Politics and Religion

You are doing very good job mit
Timbow 3633 reads
1 / 43

''You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Dumb thing for Obama to say ! They will have a tape of that along with typical white person
Next week this will snowball


From that blog
''There once was a man named Obama; his foot in his mouth caused much trauma; "Religions' a crutch; you'all just don't need it that much; so now cling to your guns and YO MAMA; I'm a man who is learn-nud; I'm a man who is wise; I just hang with my homies' Rev. Wright and the guys; so please gimme yo vote, and I will be so happy, with my foot in my mouth, like that guy who said 'nappy.''


NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 4178 reads
2 / 43

these so-called "enlightened" people exhibit.

RightwingUnderground 4179 reads
3 / 43

Small towns come out smelling like a rose compared to Obama’s blatantly racist, anti-gun, anti-religion treatment of white people.

Obama’s arrogance, bigotry and lack of wisdom is astounding.

-- Modified on 4/11/2008 9:42:05 PM

Cpl_Punishment 3125 reads
4 / 43

Republicons, because they'll twist it all to hell and gone.

Far better to just bust them in the teeth.  Can't hurt THEM, because they don't have that many.  Can't hurt YOU, because they can empty their fuckin Uzis at you and never hit anything.

Cpl_Punishment 3361 reads
5 / 43

English language into prevarication on  5 seconds notice, is a reflex program that the GOP sells to all its members, ever since Dick Nixon demonstrated it with his "I am not a crook" speech.

It does not amaze me at all.  What would amaze me is if a Republicon could recognize the truth if it bit his ass.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2875 reads
6 / 43

Here, FlimFlamma could make some major contributions here...

don't judge me by the words I choose to spew out of my piehole.....words fdon't mean anything, like "I did not blow loads on Miss Lewinsky, never, not several times, these allegations are FALSE, now I need to go backstage and give Barney Frank the anal he's been craving from me for a while"

Cpl_Punishment 2419 reads
7 / 43

instead of your lying-ass words?

You said it yourself, the Republicon words you spew are false, and you need me to keep track of what you said in the last post.

Cpl_Punishment 2182 reads
8 / 43

to blow smoke about a decorated hero, for a draft-dodging drunk and his yellow bellied accomplices.

But that's what they do - they can't help it, they have a mental disorder.

The Moose 26 Reviews 2821 reads
9 / 43

Obama is absolutely correct, ALOT of people are angry/bitter after the last 8 years - that's not hard to figure out, hence the record turnout in ALL the primaries which started back on Jan. 3rd...

And people do cling to those wedge issues like guns & religion, that was proven vividly in 2004....

The Republicans have ZERO record to run on & when the McCain free ride with the media ends, he will be attacked on many issues including, but not limited to, his support for the Iraq war, his flip flopping & hypocrisy on social issues, his admitted lack of knowledge on fiscal issues (he also supports privitizing social security), Keating 5, his well-known bad temper, etc....

BTW, could you imagine if Obama made a mean-spirited joke like that broken down, bitter, phony, McCain made (link below) - again, hopefully McCain's free ride ends soon, he's been given carte blanche for way TOOOO long....

Joe Goebbels 2753 reads
10 / 43
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2865 reads
11 / 43

c'mon, let's get real with this quote.

Change "small towns in Pennsylvania" to "rustbelt inner cites/central cities,"  and change "they cling to guns or religion or antipathy..." to "they act out all type of massive anti-social behaviors..."  and we're left with pretty much what almost every Euro-American has said about the African-American community for the last, I don't know, 40+ plus years or so, including the ever-so-famous Moynihan report in 1965 [Xrist, I still can't believe i voted for that fraud in 1976], but with a lot less empathy on the part of us Euro-types than Senator Obama seems to manifest.

What Obama said doesn't strike me as all that outrageous or incorrect.  In fact, it sounds pretty much "spot on" [when exactly did that asshole Britishism infiltrate the Amercian version of English?  Is the NewsCorp responsible for this?  Thanks, Rupert].  What's really pissing you off here -- that an African-American can analyze and dissect white American  "social pathology"? Do you somehow feel diminished by all this?  It's a political campaign  -- candidates have to say a lot of things about a lot of issues and problems, and none of what they say will ever play to unanimous applause.

BTW, the McCain joke The Moose linked to, mean and tasteless as it was meant to be, didn't really strike me as all that bad.  I would fault it for using Chelsea Clinton as a surrogate target fot mamma and papa Clinton.

Bushit-eater 2493 reads
12 / 43

creating mass hallucinations!!!  


NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 3110 reads
13 / 43

All I said, (and anyone with a set of operative eyeballs can read for themselves) was that Coulter's hyperbole (and I might add, crassness) allow WordWeinies like yourself to ignore the points she makes, and distract attention to her hyperbole.

(Your responses in the thread amply illstrate my point, thank you very much)

now go put food on your family

Cpl_Punishment 3001 reads
14 / 43

"It is always entertaining to read the comments about Ann Coulter
Posted by BILLKILE , 4/11/2008 12:14:46 AM   [BILLKILE has 59 reviews]

and how uncivil SHE is...So much easier than addressing the points she makes..."

So now you agree with me, that the only point she makes is that she's crazier than BenD?!  

Timbow 2751 reads
15 / 43

Man he had Hillary in a good place now the small town voter in America and Penn will flip him a bird in the voting  booth.
I have heard of that joke before it is old news and is funny :)

-- Modified on 4/12/2008 12:28:29 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2240 reads
16 / 43


My point is while she may be as crazy as BenD, she also makes some good points. but her craziness obfuscates the points she may make along the way

sorry, i can't lend you my brain. if you cant think fer yourself at least do what your told....

now drop and give me 20

then go outside and get some fresh air, that's where i'm going...

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2887 reads
17 / 43

ANN COLTER??????????????

WHINY LIB HYPOCRITES....Wahhhhhh wahhhhhh wahhhhh....your twisting my wooooorrrddss...

shhesh, what cunts

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2244 reads
18 / 43

great pic! putting your thought out there for all to see!

-- Modified on 4/12/2008 4:57:18 PM

Cpl_Punishment 2541 reads
19 / 43

like why can't ya take a joke?  you joke about Kerry being a coward, why can't ya take a joke about Bush being a draft-dodger?   He didn't dodge the draft - technically!  Technically, he was a deserter!  It was  Go Fuck Yourself Dick who was the draft dodger!!

Just joking about suing his way into the White House and blaming Gore!  Just joking about WMDs!   Why can't ya take a joke?!   You're not some whiny Republi-con cunt, are ya?

Cpl_Punishment 2670 reads
20 / 43

You say she's crazy as BenD, but "has good points"!!!!

What, that loons shouldn't be let out on the street?  

DocK gave you a whole LIST of her points, and you couldn't find anything in there!!

Her only & best point is that her insanity is contagious, it's infected half the Republi-con party.

Talk about you being DENSE!  My point is that it's not worth listening to somebody who chances onto something less often than the GOP's typing monkeys!

GaGambler 2163 reads
21 / 43

and the joke was funny. Get a fucking grip already. Can't you do better than a ten year old story. If that's all you can come up with, McCain is going to win in a landslide.

DrFill 2199 reads
22 / 43

Jerry Falwell could come back and take over the Supreme Court, and the Republicans would STILL lose this one.

The Democrats could run a Castro/Nader ticket, and every Cuban in Miami would vote for them.

RightwingUnderground 2474 reads
23 / 43

will go to any age of data or any length required in order to change the subject.

BTW, you can drop Keating Five from your list. Bob Bennett settled that issue recently, once and forever.

Oh and we certainly don't want a President that shows any wisdom, characterized by recognizing and admitting one's own lack of knowledge.

Nor would we want anyone who dared to put forward any ideas for salvaging our huge entitlement programs. When was the last time either your boy or girl discussed them?

-- Modified on 4/12/2008 7:16:52 PM

Chuck Darwin 1876 reads
24 / 43

not enough brains to form criminal intent.

zisk 86 Reviews 3561 reads
25 / 43

your quips are not nearly half as clever as I imagine you think they are

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2276 reads
26 / 43

""DocK gave you a whole LIST of her points, and you couldn't find anything in there!!""""

It's all beginning to come clear.

DocK posts a list of her most outrageous statements and you call them her "points".

You spew Republic-con BlahBlahBlah bullshit and think you've made a "points" too.

Tomorrow we'll check to see how well you discern your ass from a hole in the ground....

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2657 reads
27 / 43

are you sure?  i thought ignorance [of the law] was NOT a defense?  at best you'd have to settle for diminished capacity or impaired reasoning?

well, for some, that's a step up

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 2396 reads
28 / 43

and will give her a TOTAL pass UNTIL they find out she's a pre-op on holiday from San Francisco.

Cpl_Punishment 2109 reads
29 / 43

so now you're complaining about somebody else.

Republicons just whine all the time.  You could give them the fucking world and they'd complain about it.

The Moose 26 Reviews 2634 reads
30 / 43

where everything the candiates have said & done dating back 40 years will come to light.....

I bet if Hillary is the nominee, your people will bring up Whitewater & VINCE FOSTER (both of which are over "10 fucking years old")...

And you can bet Obama will be scrutinized heavily, your people will again look for anything they can use against him dating back to his days at Harvard Law School...

Turnabout is fair play Mr. Gambler....Oh & BTW, I did bring up other things in my prior post, you just chose to ignore them.......

And to Right Wing Underground, sorry, NO WAY is Keating 5 going to be swept under the rug in a GE....Your people will try to have it be a memory, but several 527 groups are likely to bring the story front & center again in several ads.....

John McCain's free pass from the media gets pulled soon....

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 7:00:30 AM

Chuck Darwin 1833 reads
31 / 43

cleverness is lost on cons.  Mudslinging and headbashing is the only thing they understand, and we do everything we can to make our customers happy!

GaGambler 2646 reads
32 / 43

let's try this again. you start off your post talking about how people are angry and bitter after eight years of GWB and to support this you offer a link to a story that predates his presidency by two years. Give me a fucking break.

White Water and Vince Foster are not jokes(well maybe Whitewater is) and neiter are statements made by a presidential candidate or his wife that indicate they hate whitey and this country, but he is still the candidate of hope and unity. Those points are very germain to the election. I am not a flag waver, but I would expect at the very least that a candidate for POTUS would at least "like" the country he wants to lead.

---- 2795 reads
33 / 43

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 11:19:20 AM

---- 2672 reads
34 / 43

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 11:16:38 AM

Timbow 3078 reads
35 / 43

No this is veritas and the hard facts that Obama screwed the pooch :)

The Obama campaign contends that coverage of the San Francisco remarks is overheated and distorted. One aide said that “any logical analysis” would make it obvious that the brouhaha will not “change the pledged delegate count” — the key to the Democratic presidential nomination.

In fact, this is a potential turning point for Obama’s campaign — an episode that could be even more damaging than the attention to remarks by his minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, since this time the controversial words came out of his own mouth.

Here are a dozen reasons why:

1. It lets Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) off the mat at a time when even some of her top supporters had begun to despair about her prospects. Clinton hit back hard on the campaign trail Saturday. And her campaign held a conference call where former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a Pittsburgh native, described Obama’s remarks as “condescending and disappointing” and “undercutting his message of hope.”

2. If you are going to say something that makes you sound like a clueless liberal, don’t say it in San Francisco. Obama’s views might have been received very differently if he had expressed them in public to Pennsylvania voters, saying he understood and could alleviate their frustrations.

3. Some people actually use guns to hunt — not to compensate for a salary that’s less than a U.S. senator’s.

4. Some people cling to religion not because they are bitter but because they believe it, and because faith in God gives them purpose and comfort.

5. Some hard-working Americans find it insulting when rich elites explain away things dear to their hearts as desperation. It would be like a white politician telling blacks they cling to charismatic churches to compensate for their plight. And it vindicates centrist Democrats who have been arguing for a decade that their party has allowed itself to look culturally out of touch with the American mainstream.

6. It provides a handy excuse for people who were looking for a reason not to vote for Obama but don’t want to think of themselves as bigoted. It hurts Obama especially with the former Reagan Democrats, the culturally conservative, blue-collar workers who could be a promising voter group for him. It also antagonizes people who were concerned about his minister but might have given him the benefit of the doubt after his eloquent speech on race.

7. It gives the Clinton campaign new arguments for trying to recruit superdelegates, the Democratic elected officials and other insiders who get a vote on the nomination. A moderate politician from a swing district, for example, might not want to have to explain support for a candidate who is being hammered as a liberal. And Clinton’s agents can claim that for all the talk of her being divisive, Obama has provided plenty of fodder to energize Republicans.

8. It helps Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) frame a potential race against Obama, even though both of them have found support among independents. Now Republicans have a simple, easily repeated line of attack to use against Obama as an out-of-touch snob, as they had with Sen. John F. Kerry after he blundered by commenting about military funding, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”

9. The comments play directly into an already-established narrative about his candidacy. Clinton supporters have been arguing that Obama has limited appeal beyond upscale Democrats — the so-called latte liberals. You can’t win red states if people there don’t like you. “Elites need to understand that middle-class Americans view values and culture as more important than mere trickery,” said Paul Begala, a Clinton backer. “Democrats have to respect their values and reflect their values, not condescend to them as if they were children who’ve been bamboozled.”

10. The timing is terrible. With the Pennsylvania primary nine days off, late-deciding voters are starting to tune in. Obama and Clinton are scheduled to appear separately on CNN on Sunday for a forum on, of all topics, faith and values. And ABC News is staging a Clinton-Obama debate in Philadelphia on Wednesday. So Clinton has the maximum opportunity to keep a spotlight on the issue. Besides sex, little drives the news and opinion industry more than race, religion, culture and class. So as far as chances the chattering-class will perpetuate the issue, Obama has hit the jackpot.

11. The story did not have its roots in right-wing or conservative circles. It was published — and aggressively promoted — by The Huffington Post, a liberally oriented organization that was Obama’s outlet of choice when he wanted to release a personal statement distancing himself from some comments by the Rev. Wright.

12. It undermines Democratic congressional candidates who had thought that Obama would make a stronger top for the ticket than Clinton. Already, Republican House candidates are challenging their Democratic opponents to renounce or embrace Obama’s remarks. Ken Spain, press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said: “There is a myth being perpetuated by Democrats and even some in the media that an Obama candidacy would somehow be better for their chances down ballot. But we don’t believe that is the case.”

What is really funny is that the person that released the stupid remark that Obama said about the above was an Obama supporter at the elitist closed San Fran rally .She found the comment very insulting and wanted all to hear ! The'' magic negro ''did not know he was being taped

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 2:17:05 PM

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 2:18:07 PM

GaGambler 2153 reads
36 / 43

He just makes noise. Lots and lots of noise. lol

Jack0sAgent 1947 reads
37 / 43

have to talk to your customer, and speak his language.  Lots of noise is all that Republicons understand.  

So you shouldn't be complaining.  You should be giving my client a Nobel Fucking Peace Prize.

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 7:43:06 PM

Chuck Darwin 2748 reads
38 / 43

Good points that deserve detailed analysis - even in the atmosphere of victim politics.

But I doubt it will make much difference.  As efficient as the GOP machine is, and as spastic as the Democrats are, it's really going to be pretty hard to convince Joe 6-Pack by November that (1) the economy really is better, and (2) there is some plan to finish the war in Iraq short of the medieval record of 100 years.

Generals are always one war behind, you know?  They had the electronics wired on this one, but failed to see that economics would determine the issue.  After a while, we won't have anything the Chinese want, and we'll run out of ammo, and Washington will find out that people don't want to sign up for a war that their leaders won't fight.

harryj 2757 reads
39 / 43

He sure went BareBack with these comments, again revealing himself to be both ignorant an arrogant in the finest libbie pink tradition of elitism, even outdoing NoBell Gore and The Ketchup King Kerry. The libbie pink sheep, however, just sad "bah" and bent over again. Osama is indeed a piece of racist, UnAmerican shit.

Chuck Darwin 2231 reads
40 / 43
BuckFush! 4692 reads
41 / 43

She was fugly as a man.  What makes her think she'll be any less fugly as a woman??

BuckFush! 2367 reads
42 / 43

to see which one he can piss away quicker!!

Hey Willie, will you cut harryj off before he drinks himself to death?

Timbow 2555 reads
43 / 43

Did you see his wife say they are saying Barack is elitist and all of that :)
She tried to sound tough .
Then said she is from the South side of Chicago :)
Damn that chip on her shoulder was huge :)

Can you image her as first lady ,and  in order to  act like she was not an elite she had to show her street cred.:)

What a fucking  scary picture ! That racist     as First lady :)representing the US to the world !
Please Obama  get her out talking in the general election !  
-- Modified on 4/15/2008 9:48:13 PM

-- Modified on 4/15/2008 9:51:06 PM

-- Modified on 4/15/2008 9:58:55 PM

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