Politics and Religion

Yes we should
RightwingUnderground 5814 reads
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“The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable. And the way to make government accountable is make it transparent so that the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they're being made, and whether their interests are being well served.”

Should we start a list of broken promises?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1801 reads
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Sigh... sadly no... they are, after all... politicians. Red blue Conservative Liberal Dem Rep... they are all politiciaisn, and in the end, politicians are a pack of liars and thieves.

but it would be interesting to compare the first 100 days of the current and prior THREE administrations (GWB, WJC, and GHWB) to see what sort of contrasts and parallels might have occurred. i seem to remember similar posturing by the Reps when GWB took over.

I suspect, that if we seek back in our memories, we would realize that plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. The only things that ever really change, are the special interests being served.
Its like a global game of chess, and we are all merely pawns.

dncphil 16 Reviews 2350 reads
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Obama is the record for abandoning ideas in short order.

His entire premise was based on change.  For him to be just another liar is particularly galling.

His promise of transparancy is a huge lie, jamming a thousand page bill down the public throat BEFORE EVEN CONGRESS HAS TIME TO READ WHAT IT CONTAINS.

His promise to go through every line and cut out every wasteful item - DO ANY OF HIS SUPPORTERS BELIEVE HE DID THAT WITH THIS FIRST TRILLION?

His promise to close Gitmo turns into an order to close it sometime.  It is still open and will be for at least a year.  

His pandering about Bush trashing the constitution, and within a month his nominee for AG and Solicitor General adopt Bush's most controversial tactics by agreeing that people suspected of supporting terror can be held indefinately as prisoners of war.  (I agreed with this when Bush did it, but this was "Bush's Nazi-like" actions, now adopted 100% by Obama.)

There has never been anyone who abandoned core principles so fast.

RightwingUnderground 1499 reads
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Please. The stark contrast between his opening day speech to staff and how he let this porkulus bill be written is simply astounding and I will not let you walk away without saying more than “oh well he is a politician.” And “I bet they’re all the same.”

Obama could have taken control of this process, taken a couple extra weeks, let Republicans have REAL input, written a REAL bill that did everything he wanted (maybe even spent the same amount of money), without all this bullshit, and he would have gotten probably HALF the Republicans to support it.

When the 90% of the public that is currently not paying attention eventually SEE what’s in this bill, Yikes.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1015 reads
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He also said that any legislation that was passed by Congress would be available for public view on his website for 5 days prior to his signing it, excepting 'emergency legislation'.

RightwingUnderground 2257 reads
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"To seize this moment, we have to use technology to open up our democracy. It’s no coincidence that one of the most secretive Administrations in history has favored special interests and pursued policies that could not stand up to sunlight. As President, I’ll change that. I’ll put government data online in universally accessible formats. I’ll let citizens track federal grants, contracts, earmarks, and lobbyist contacts. I’ll let you participate in government forums, ask questions in real time, offer suggestions that will be reviewed before decisions are made, and let you comment on legislation before it is signed. And to ensure that every government agency is meeting 21st century standards, I’ll appoint the nation’s first Chief Technology Officer."

Anyone else hear the crickets chirping?

charlie445 3 Reviews 1404 reads
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And you would think that there is something to be learned from all of this. Well gotta go now, theres a naked Cylon on TV

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2451 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 1302 reads
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and call it the lackey lies list, lol

Powr 2 da people no delay 2480 reads
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where the hell was your daily omniscient commentary when the last POTUS and his handlers were fucking this country over for the last eight years?

toondin 1336 reads
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"I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it."

Liberals are going to have to take a two-by-four to Obama-- metaphorically speaking.

I know what you could be referring to; I only know what I think it must be, and I have my complaints about him.

RightwingUnderground 1594 reads
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I was critical of many of the non-conservative tendencies of Bush. Where were you? We’d check the record but oh wait. We can’t for someone like you that cowers in fear of exposure.

Powr 2 da people no delay 1582 reads
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GaGambler 1428 reads
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Oops, I almost forgot about  "D'Anna" I don't think there are any other Cylons I'd be interested in.

RightwingUnderground 1494 reads
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Tusayan 1858 reads
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This just in....the executive branch doesn't write bills.  That's the job of Congress.  I can't believe the Republicans are whining that they didn't have more of say in this bill. When Gingrich and Hastert ran the House their abuses were even worse and Democrats weren't even included on conference committees with the Senate. You didn't have the input you wanted on this bill?
Boo fucking hoo. Welcome to payback.

RightwingUnderground 2488 reads
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Powr 2 da people no delay 1667 reads
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RightwingUnderground 1803 reads
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Post your empty last words again. They only reinforce your futility.

toondin 2561 reads
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Politics are a form of madness . . .

but liberals need to stop cheering for the guy and start holding him responsible, for the standards he has expressed and for the promises he made.

You never answered my indirect question, but the promise that's bothering me is the Obama administration's decision to defend Bush's State Secrets privilege in dismissing whole cases.

I don't know what the hell he really intended, but the decision to defend it has caused Congress to move to pass the State Secrets Protection Act that has been introduced separately in both the House and Senate. Russ Feingold openly criticized Obama for it.

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