Politics and Religion

You and Fester win!
inicky46 61 Reviews 26 reads

Today’s pot/kettle/black award.

Tish James busted in a fraud scandal? Quick where’s Jabba to call me a racisit?

a trait of the left.  This is no different than the libs calling Trump racist when Biden is the one who's mentor was a KKK member that Joe publicly supported.   Even Harris called out Joe for his racism, but he still picked her for his VP, probably because he needed a heavy-hitter with loads of executive experience to back his own weak credentials up.  LOL

The selection of Kamala has completely screwed the Dems.  They can't get rid of Biden because then they'd also have gotten rid of a black woman VP.  They certainly don't want her running for prez in 2024.  Yet if Biden is elected in 2024 she'll probably end up replacing him when he becomes completely incapacitated.  She isn't mentally infrimed like Joe, so she isn't going to be a puppet if she is prez.  She won't be controlled like Joe. And that worries the Dems.  

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Projection has always been . . . .
The selection of Kamala has completely screwed the Dems.  They can't get rid of Biden because then they'd also have gotten rid of a black woman VP.  They certainly don't want her running for prez in 2024.  Yet if Biden is elected in 2024 she'll probably end up replacing him when he becomes completely incapacitated.  She isn't mentally infrimed like Joe, so she isn't going to be a puppet if she is prez.  She won't be controlled like Joe. And that worries the Dems.  
THIS ⬆️ Right here. Kackles is the albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party. YOU ARE ALL STUCK WITH HER! As far left as idiot Joe has let things slide it’s nothing compared to how bad things will get under her dumb ass!

Today’s pot/kettle/black award.

We have one prosecutor in Georgia, caught in a graft ring. Then we have another prosecutor in New York, who is a straight up thief and complete hypocrite.

Good job lefties GOOOOOD JOB! 🙄🙄🙄

In case you wanted to read it rather than sit through the YouTube video. Some of the elderly here don’t like that new fangled high tech stuff 🥴

The point is “Tish” is a hard boiled hypocrite for coming after trump! 🙄🙄🙄

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