Politics and Religion

You are going to go to hell charlie
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 249 reads

See you there.

I've been trying to avoid this since NBC News doctored the original Zimmerman 911 call and nobody seems to care.  If it was Fox News it would be the scandal of the century.  I also find it total BS that the media chose to almost exclusively show pictures of Martin at a younger age and cover up his delinquent past.  And I find Obama's attempt to politically/racially capitalize off of it truly disgusting.  The man has no shame.

That being said, the injuries to Zimerman look very mild.  Small cuts and bruises to his head and face.  Martin was probably the agressor and Zimmerman was definitely getting his ass kicked but I fail to see how he could have believed his life was truly in danger.  It's a shame that it has turned into a racial circus due to the most irresponsible, biased mainstream news organization out there, NBC News.

leave it to the jury to decide. it doesn't concern you, or anyone else for that matter.

Typical liberal media bias.  

Here's an article from the smoking gun that you probably won't hear from the liberal media.
Read the comments from others at the bottom of the article. Trannyboy has not chimed in though, lol.

Is it not true the Martin is dead? If he were alive, would his version agree with Zimmerman's. Where did I say all the witnesses are dead?

Just to be clear, you are using the term witness in a legal sense, I'm using it in a phenomenological sense, in that one who witnesses, which can include experiencing an event, which Martin, indeed, did. Fact is, no one, none of "the witnesses" fully witnessed what happened. All that can be done is to piece together all of the witnesses statements and see if the overall picture supports Zimmerman's version of the events. Sadly, their is not one for Martin.

""Where did I say all the witnesses are dead?""

Well! When you shoot the only other witness, I guess you can claim self-defense...
Posted 5/16/2012 at 1:22:20 PM
Reviews: 7

Your explaination is a strained venture into PretzelVille and no one is buying it.:D

if he was provoked into attacking Zimmerman, and whether he felt he was merely defending himself against Zimmerman, before Zimmerman shot him. It doesn't seem that any of the other witnesses can shed as much light on those points as Martin could do so himself, if he was still alive.

If you're going to shoot someone, and claim self-defense, you'd better kill him. Otherwise, he can bear witness, give testimony, offer evidence that you did not shoot in self-defense, used excessive force, and/or were not justified in the amount of force you used. That might have been the case if Martin had lived.

Done_That526 reads

pix. It also included (missing from the smoking gun article)  comments in the police report by the investigating officer:

"The encounter between GZ & TM was ultimately avoidable by Zman, If Zman had remained in his vehicle & awaited the arrival of law enforcement, or conversely if he he had identified himself to Martin as a concerned citizen & initiated dialog in an effort to dispel each party's concern. There is no indication that TM was involved in any criminal activity at the time of the encounter."

I guess you could say that was from a Typical liberal cop bias.

Zman should have been charged w/manslaughter that night. It was proposed in the report by the police, but the local AG did not, he's running for re-election & does not want any cases he thinks he could potentially loose or controversial just before the election.

WE NOW KNOW IT WAS travon screaming for help and not zimmerman .

zimmerman was the aggressor  who pursued and stalked Travyon Martin, a minor who was doing nothing wrong and belonged there with a loaded 9MM pistol althought he was told " we don't  need you to do that" by a trained professionalal 911 operator.

Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin, pursued him, frightened him, confronted him then shot him during a struggle, prosecutors alleged Thursday.

That's what the probable-cause affidavit filed Thursday by Special Prosecutor Angela Corey reveals. It is the first look at the criminal case that prosecutors plan to mount against Zimmerman.

The account is strikingly similar to the story that Trayvon's parents, the family's attorneys and civil-rights leaders have told for weeks — that Trayvon was an innocent victim hunted down and killed because he was black.

Herr found the affidavit legally sufficient to establish probable cause and ordered Zimmerman to appear for arraignment — when defendants formally enter a plea — on May 29 before Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler.

But the probable-cause affidavit, prepared by two investigators in her office, spelled out the bare bones of her case.

To Trayvon, it says, Zimmerman was a scary man, following him for some unknown reason. To Zimmerman, Trayvon was someone who was about to commit a crime, "a f------ punk," the affidavit said.

The affidavit offered evidence the state's position on three key points:

•"Zimmerman confronted Martin," it says, an apparent contradiction of Zimmerman's version of events.

•The state will argue that the voice heard crying for help in the background of one 911 call is Trayvon's. According to the affidavit, Trayvon's mother listened to the recording and identified the voice as her son's.

•State investigators will rely on the testimony of a friend of Trayvon's who told them she talked to the teenager on the phone in the lead-up to the shooting and heard the confrontation.

Based on the description, she appears to be the girl described by Martin family attorneys as his girlfriend.

When interviewed by state investigators, "The witness advised that Martin was scared because he was being followed through the complex by an unknown male and didn't know why," the affidavit said.

Trayvon tried to run home, the affidavit says, but Zimmerman ignored the advice of a police dispatcher and continued pursuing him on foot.


-- Modified on 5/19/2012 2:17:22 AM

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Was 'Jekyll And Hyde,' Former Co-Worker Says

In a week of leaked high school disciplinary records, police reports and police station surveillance video in the war over public perception of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, more details have emerged about Zimmerman’s history of violence.

Zimmerman, the 28-year-old Sanford, Fla., neighborhood watch volunteer who shot the unarmed 17-year-old Martin to death last month, was fired from a job securing illegal house parties for “being too aggressive,” according to the New York Daily News, which quoted a former colleague of Zimmerman’s. According to the co-worker, Zimmerman worked for two agencies that provided security for house parties from 2001 to 2005.

“Usually he was just a cool guy,” said the former co-worker, who the newspaper didn't name. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When dude snapped, he snapped.” The Daily News said Zimmerman earned $50 to $100 a night for the parties. He was fired for being too aggressive with patrons.

“He had a temper and he became a liability,” the newspaper quoted the former co-worker as saying. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”

The new portrayal of Zimmerman comes as distinctly different images of both Martin and Zimmerman are being floated by people on both sides of the Martin killing. Zimmerman told police he shot Martin Feb. 26 in self defense after being jumped from behind. He has not been charged.

Photos of a fresh-faced, smiling Martin in a Hollister T-shirt helped attract sympathy to his parents' call for justice, as did a 2005 police mug shot of a scowling, overweight Zimmerman photographed after being charged with assaulting a police officer.

This week, stories challenging both portraits emerged. Photos of Martin with removable gold tooth caps and revelations that he was suspended from his Miami high school three times, including once for possessing an empty baggy that school officials said contained marijuana residue, became ammunition for conservative websites and and people sympathetic to Zimmerman


"The investigator who called for Zimmerman's arrest, Christopher Serino, told prosecutors that the fight could have been avoided if Zimmerman had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement. He said Zimmerman, after leaving his vehicle, could have identified himself to Martin as a concerned citizen and talked to him instead of confronting him. The report was written on March 13, nearly a month before Zimmerman's eventual arrest.

He said there is no evidence Martin was involved in any criminal activity as he walked from a convenience store to the home of his father's fiancee in the same gated community where Zimmerman lived."

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 9:16:53 AM

Timbow572 reads


Posted By: mattradd
"The investigator who called for Zimmerman's arrest, Christopher Serino, told prosecutors that the fight could have been avoided if Zimmerman had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement. He said Zimmerman, after leaving his vehicle, could have identified himself to Martin as a concerned citizen and talked to him instead of confronting him.  


-- Modified on 5/18/2012 9:45:10 AM

And, I would place money on the officer's opinion. Wouldn't you?  I'd place my money on Martin not being shot by Zimmerman, in self-defense, if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle. Would you place money on Martin being shot by Zimmerman, in self-defense if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle? I think common sense, whether you just call it an opinion, would say that I'd win my bet, and you'd lose yours.  ;)

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 3:41:46 PM

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 3:52:22 PM

Timbow342 reads

Posted By: mattradd
And, I would place money on the officer's opinion. Wouldn't you?  I'd place my money on Martin not being shot by Zimmerman, in self-defense, if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle. Would you place money on Martin being shot by Zimmerman, in self-defense if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle? I think common sense, whether you just call it an opinion, would say that I'd win my bet, and you'd lose yours.  ;)

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 3:41:46 PM

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 3:52:22 PM

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 11:06:36 AM

Two acquaintances painted an unflattering picture of Zimmerman in police interviews.

A distraught woman told an investigator that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them.

"I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the unidentified woman says in an audio recording.

A man whose name was deleted from the audio told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. It wasn't clear which company it was.

The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said that when he first started, many employees didn't like him. Zimmerman seized on this, the employee said, and bullied him.

Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work so he exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent when talking about the employee, the man said. The employee told investigators that Zimmerman made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him.

"It was so immature," said the employee, who ended up writing a letter to management about Zimmerman.


evidence supports the contention of Martin's parents that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

The investigator who called for Zimmerman's arrest, Christopher Serino, told prosecutors the fight could have been avoided if Zimmerman had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement. He said Zimmerman, after leaving his vehicle, could have identified himself to Martin as a concerned citizen and talked to him instead of confronting him. The report was written March 13, nearly a month before Zimmerman's eventual arrest.

He said there is no evidence Martin was involved in any criminal activity as he walked from a convenience store to the home of his father's fiance in the same gated community where Zimmerman lived.

The lawyer for Martin's parents seized on the investigator's recommendation.

"The police concluded that none of this would have happened if George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his car," said attorney Ben Crump. "If George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his car, they say it was completely avoidable. That is the headline."


Zimmerman Made Disparaging Remarks About Mexicans on MySpace Page

A MySpace page has surfaced that shows Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman made disparaging remarks about Mexicans and boasted about escaping from legal problems.

While the page is dated from 2005 and has not been used for some time, lawyers on both sides say the social media page could become a factor in the case against Zimmerman, who is accused of shooting the unarmed African-American teenager in Sanford, Florida, on February 26.

The page, titled, "only to be a king again," shows Zimmerman sounding off against Mexicans and celebrating his evasion of charges after a fight with a law enforcement officer.

In a possible reference to an alleged 2005 domestic violence incident, Zimmerman also uses a disparaging slang word for prostitute against his former girlfriend. Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for Trayvon Martin’s family, says the page shows Zimmerman has a history of racial profiling



Playing the Friendship Card: White Lies, White Denial and the Reality of Racism

I swear, if I hear one more transparently racist person insist they aren’t racist because they have black friends, I am going to shoot them. But not because I’m violent. I’m not violent. And this I know because I have friends who are pacifists.
Yes, this is a joke, but seriously, it’s getting just about that stupid, and not simply because George Zimmerman’s “black friend” swears he’s not racist (and that that whole “coon” thing he said about Trayvon Martin before he shot him was really “goon,” and that it was meant as a term of endearment, natch). Much more, it seems that everyone who ever says or does something blatantly racist to a black person is quick to wrap themselves in the cloak of their multicolored affinity networks, as if this provided the perfect inoculation against the charge that they were anything less than purely enlightened.
I’d like to think it’s because we’ve made progress — that this feigned ecumenism was the result of a real and abiding shame at the recognition of one’s biases, and the concomitant desire to front so as to maintain one’s own sense of decency. But sadly, I think it has nothing to do with any such societal evolution. Rather, it’s just a bunch of phony twaddle spread by those who are too stupid to know what racism is, or, alternately, so cunning as to hope that the rest of us are.
I mean really now, when even Daryl Dedmon (who ran over James Anderson in Mississippi a few months ago, after saying he wanted to “fuck with some niggers”), has friends who insist with straight faces that he’s not racist, and point to a couple of black associates as proof, you know that the black buddy defense is about as solid as goose shit and smells nearly as bad.
When a cop can call a black scholar a “banana-eating jungle monkey” and yet, still insist that he isn’t racist and has “no idea” where that language came from (hint: it’s racism, asshole), you know that some white folks are so congenitally ignorant as to disqualify themselves from either policing or association with remotely decent people.

you know before the sentence is even fully formed in her throat that she’s a lying crapsack.


Zimmerman psychologically wanna be cop profile; He’s like so many other utterly unaccomplished males who fantasize about being a badass law officer, meting out justice to the ne’er-do-wells.

Trayvon Martin, White Denial and the Unacceptable Burden of Blackness in America

By now, you probably know the shameful details, but they are worth repeating, in any event.
On the evening of February 26, George Zimmerman, a self-appointed “neighborhood watch captain” in an Orlando suburb, shot and killed 17-year old Trayvon Martin.
Because Martin was black.
And no, don’t even think of rolling your eyes at the suggestion. That is what happened, just as surely as so many might well be loathe to admit it.
Oh sure, he denies such a motivation, as does his family, but the details of the incident, now emerging from that evening leave very little question about it.
This was not, as we too often hear in the wake of such incidents, “a tragedy.”
This was not, as some would have it, “a terrible accident.”
It was murder, plain and simple. And it would be called such by everyone in a nation that had any commitment to honest language, which, sadly, would pretty much rule out the one in which Martin’s life began and ended, and in which Zimmerman continues to operate as a free man, unarrested by the police.
Trayvon Martin is dead because George Zimmerman believed his neighborhood needed and deserved to be protected from young black men, who could not possibly belong there, in his estimation. Never mind that Martin was in the community with his father, visiting friends. Never mind that Martin was armed only with Skittles and iced tea, while Zimmerman carried a loaded weapon.
Zimmerman, who has a history of aggressive behavior (including assaulting an officer a few years ago), appears to have something of a Dirty Harry syndrome about him. He is someone described by his own neighbors as overzealous,.....

An unnamed woman told an investigator in a police interview that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them. "I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the woman says in an audio recording.

An unnamed man told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said Zimmerman bullied him at work. Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work who did not like the man, so Zimmerman exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent, and made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him. "It was so immature," said the employee, who complained to management about Zimmerman. Zimmerman's parents say he wasn't racist. They said he mentored black students and had a black relative.

A Myspace page that belonged to George Zimmerman in 2005 has been brought to light, and some of the contents of his page have been scrutinized in a Miami Herald article entitled “George Zimmerman’s crude Myspace page from 2005 uncovered.” The O’Mara Law Group has confirmed this page did belong to Mr. Zimmerman, though it was hacked into, and George abandoned it. The identified posts were his.

The article details a number of statements that will cast Mr. Zimmerman in a less-than-favorable light especially considering the charges he faces. In that regard, it is possible that the statements Mr. Zimmerman made could be used as part of the trial, and therefore it is our policy not to comment directly on items that could become evidence.

Frances Robles, the Miami Herald reporter that broke the story tweeted “Crump tells me #Zimmerman's anti-Mexican comments on MySpace show ‘a pattern of profiling.’” We believe that inviting public scrutiny of the contents of this social media account invites scrutiny of the social media accounts of all parties involved. While these social media accounts may be public, we will not comment on them publicly, as they may be part of the evidence produced at trial.
A Myspace page that belonged to George Zimmerman in 2005 has been brought to light, and some of the contents of his page have been scrutinized in a Miami Herald article entitled “George Zimmerman’s crude Myspace page from 2005 uncovered.” The O’Mara Law Group has confirmed this page did belong to Mr. Zimmerman, though it was hacked into, and George abandoned it. The identified posts were his.

The article details a number of statements that will cast Mr. Zimmerman in a less-than-favorable light especially considering the charges he faces. In that regard, it is possible that the statements Mr. Zimmerman made could be used as part of the trial, and therefore it is our policy not to comment directly on items that could become evidence.

Frances Robles, the Miami Herald reporter that broke the story tweeted “Crump tells me #Zimmerman's anti-Mexican comments on MySpace show ‘a pattern of profiling.’” We believe that inviting public scrutiny of the contents of this social media account invites scrutiny of the social media accounts of all parties involved. While these social media accounts may be public, we will not comment on them publicly, as they may be part of the evidence produced at trial.

Posted By: xfean
An unnamed woman told an investigator in a police interview that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them. "I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the woman says in an audio recording.

An unnamed man told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said Zimmerman bullied him at work. Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work who did not like the man, so Zimmerman exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent, and made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him. "It was so immature," said the employee, who complained to management about Zimmerman. Zimmerman's parents say he wasn't racist. They said he mentored black students and had a black relative.
-- Modified on 5/19/2012 4:48:54 AM

Timbow1038 reads

-- Modified on 5/19/2012 11:02:33 AM

if you look at the INTERNET TIME MACHINE you will see it has the same disparaging messages before this incident ever happen .

note! there or other racial issue with zimmerman mention in my post

lawyer make excuses and side track for there clients

so now you admit zimmerman made racial derogatory statements! entered into evidence.

now we also know zimmerman via his attorney has told or made us believe another lie.

that goes to credibility

how about the statements about arabs, or the witness that says zimmerman does not like blacks?

George Zimmerman Made Racist Remarks At Work (LISTEN)

Within a collection of evidence officially released by the State Attorney's Office on Thursday, was an audio recording of a 15-minute interview with George Zimmerman's former co-worker. During the interview, the man, whose name was not given, says that Zimmerman racially targeted him and bullied him at work, ThinkProgress.com reports.
According to the witness, Zimmerman singled him out because he was Middle Eastern, calling him a "fucking moron" and mocking him with the voice of "Achmed the terrorist." He said Zimmerman would also tell stories and make jokes about "bombing" and other "Middle Eastern stuff."
Editor's Note: Some readers may find the language in this audio offensive

In addition to the second-degree murder charge he's facing, Zimmerman could also face federal hate crime charges. If convicted of second-degree murder, Zimmerman could serve a maximum sentence of life in prison. However, if he is found guilty of a federal hate crime charge, he could face the death penalty.
The witness said that he never felt physically threatened by Zimmerman or had any violent interaction with him. He said that he complained to management about Zimmerman's behavior, and Zimmerman was eventually "fired for calling the HR hotline so many times."
Complaints about Zimmerman's behavior aren't new. In the past, his neighbors complained about his aggressive tactics as a neighborhood watchmen and public records show he was arrested in Orange County in 2005 on charges of resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer.
Since his arrest, Zimmerman has been released on bond. The case is expected to go to trial.


-- Modified on 5/21/2012 3:20:34 AM

BREAKING NEWS! WITNESS " I know George, and I know that he does not like black people."

An unnamed woman told an investigator in a police interview that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them. "I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the woman says in an audio recording.

An unnamed man told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said Zimmerman bullied him at work. Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work who did not like the man, so Zimmerman exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent, and made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him. "It was so immature," said the employee, who complained to management about Zimmerman. Zimmerman's parents say he wasn't racist. They said he mentored black students and had a black relative.

An unnamed woman told an investigator in a police interview that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them. "I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the woman says in an audio recording.

An unnamed man told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said Zimmerman bullied him at work. Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work who did not like the man, so Zimmerman exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent, and made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him. "It was so immature," said the employee, who complained to management about Zimmerman. Zimmerman's parents say he wasn't racist. They said he mentored black students and had a black relative.

zimmerman doesn't like black people"

BREAKING NEWS! WITNESS " I know George, and I know that he does not like black people."

An unnamed woman told an investigator in a police interview that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them. "I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the woman says in an audio recording.

An unnamed man told investigators said he worked with Zimmerman in 2008 for a few months. The man, who described his heritage as "Middle Eastern," said Zimmerman bullied him at work. Zimmerman wanted to "get in" with the clique at work who did not like the man, so Zimmerman exaggerated a Middle Eastern accent, and made reference to terrorists and bombings when talking about him. "It was so immature," said the employee, who complained to management about Zimmerman. Zimmerman's parents say he wasn't racist. They said he mentored black students and had a black relative.

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