Politics and Religion

Yes, there are a few just like him here
GaGambler 738 reads

fatgirl is another one that comes to mind. I can almost see the drool dripping off his chin as he flails away at his keyboard, just like your other countryman, our perennial SPOTY champion.

randomvr3012534 reads

Bring on the clowns, more the merrier:

Mike Huckabee
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Ted Cruz
Rand Paul
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Chris Christie
Ben Carson

Not even one of these clowns has a snowball chance of taking the 242 electoral votes from Blue means Blue states!    It is more like a preview of the 2016 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.    Good for people to line up the route and say goodbye to the giant clowns.

Right now lots of people say Hillary, Hillary, but she has baggage: her husband - who I think was a good President - but what do I know?) - and may lose the National election to a well coordinated, centrist republican strategy.  

In the People's Commonwealth, we hear calls for Elizabeth Warren but she is nearly unknown outside the DC-Boston axis.

And the Republicans don't have a monopoly in clowns, there are far worse & greater fools in our party: Nancy Pelosi & (to a lesser extent) Harry Reid...

Her husband happens to be very popular.

Keep hallucinating.  

Hillary will crush all of them in any deabte, anywhere

You are one of the most negative people who has ever braced this board. I can't imagine what you would be like in real life, and really feel bad for any family members who might have to put up with you.  

The only positive thing I can think about you is that you are not a Republican/Conservative. Yeah we really don't  to associate with someone such as you, and call him ours (politically speaking).

You have gone the deep end Curd

GaGambler597 reads

"You have gone the deep end Curd"???!!!

WTF indeed. lol Just what the fuck were you even trying to say?

I see you are actively dealing with your issues between you and your father, this is good.

I know you view your father as a clown, but the mask your father were as a clown, was his professional mask. He wore this mask for you, his son. I find it healthy that you have an outlet (politics) where you can vent your frustrations.

........some serious political problems in this country. I might have to expatriate myself!

GaGambler648 reads

I would actually encourage you to do so.

Personally, while I fully expect Hillary to get the Democratic nod, yet another Bush just doesn't seem that likely.

On a related note, I hope Michelle Obama doesn't get any bright ideas after watching Hillary. Electing her to POTUS might just get me on that plane along with the two of you. lo

......with sub $2 per gallon gas prices much like we are going to get in the U.S perty soon.

GaGambler625 reads

You lefties LOVE to claim what a "workers paradise" it is, and it is a beautiful country, but a great example of what happens when lefties get too much power.

First, how far below two dollars are you predicting? Anything above one dollar seventy five cents isn't that low.

Second, I don't believe we will see anything below two dollars a gallon. I know someone will come on here with an example of a $1.98 a gallon.

Posted By: HONDA
......with sub $2 per gallon gas prices much like we are going to get in the U.S perty soon.

GaGambler744 reads

No wonder you two garnered 90% of the overall SPOTY vote.

and yes, sub $2.00 gas is already here in many locale, and yes again, $1.98 IS less than $2.00 as is $1.99 for that matter.

$1.99 and $1.98 is in the sub $2.00 range(I assume that's for regular) the point is that price is not much cheaper than two dollars. You probably reside in a Republican low tax state.

GaGambler593 reads

and one of the states with the lowest gas prices, but not THE lowest. There are other states with lower prices, Oklahoma is one that comes to mind.

Considering that gas was pushing $4 gallon only a few months ago, two dollar gas is pretty damn cheap

In Maryland, the former Governor, raised the fuel tax by three cent's a gallon.

Oklahoma and Texas are in the same region, you could call OK, north east Texas. I can't see any advantage for Oklahoma to compete with Texas when it comes to economic policies.  

Gas prices should drop even lower after the completion of the Trans Canadian pipeline.

Filled at BJs in Tampa for $1.97 just yesterday.   Cannot post a picture my iPhone of the sign.

Not surprised at all, you elitist.

But you won’t. Too busy being an annoying gnat.

Hence, talking to him is futile. Talking about him is fun, on occasions...lol

GaGambler739 reads

fatgirl is another one that comes to mind. I can almost see the drool dripping off his chin as he flails away at his keyboard, just like your other countryman, our perennial SPOTY champion.

Yes that is right.   I am a Democrat and a ultra liberal and have the guts to make fun of the GOP clowns and all those who support them with their tunnel vision!

GaGambler775 reads

and not just nonsense, but nonsense written by someone else. You don't even do your own thinking, you just regurgitate whatever the DNC tells you that you should think.

That is why I rarely talk TO you, you are really TSTTT, so we talk about you instead.

Just the fact that you claim that being a keyboard warrior takes any "guts" is proof positive that you are TSTTT

Posted By: GaGambler
and not just nonsense, but nonsense written by someone else. You don't even do your own thinking, you just regurgitate whatever the DNC tells you that you should think.

That is why I rarely talk TO you, you are really TSTTT, so we talk about you instead.

Just the fact that you claim that being a keyboard warrior takes any "guts" is proof positive that you are TSTTT

DA_Flex476 reads

All these guys are political lightweights that have no appeal outside their conservative base

Birds of a feather with different clucking sounds.
The largest difference between the two is their size.

  The more I look at the list of possible Presidential candidates in 2016 the more I wonder, Can Obama use Executive action for a third term?   :-D

  For the mentally challenged, take your time  deciphering  the smiley face above.

Posted By: DA_Flex
All these guys are political lightweights that have no appeal outside their conservative base

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