Politics and Religion

Yep! And, here's another way they are showing they...
nuguy46972 reads

Why no stories blaming Bush for the nation's ills?  Flint water problems his fault? Normally the libtards here fall all over themselves with accusations.

A number of Republican operatives and allies Friday lamented that the GOP has largely been ignoring the water crisis in Flint and warned that it sends a terrible message to the nation.  

“This is an amoral display of political apathy by Republican leaders. Their failure to run to the crisis, roll up their sleeves and pitch in tells the world that we are still the same old Republicans who only care about those who would vote for or contribute to them,” said Alex Castellanos, a political operative who is not working for any of the Republican presidential contenders.

Castellanos said he agreed with an op-ed in the New York Times Thursday written by former White House speechwriter Matt Latimer, who worked for President George W. Bush.

Latimer, a Flint native, wrote that the water crisis was “the Republicans’ chance to show their worth,” and to demonstrate that party leaders who have tried to refocus the GOP on poverty, like House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, mean what they say.

But Castellanos said the GOP can’t afford the luxury of waiting to find out the facts before at least expressing empathy and outrage over what is known unequivocally. Whoever is ultimately to blame, Flint’s children have been poisoned, with life-threatening and life-altering effects.

Castellanos said GOP reluctance to speak forcefully “is a tragic display that the Republican party still doesn’t get it.”

“[American Enterprise Institute President] Arthur Brooks has explained it with clarity: the party that is for people will always beat by the party that is against things,” Castellanos said. “Yet, at moments like this in Flint, when the country’s attention is focused on another Katrina, we find a way to tell people that we are not the party that is for people.”

“Maybe that should be the GOP motto:  ‘Love your contributors and neighbors as yourself and screw everybody else,’” he said.

GaGambler218 reads

and we should be celebrating the fact the the two candidates who have barely spent a million bucks between the two of them account for about 50% of the voter support.

While it looks like Bush is most definitely getting a lousy return on investment, he is hardly the only one. looking at this chart I doesn't look like Kasich or Christie are doing a lot better for their money and neither of them have a toxic last name.

Bush started off on more than an equal footing with the other candidates despite or because of his last name, he has managed to turn a great start into being barely relevant all on his own.

.......he is carrying the political dead weight of his brother's disastrous legacy. On almost every foreign or domestic policy question, he is asked to support or disavow the policy actions of his brother. Perhaps Jeb's greatest error was trying too hard to distance himself from Bush II legacy.

Here's a recent Jeb Bush quote..... I'm my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences," Bush said.


-- Modified on 1/23/2016 3:04:43 PM

GaGambler218 reads

and rightly or wrongly, especially from the GOP side of the aisle where Obama is regarded as a "pussy" on foreign policy, affable just won't cut it this election cycle. Jeb just does not project the strength he needs to outshine the other candidates and every time he tries to "man up" and stand up for himself he gets bitch  slapped by the other candidates.

I will grant you that Jeb Bush needs to be twice as strong as the other candidates because of his last name, but unfortunately he comes across as one of the weakest and least decisive candidate on his side of the aisle, tied maybe with Ben Carson for last place in that very important department. People look at the likes of Donald Trump and Marco Rubio brushing him aside with barely an effort and think to themselves "if he can't stand up to Trump or Rubio, how will he possibly be able to stand up to Putin, The Ayatollahs, or China?" and I think it's a legitimate concern.

...starts WWIII, which is what Dubya would have done if he could have had a third term.

GaGambler189 reads

My first thought was "what a fucking moron"

Even when the talking head reminded him the State caused the problem in the first place, he still tried to defend Snyder. What a maroon. Maybe Palin endorsed the wrong candidate?

FatVern187 reads

America, loves to be in a toxic relationship.

subordinate followers of the faith to blame for Flint's ills. How many people need be sickened, poisoned, maimed, blinded, deafened or killed for reasons of deregulation on business while privatizing everything possible and egregiously imprudent fiscal management ideals.  

 Bush was characteristically 'indolently stupid' with the natural disaster "Katrina". These State level douchebags CREATED the disaster taking the cheap way so to save $100/day

GaGambler198 reads

The Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana were at least as culpable as Bush.  

The State level douchebags have no one they can pass the buck to, as you said, they actually created the problem and they have nowhere to hide. It's a shame that criminal charges are not in the cards for these fucktards, if anyone deserves to go to jail for malfeasance, it's them, the whole damn lot of them, starting with the Governor.

who voted 7-1 to switch water systems? How was the state to blame? By the appointed manager who affirmed their vote afterwards? I'd say not. Who has run Flint forever? Snyder has been Gov for two years. No moron can say this was all his fault. Not even you.

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