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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 5272 reads

Surely she's in the one per cent? Million dollar babe Anne Hathaway joins Occupy Wall Street protest


Is it guilt at the easy money of Hollywood that drives these people?

I've also been hearing reports of celebrities showing up in solidarity with protestors at OCCUPY WALL STREET marches. I think that many of them deep down are still activists no matter how much success they have garnered or wealth they have accumulated. You figure that at one point before the glitz and glamour of Hollywood they were students at an acting school or waiting tables while auditioning. A lot of them are still that same person at heart that struggled to pay bills while working their way up from extras on set to getting small roles and eventually moving up the celebrity chain. I think this core level of "rags to riches" type mentality stays within a persons soul and thus some of them who are still "down to Earth" want to march alongside their brothers and sisters in solidarity against corporations and big money institutions.

These are just my wandering thoughts this morning,
Sitara Devi

"Starving Artist." It applies for both the creative and the performing artist. Living in a city where so many come to "make it," and "become a star," one sees there is no "easy money" to be made in Hollywood.

Great.  Good for them that they were able to raise themselves from poor obscurity to wealth and fame.  Let them then be the ones to pay for all the social welfare programs, heal the planet, save the whales or whatever it is they advocate that they want rest of us (who haven't the means, interest or inclination) to pay for.

if you believe in something, fund it yourself.  But don't try to force me to pay for your pet projects (this would also apply to corporate welfare and the similar stuff the right wants everyone to chip in for).

And really, when you think about it, she's just working for her own rational self-interest. A healthy middle class is more likely to go out to the movies once in a while.

in acting. Get back with me in a couple of months, and tell me how things are going.  ;)

S&P 500 corporation.

Or buy and develop 500,000 housing units, or invent the cure for cancer.

Or after this hag hauls 30 90 lb bags of mortar up a 2 story ladder like I just did.

What's your point?

I'll tell you MY point.

This phony hag is worth MILLIONS and for the average person to see one of her movies it's probably $30 bucks after popcorn and soda. If she REALLY wanted to "help" what's been stopping her? Why did she have to wait until she amassed millions and now she's "helping" by getting in front of a camera playing the role of Average Josephine waving a stupid banner?

A banner which I might add is a nonsequitor.

-- Modified on 11/18/2011 2:15:47 PM

then give it a whirl! I wouldn't even consider saying that acting, nor any of the other things you just mentioned, were easy!

Oh, and your remark about: "If she REALLY wanted to "help" what's been stopping her? Why did she have to wait until she amassed millions and now she's "helping" by getting in front of a camera playing the role of Average Josephine waving a stupid banner?"

How do you know she hasn't been helping, in various ways, all along. See, you just want to believe what you want to believe, and with no evidence for your belief. Now, if she was part of a Tea Party demonstration, I bet you wouldn't be calling her a "phony hag!"

P.S. Not only is your reasoning suspect, but also your eyesight!  ;)

your question did'nt make sense.

You're right, I dont know exactly what she has or has'nt done. But I do know she's worth MILLIONS and dressing up like she's Joe Schmoe, protesting against "those other 1%ers who are greedy" unlike herself.

Posted By: mattradd
then give it a whirl! I wouldn't even consider saying that acting, nor any of the other things you just mentioned, were easy!

Oh, and your remark about: "If she REALLY wanted to "help" what's been stopping her? Why did she have to wait until she amassed millions and now she's "helping" by getting in front of a camera playing the role of Average Josephine waving a stupid banner?"

How do you know she hasn't been helping, in various ways, all along. See, you just want to believe what you want to believe, and with no evidence for your belief. Now, if she was part of a Tea Party demonstration, I bet you wouldn't be calling her a "phony hag!"

P.S. Not only is your reasoning suspect, but also your eyesight!  ;)

"Is it guilt at the easy money of Hollywood that drives these people?"

Plus, she looks no different there than most of the actors I've seen on the streets, and in the restaurants and shops in L.A.

You didn't address my point regarding what your opinion would be of her if she was at a Tea Party event.  ;)

So what's the point In answering?

Posted By: mattradd
"Is it guilt at the easy money of Hollywood that drives these people?"

Plus, she looks no different there than most of the actors I've seen on the streets, and in the restaurants and shops in L.A.

You didn't address my point regarding what your opinion would be of her if she was at a Tea Party event.  ;)

which aren't always on the mark. So, you could have refuted my assumption. However, since you didn't, it makes it appear that my assumption was correct, and makes you appear to be a hypocrite.  ;)

-- Modified on 11/18/2011 7:00:29 PM

So it's cool that Anne hathaway can make $10 million to hang out in her trailer most of the time and say words in front of the camera but the crew that busts their ass every day, all day makes crap?  Why don't these actors lead the way and evenly distribute their income to the other 99% of the film crew?  Why is it cool for her to be grossly overpaid but not other people in other industries?  

Posted By: mr.notrouble
Surely she's in the one per cent? Million dollar babe Anne Hathaway joins Occupy Wall Street protest


Is it guilt at the easy money of Hollywood that drives these people?

The same applies to other entertainers, and pro athelets. The reality is that our society HIGHLY values entertainers. I'm not sure how Hathaway feels about it, but I bet she wouldn't mind paying higher taxes.

Hathaway isn't the only actor that's supported OWS. Alec Baldwin's given it a lot of praise too.

What possible basis do you have for that statement?  If Hathaway asks for $10 million to do a movie and the producers agree to pay her that sum, then that's exactly what she's worth.  Same goes for athletes.  The entire NBA dispute is about what share of revenues the players deserve.  They deserve whatever amount they and the owners agree to.  Pretty simple.

Back when Michael Jordon was playing was he paid more or less than what Nike profited from Air Jordons? When Jordon retired, how much did Nike lose?

People are not paid by their worth. They're paid by how much bargaining power they have. We know this because productivity gains do not match wage gains. It's also not a surprise that as bargain power among all workers have declined, so has their wages in proportion to their productivity.

-- Modified on 11/18/2011 12:30:09 PM

A fucking chart!  Give me a break!  Besides, bargaining power results from something.  It is not some mysterious thing.  An actor or athlete's bargaining power results  from his of her skills and popularity, i.e., their ability to put fannies in the seats and money in the till.  Their  value is whatever they are paid. Next,you'll be calling them wage slaves.

That's actually a graph, not a chart. Bureau of Labor Statistics is the source, just in case you missed it.

Bargaining power isn't mysterious, but judging from your reply it's more mysterious than I thought. It is taking what you can get, nothing more. It has little to do with skill or ability.

What you're paid isn't what you're worth. That's nonsense, even if you assume that everything in the economy is priced correctly. No one is going to go to an NBA game without the players, and no one is going to watch a movie...

Your snideness isn't going to help either, nor is your playing the pedant about the definitions of graphs and charts.  The BLS is a fine source but that wasn't my point.  I was simply amazed you felt the need for any props.  As for the rest, you're still spouting horse-shit.  If it has "little to do with skill or ability," then why do players who deliver more wins and better performance statistics get paid more?  Why do movie stars whose films deliver more box-office revenues get paid more?  Rhetorical Question Alert!

....does the movies that make the most money at the box office have the best actors?

Which musician made more money last year, Katy Perry or Yo-yo Ma?

Now you're adding a value judgement about what form of art is "better."  What does that have to do with what someone is will to pay someone else to perform it.  We are talking about a commercial transaction that is based not on the quality of the art but how much the public is willing to pay to see it.  If a producer believes that by casting Ann Hathaway in a role he will make more money, then he will pay her more than, say, Natalie Portman to play the role.  That, in part, has to do with how well each actresses last film did at the box office.  It ain't as complicated as you're trying to make it.
As for sports, baseball players are paid based on statistics: batting average, RBIs, fielding percentages, etc.  The better the stats, the more leverage the player has and the bigger the payday.  Someone willl be happy to "overpay" Albert Pujols and he will be happy to take the money and run.


Next thing you know Pri will jump on board and hit you with a brilliant cartoon . . . .

what a fine, upstanding, level-headed, caring, considerate, and influential person he is!!!!!!!

If they ever give an Academy Award for the year's "Biggest Dickhead," he would win in a near unanimous vote . . . . .

And that is without even considering his politics. He could be a far right winger and my opinion of him would be the same.

The fact that he is a liberal would probably make that Dickhead Oscar a unanimous vote.

...you're in a pissy mood today. What flew up your butt? You're being such a buzzkill that you're ruining my high a full 3 hours before I plan to get shitfaced. Fuck.

But, like with most things, everything rests on the bottom-line, the shareholders, and how much return on their investment they expect.

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