them, then the Republicans have even less incentive to impeach and remove. Keep the figure head in there to pass the Republican Agenda, and then blame it on O during the 2016 elections.

You sure mention your minority status a lot. I have to agree that Obama will most likely not see impeachment proceedings.

I hope they do, too! It would finally show the public they have no constructive plans for getting our country back on track and the only game they know how to play is, "Let's hurt Obama."

Posted By: salonpas
Since I'm not a gambling man, let me be clear what I meant. Obama may not be actually impeached, but articles of impeachment will be filed against him by the Republican House and voted on. It doesn't mean they will be successful, but they will try. I cannot see how this helps Republican's standing with minorities. Obama, Democrats and moi are silently hoping that they do.  
Posted By: GaGambler
I'll give you the same odds I gave Willy, if you have the guts, all you have to do is step up to the plate. Two to one against, and we can pick a person of both our choosing to hold the money. I nominate Inicky to hold the wagers as he is known by enough of us here to be credible, and besides he is "one of yours" so there won't be any crying from your end about anyone running off with the pot.  
 Come on smart guy, put your money where your mouth is. I am booking all bets up to about the mid five digits. (I don't trust Inicky to hold any more than that, or he might be tempted to blow all our money on ticas. lol) Put up or shut up. Or you can be like Mari and do neither. lmao
-- Modified on 11/2/2014 12:48:46 PM

JackDunphy559 reads

The second article of impreachment brought against Nixon was abuse of the IRS. Sound familiar? If that investigation, and/or the Sharyl Attkkisson accusations come to fruition, along with an EO on immigration, and we will certainly have impeachment proceedings.

The immigration issue by itself will draw a vote in the House which I think will be successful. Removal in the senate will hinge on the other issues I mentioned

It takes 2/3 (67 votes) for the Senate to remove the President after the House has impeached. The most seats the Republicans will get is around 55, so it would take at least 12 Democrats to remove the President.

Since Impeachment is DOA in the Senate, the House won't waste their time and give Dem's something to run on in 2016.

GaGambler583 reads

but you are absolutely correct, despite the libs here wishes to the contrary, the GOP isn't dumb enough to pick a fight like this that they have zero chances of winning, do I have to up the odds to three to one to get any takers?

GaGambler909 reads

It looks like Fatboy is on a forced hiatus of his own right now.

and I hope your scenario comes to pass, and that the Dems do filibuster the GOP. That way we will have gridlock and those idiots in Washington won't get anything passed that will take even more of our rights away. I have long since concluded that gridlock is the best I can hope for. When politicians "get things done" we end up with more government which leads to atrocities like The Patriot Act and Obamacare. Getting nothing done is much preferable to seeing either party get their way.

BTW, Obama is NOT going to get impeached, even Eric Holder is going to get away scot free. Care to wager on it? I'll give you two to one against, and Inicky can hold the money. He's about the only one left here that I believe that both of us would trust to do so. So, are you game?

bigguy30678 reads

You are a prime example of why repubscum and their supports will never win a national election.

So you and people with your views are bad for this country!

Also big guy nickname is not about my weight and I am proud of what is behind that nickname. LOL

So your clown ass has never seen me and is just talking out of your ass.
I cannot wait for this clown show party is crying tears in 2016, if not 2014.

Just like Romdumbass was in 2012! LOL

Posted By: bigguy30
You are a prime example of why repubscum and their supports will never win a national election.  
 So you and people with your views are bad for this country!  
 Also big guy nickname is not about my weight and I am proud of what is behind that nickname. LOL  
 So your clown ass has never seen me and is just talking out of your ass.  
 I cannot wait for this clown show party is crying tears in 2016, if not 2014.  
 Just like Romdumbass was in 2012! LOL

bigguy30716 reads

I would change my handle name by the way, who the fuck wants to hear you have a small dick!  
Also the ladies love my handle. Lol
What a sorry ass life you and your friend's have supporting the repubscum.
All you get out of it is disulsion and lies.

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 4:14:53 AM

we all know who the real needledick is here!

Bet you drive one of these too

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 9:18:43 AM

You have no room to criticize, support or oppose because it is meaningless and hollow.

86H13LTP853 reads

like they are in Georgia . I heard grocery store chains throughout metro Atlanta are reporting record sales of both . Dem-o- rats up to their same old get out the vote tricks .

86H13LTP574 reads

Dems running scared all over the south are pulling the race card !

bigguy30603 reads

I come back home and see this stupid response from you and your stupid desperate political repubscum party!  

I already showed how the repubscum suppress the vote in every possible way.

So let's take attack opponents strength with character assassination:  
Sponsoring Organization: National Republican Congressional Committee




So of course your are going to see stories like the ones 86H13LTP, posted earlier today. This is apart of the repubscum plan demonize,lie and scare the rest of the country!  

I see what you are your supporters are doing stupid and it won't work on me!

Also like I mention to GaGambler before, if you never met me. You look like a ass when you assume.  

My nickname has nothing to do with weight! LOL

-- Modified on 11/1/2014 3:13:16 PM

86H13LTP749 reads

I know you are .  

And you are also who assumes anyone who calls a spade a spade has to be a racist , not a realists .  

I'm sorry your  insecurities haunt you . It's your fucking problem not mine

bigguy30719 reads

You don't have a fucking clue on anything do you?
So lying and making things up, is what you do and I see why you support the repubscum.
Just like the political party you support, attack with no facts and think it's true.
I will go back to laughing at your sorry racist dumb ass.  

-- Modified on 11/1/2014 9:34:16 PM

86H13LTP736 reads

I bought a dozen Mexican blankets 2 for $15 and while we worked our A O I passed them out to the homeless crackhead smokes who were freezing their asses off.  

I also currently do AA hookers and strippers almost exclusively and have for awhwile . If you have the courage to hit Magic City after about 1am a few nights a week you won't have a problem picking me out of the crowd.  

So see you are one big fat douche bag who dosnt have a fucking clue and like a typical Loud mouth punk liberal you talk game but never step up to the plate .

salonpas785 reads

.......including voting early and as often as possible.......roflmao!

Posted By: 86H13LTP
like they are in Georgia . I heard grocery store chains throughout metro Atlanta are reporting record sales of both . Dem-o- rats up to their same old get out the vote tricks .

JackDunphy772 reads

Lol. Welcome back dude.

Ok, I do have to take you on here.

How are R's using big govt to interfere with a woman's private parts? Because they don't believe contraception payment should be mandated by the Feds? Did you buy into the wacky feminist argument that someone ELSE must pay for their pill

followme793 reads

your back is free of knife wounds is because (I assume) the backstabber aks BLS has been either shit canned or put on hold for a few months.

As for you not voting that confirms what I have suspected. When will you be moving out of the country. Will it be cuba, or venezuela, or how about syria?

Regarding all the Republicans who hate obama because he is black , does that include all the BLACK Republicians who think obama is and asshole.

Your logic and reasoning makes as much sense as a soup sandwich, but that ins nothing new.

You're Welcome  

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