Politics and Religion

You are confusing the Bible with the Constitution but,
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 618 reads
3 / 25

As a matter of fact almost all REPUBSCUMS are “too stupid” to understand Obamacare, Taxation, Constitution, and what is good for the country and their own interest.

Based on above facts, and your brainless posts here showing you ignorance constantly of the subjects you  post some dumb links to support your position is specimen of “TOO STUPID”

Please Continue.

wrps07 598 reads
4 / 25

His mathematical models are jacked up. Looks at his junk about how premiums would come down. This guy is is clown.  I expect MIT to ask for his resignation soon or for him to resign.

Look at some of his papers:
The Middle Class Has a Higher Standard of Living Than Ever Before: Who Should Pay For It?

More Insurers lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplace


The premiums just don't make any sense. I looked at my paycheck stub last night, I pay more for health insurance than federal income tax. One should not have to pay a mortgage payment for health insurance. If you look at his papers he consider folks who make between $100,000 to $200,000 rich. This guy is a fucking joke and is now the laughing stock of the nation.

bigguy30 528 reads
5 / 25

You are looking for anything to complain about with this law.

So I guess you never had a problem with the so called old health care system?

When laws like this are passed they take time and not every part of this law has started yet.

This is why you and the others complainers are jumping the gun here.

The benefits of the law is being put in slowly over time and in different upcoming years.

Also the real game plan of the GOP scum is to stop it before everything is up and running

JackDunphy 589 reads
6 / 25

why couldn't they have just sold it to the American people without all the lies? Would you want to buy a car, or house or anything really, if the salesman lied to you about it?

Don't you think it hurts liberalism, since it is the philosophy of big government can do great things, if people no longer trust big government programs

ForlornHope 536 reads
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who the founders needed to sell. It's very much cut and dry the same as the Ten Commandants. It is the elites like Johnathan Gruber and their simpleton has-been hippie followers like yourself who do not understand the it. I suspect Gruber will in the next year or two pay dearly for his misjudgement of the average " too stupid" American.

bigguy30 554 reads
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bigguy30 552 reads
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So it will be clear to everybody who the real scam artist are in Washington DC.

Also the Consitiution does have it basic foundation but it's also consitiution ammendments:


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 661 reads
10 / 25

your employer is fucking you royally.

Employers were exempt from compliance with ACA in 2014.

You are the one who is stupid and MIT is not going to fire anyone. As you say, MIT is a liberal bastion

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 451 reads
11 / 25

saying it is not great is Repubscums not anyone else.

Get your head out of your ANUS

wrps07 657 reads
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The insurance company cancelled my employers plan and told them that only ACA plan was available.  

Also Jonathan Gruber is quoted saying that insurance should not be more than 8% of income.

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 11:02:56 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 427 reads
15 / 25

But your employer did. They told you a story and you believed it.

Your company must be run by Repubscums like you.

Enjoy getting it up your ass.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 539 reads
16 / 25

you do have point.  

Bible thumpers are dumb and stupid. It must be horrible to live thinking “you are a sinner” all you life.

I see this sign on a church everyday when I go to work “HOSPITAL FOR SINNERS”.  

Gruber is a well respected professor and he is not running for public office so, he can voice his opinion under Freedom of Speech. By the way, Freedom of Speech is really in the constitution.

Please do go back to the “HOSPITAL FOR SINNERS” and get treated.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 635 reads
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If you consider 2012 election was a referendum on ACA, Obama won and you lost.

I understand you Scum sucking leaders are telling you they are going to repeal ACA but it just is not going to happen because the scum suckers don’t have an alternate plan.

Puffing and woofing may be fine in front of the TV Camera

JohnyComeAlready 423 reads
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JackDunphy 443 reads
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Or did you forget they didn't start selling policies until last fall?  

And the first election after people felt the affects was 10 days ago and you and your Obamacare got blown out of the water dipshit.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 459 reads
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lets face it, anyone with money, even middle class are going to be subsidizing the poor.  

everyone is going to be taking it up the butt next year

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 389 reads
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no wonder GaG picks u for spoty.

wrps07 611 reads
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So corporations to see the true cost of ACA. Young insurance brokers themselves are doing catastrophic type policies where their year deductible is $12000 or more to keep the premiums down.

Folks in S-corporations are being taxed for paying for health insurance premiums.  

More info on tax impact see this page for 2014 taxes. Bottom has info on S-Corporations.

Here is some information about age based rates.

Planning for early retirement folks. Very complex. Good read.

wrps07 445 reads
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More evidence about Obamacare going after the middle class. Quote I heard the other day. "I have to do is keep my income down, free insurance, free housing only need money for gas and food. " No reward for hard work. More evidence of health redistribution scheme.

The issue at hand in this sixth video is known as the "Cadillac tax," which was represented as a tax on employers' expensive health insurance plans. While employers do not currently have to pay taxes on health insurance plans they provide employees, starting in 2018, companies that provide health insurance that costs more than $10,200 for an individual or $27,500 for a family will have to pay a 40 percent tax.

The second way was have the tax kick in "late, starting in 2018. But by starting it late, we were able to tie the cap for Cadillac Tax to CPI, not medical inflation," Gruber said. CPI is the consumer price index, which is lower than medical inflation.


hornyjohn80 470 reads
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This is nothing new. My company switches health insurance companies every single year, because every year the current insurance raises the premiums 20-30%. So we'd bounce around from Blue Cross to Blue Shield to United and around again. Thankfully, our docs take them all, so it's just a mater of updating insurance info every January.  

But doing this on your own as a consumer - that is hard to imagine!  

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