Politics and Religion

Polls : President Obama vs GOP candidates
Priapus53 8157 reads

It seems that after latest round of debates BHO's stock has risen a bit; perhaps a coincidence, but whats undeniable is that potential GOP primary voters are shooting themselves in the foot by giving preferences to candidates ( IE, Cain ) that have NO chance in the general. The GOP establishment knows Romney has best chance to beat BHO & is supporting him, but his poll #'s have consistently flatlined at 23%.

Motivation behind this is in WSJ poll which shows that large majority of GOP primary voters would prefer to vote for "candidate that shares their views" rather than someone who is "electable"

Folks it's obvious that BHO is a "weak sister" who is imminently beatable. But, if GOP voters want to enage in a stupid ideological "Kamikazi
run" , ala "Goldwater' 64", they'll be throwing the election into the fucking toilet.

...who warned the GOP after 2008 not to go in a more moderate direction. Wouldn't it be lovely that Cheney would be largely responsible for the GOP losing the House, the Senate, and the White House 2 elections in a row? What does it say about Dems when their best allies for winning elections are the lunatic fringe of the Republican party?

St. Croix1307 reads

See Pria, the GOP is kinda like the Elks Lodge. You pay your dues, eventually it's your turn. Look @ McCain, Dole, George H.W. Bush, Reagan, Nixon. Think about it. Not so with Democrats. They will throw their one-time losers to the gutter, and then shit on them. Look at Kerry, Gore, Mondale, Dukakis. The Dems pulls candidates out of their ass, i.e. Obama, Clinton, vs giving somebody a second chance.

We can talk about this all night long, but Romney is the GOP candidate.

with Cain most likely a distant second.

But, I also feel that President Obama is not nearly as beatable as others have indicated. He will have more money, the incredible power of the incumbency and the likelihood that even a tiny improvement in the economy will happen that he can jump on and take credit for.

We'll have President Obama until 2016 and then conservatives can lick their chops and turn the Chris Christies, Marco Rubios, Paul Ryans, etc., loose and reclaim the White House.

Priapus531888 reads

who don't seem to be towing the "establishment conventional wisdom" at the moment.

Keep in mind if Romney gets the nod, disaffected
Tea partiers could field a willing 3rd party candidate ( IE, Cain, Paul ). Slim chance that this could happen, but not impossible.

I don't really see anybody beating Romney either, but that doesn't mean he should automatically be anointed the GOP nominee without going through the process.

As for a third party nominee, I don't see Cain hurting his party that way. Paul could run as a third party candidate, but he would pull as many votes from Obama as he would from Romney, so I don't see him having much influence on the outcome.

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 8:32:31 AM

...is Romney's Mormonism. The Evangelicals will not take kindly to this, especially in a field with Perry, Bachmann, and Santorum in there. And make no mistake about the Tea Party...they are at their core, social conservatives. Party discipline is the ONLY thing that's going to block the fielding of a 3rd party candidate, and if Romney refuses to pick a Evangelical nutbag as his veep, then I think the chances are high for that to happen. Just look at the separate Tea Party response to the SOTU, and this flavor of the month phenomenon in the primary process. Party discipline has completely broken down in the GOP.

There is no such thing as party discipline where it comes to the primary process. The only goal besides winning the nomination is to win it without having to sell out too badly to the fringe elements of whichever party is not the incumbant.

Let's suppose you are correct, Romney wins and refuses to pick a religious nutbag as his veep, who does the Tea Party run against him? I don't see any candidate with any name recognition willing to do so.

Romney has the further advantage that given the rather weak field against him, he should not have to swing too far to the right to secure the nomination, which means his "flip flopping" will be kept to a minimum. He could find himself quite electable.

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 11:32:56 AM

If Romney doesn't swing far too the right, then the Evangelicals and the Tea Party crowd are going to be  pissed. The libertarian wing of the party ain't gonna be happy either. I don't know if that will result in a 3rd party candidate, but I wouldn't bet against it. Not with this Republican party. There's no shortage of nutty Republicans who's willing to give it a shot, and the lack of name recognition isn't going to discourage them.

The White House also is assuming it will be Romney.  They started attacking him just yesterday as a flip-flopper (which he is).  If Jon Stewart can skewer Romney by pulling up clips of him on both sides of major issues, you can be sure BHO will be doing it, too.  And, BTW, it's a legitimate issue if he was pro choice and then became pro life, for example.

Which I would see as a positive personally. Not being so rigidly socially conservative could be a huge positive in the GE as long as he can appease the "righties" of his own party enough to get the nomination. The one positive I see in this rather weak slate of candidates coming from the GOP is that he shouldn't have to go too far right to get the nomination and be unable to come back to center to win the GE.

FWIW, I have always been a Cain supporter, going back to well before he was a Presidential candidate, I have no delusions that he is going to be our next POTUS, but it's nice to see him still relevant this late in the game.

The problem is changing your position 180 degrees.  It means neither side knows if they can believe you.  As for Cain, I don't see why, if he continues to do well, he could not be the nominee.

and my enthusiasm for him probably proves he has no chance. lol

St. Croix2133 reads

if that is even possible. Mormon aside, the GOP leadership is like a company's board of directors. They will put their weight behind the best candidate they have.

Will the Evangelicals be pissed? Well of course, but they will still vote. The GOP does have reliable voters. Obama needed every minority and college student to get their asses out of bed to vote. Plus he needed a decent number of independents. I don't see that happening this time.

I noticed Congress just approved the 3 trade deals. Funny, those deals have been sitting on Obama's desk since his inauguration. I wonder why it sent them to Congress now.

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 9:37:45 AM

Romney knows how the game is played, and it involves a lot of playing by the rules, like supporting, financial, other Republican candidates for various federal and and state offices, and he's been dong it a very long time. Most of the other candidates are just jockeying to be the second name on the ticket, in my opinion, based on the lightweight political attacks Romney is receiving from them. The exception might be Perry, but he's so ineffectual, in his attacks, it doesn't matter.

I keep hoping and dreaming that a super socially liberal, financially semi-conservative Heavenly God Mother type will descend upon the United States and declare herself a candidate. I know..I'm dreaming. In all seriousness, I have yet to make up my mind, I'm still waiting to see how things play out. One thing that has changed is that I am not longer a huge OBAMA fan as I once was, but no one else really "squeezes my juice" either :(

Sitara Devi

Rocket2032131 reads

If I have to decide between Obama, Romney or Cain that's tough. Although Romney seems like the logical choice.

a man or woman. I never saw Obama as the Messiah that the right-wingers claimed that his voters saw him as, but I didn't see much hope, in our future, voting for McCain, once he brought Palin on board.

Tiocfaidh_ár_lá2890 reads

........... keep saying Cain doesn't have a chance. I say Bull F-cking Sh*t !  He's getting my primary vote if he's still around and I'm the one you clowns have been duped into thinking is a card carrying member. I just enjoy calling a spade a spade and around here the spades are all the hypocrits.

Those who have the ability to look under the alias can back me up too because I posted pro Cain the day he threw his hat in ring.  

And now that O-bomination had his thugs out there yelling "Uncle Tom"  I like Cain even more. It means he's scared because he knows he's going to lose a portion of his "sure thing" AA votes to Cain.

Put Cain in a one on one debate with Obama and Herman will crush him on National TV !

Priapus531915 reads

Check the link in my OP for details. That's close to same % that he beat McCain by.

Try being smart for a change & voting for someone who can win instead of giving BHO an automatic 2nd term.

Btw, is your reply gonna be in pig latin, like you last OP on Fox news ?

Lastly, it's spelled "hypocrites".

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 12:40:27 PM

Tiocfaidh_ár_lá3626 reads

When it's one on one people are going to vote out that worthless asshole in the Whitehouse no matter who's up against him !

Take your spelling BS and stick it up your ASS !  On any board in cyberland when a person goes to spelling and grammar it means they've been punked !  It's time you figured that out DUMB FUCK !

Fox News Post ! LMAO like I said , you've been duped !

Priapus531942 reads

Yah, right ,you PURPOSELY make your posts stupid-------What next-----you gonna make an offer to sell the Brooklyn Bridge ?----- LMFAO !

Lastly, what do you think ? Pic below applies to you ?

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 1:16:45 PM

I will vote for whoever the fuck I want to, and neither you or any other motherfucker are going to tell me who to fucking vote for.

You have got a lot of fucking nerve telling people of the other party who the fuck to vote for in THEIR primary. This is only the primary for fuck's sake. Do you really think a vote for Cain in the primary is the same as a vote for Obama? Get off of your high fucking horse horse for a goddamned  minute, argue your point and quit TELLING other people what the fuck to do. No wonder you couldn't even beat ng in a fucking popularity contest that you fucking started.

damn that felt good. I am going out to get laid now, see you all in a few hours.

Priapus531500 reads

You can vote for Liorr on a write-in vote, as far as I give a shit. As for said poster, my "tongue in cheek" voting advice to him was not serious, merely a counter to his dopey & illiterate posts.

I TIED on that "popularity contest".

Lastly, if it "felt good" to tell me off, then get laid ASAP & have a nice time-----;)

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 3:00:36 PM

Manicure, pedicure, haircut, massage, followed by civvie sex with the Vietnamese girl that owns the place.  All in all a great afternoon.

I am glad you now claim your "voting advice" was tongue in cheek, but we both know better than that. and I saw nothing "dopey" or "illiterate" about his posts. Truth be told, I happen to agree with much of what he had to say.

and are you really bragging about tying in a popularity contest with a troll? I would be trying to put that as far behind me as possible if I were you. lol

"Get off of your high fucking horse horse for a goddamned  minute, argue your point and quit TELLING other people what the fuck to do. No wonder you couldn't even beat ng in a fucking popularity contest that you fucking started."

LMAO gambler.
 If  Pri fell off his horse he would be dragged for miles not realizing how to stop, nary a clue he was eating horse shit.

On another note , if Romney keeps dogging Perry and Perry gives up , most of Perry's votes will go to the Herminator.
 I can see a likely future with Romney placing second again, one way or another.

Priapus531958 reads

you're full of horsehit yourself.

Political prognostication not your strong suit;
stick to what you do best :

Like I said before and most people here realize, you are dumb as shit in a can .

 Why don't you start a board poll asking who thinks you are smart?  LMAO

" LMAO gambler.
If  Pri fell off his horse he would be dragged for miles not realizing how to stop, nary a clue he was eating horse shit.

On another note , if Romney keeps dogging Perry and Perry gives up , most of Perry's votes will go to the Herminator.
I can see a likely future with Romney placing second again, one way or another."

Let me explain, you ignorant blow hard.

  The Herminator is Cain. If Perry gives up, Cain will get most of Perry's votes and could win the nomination.
Perry isn't going anywhere except nowhere.

If Romney wins the nomination it's more than likely he isn't going to win the election.
Either way Romney gets second place.

Now go jack off with your other hand provider and tell us how good she was.

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 9:36:03 PM

Timbow1455 reads

Posted By: quadseasonal
Like I said before and most people here realize, you are dumb as shit in a can .

 Why don't you start a board poll asking who thinks you are smart?  LMAO

" LMAO gambler.
If  Pri fell off his horse he would be dragged for miles not realizing how to stop, nary a clue he was eating horse shit.

On another note , if Romney keeps dogging Perry and Perry gives up , most of Perry's votes will go to the Herminator.
I can see a likely future with Romney placing second again, one way or another."

Let me explain, you ignorant blow hard.

  The Herminator is Cain. If Perry gives up, Cain will get most of Perry's votes and win the nomination.
If Romney wins the nomination it's more than likely he isn't going to win the election.
Either way Romney gets second place.

Now go jack off with your other hand provider and tell us how good it was.

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 5:01:36 PM

Priapus531615 reads

you think cheerios are doughnut seeds.

Check the poll results in my OP-------Romney virtually tied with Obama , while Cain is 8% behind BHO.

It's dumb voters like you who will throw the election to Obama.

to a candidate of "your" choosing, simply because polls 13 months ahead of the general election show the incumbent beating that man by a lousy 8 percentage points?

Do you have any idea how ridiculous an argument that is?

I plan on voting for Cain in the primaries, I don't really believe that he will win the GOP nomination, but that is what the fucking primaries are for. If Romney ultimately wins the nomination, I will probably vote for him in the GE. I hope this meets with your approval. If not, reread my earlier post. lmao

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