Politics and Religion

wrps07 where is the repubscum plan for healthcare? I know they don't have one! eomconfused_smile
bigguy30 624 reads


Sowell hits the nail on the head over a year ago!!!

AUGUST 28, 2013 12:00 AM
Obama and the Art of Phoniness
The president is more concerned about the effect of his words than their relation to fact.
By Thomas Sowell
Many years ago, I was a member of a committee that was recommending to whom grant money should be awarded. Since I knew one of the applicants, I asked if this meant that I should recuse myself from voting on his application.

“No,” the chairman said. “I know him too — and he is one of the truly great phonies of our time.”

The man was indeed a very talented phony. He could convince almost anybody of almost anything — provided that they were not already knowledgeable about the subject. He had once spoken to me very authoritatively about Marxian economics, apparently unaware that I was one of the few people who had read all three volumes of Marx’s Capital and had published articles on Marxian economics in scholarly journals. What our glib talker was saying might have seemed impressive to someone who had never read Capital, as most people have not. But it was complete nonsense to me.

Incidentally, he did not get the grant he applied for.

This episode came back to me recently, as I read an incisive column by Charles Krauthammer, citing some of the many gaffes in public statements by the president of the United States. One presidential gaffe in particular gives the flavor and suggests the reason for many others. It involved the Falkland Islands.

Argentina has recently been demanding that Britain return the Falkland Islands, which have been occupied by Britons for nearly two centuries. In 1982, Argentina seized these islands by force, only to have British prime minister Margaret Thatcher take the islands back by force.

With Argentina today beset by domestic problems, demanding the return of the Falklands is once again a way for Argentina’s government to distract the Argentine public’s attention from the country’s economic and other woes.

Because the Argentines call these islands “the Malvinas,” rather than “the Falklands,” Barack Obama decided to use the Argentine term. But he referred to them as “the Maldives.” It so happens that the Maldives are thousands of miles away from the Malvinas. The former are in the Indian Ocean, while the latter are in the South Atlantic.

Nor is this the only gross misstatement that President Obama has gotten away with, thanks to the mainstream media, which sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil when it comes to Obama.

The presidential gaffe that struck me when I heard it was Barack Obama’s reference to a military corps as a military “corpse.” He is obviously a man who is used to sounding off about things he has paid little or no attention to in the past. His mispronunciation of a common military term was especially revealing to someone who was once in the Marine Corps, not Marine “corpse.”

Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on other people — most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is talking about. Whether what he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant. A talented con man or a slick politician does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing. He is not going to convince the others anyway.

Back during Barack Obama’s first year in office, he kept repeating, with great apparent earnestness, that there were “shovel-ready” projects that would quickly provide many much-needed jobs, if only his spending plans were approved by Congress. He seemed very convincing — if you didn’t know how long it can take for any construction project to get started. Going through a bureaucratic maze of environmental-impact studies, zoning-commission rulings, and other procedures can delay even the smallest and simplest project for years.

Only about a year or so after his big spending programs were approved by Congress, Barack Obama himself laughed at how slowly everything was going on his supposedly “shovel-ready” projects.

One wonders how he will laugh when all his golden promises about Obamacare turn out to be false and a medical disaster. Or when his foreign-policy fiascoes in the Middle East are climaxed by a nuclear Iran.

— Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. © 2013 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

He knew conservative and libertarians would be opposed to Obama care. They deliberately  wrote  it full of  law speak  and gobbledygook . Remember Pelosi , the liar, saying we had to pass it so we can find out what's in it?

Ma-ma-ma-mama said Republicans are the Devil...

Fox news watching Repubscums are semi intelligent. A proven fact in many surveys. Their STEM skills are minimal while acceptance of BS information and flat out lies is exponentially high.

No one created the universe and people in seven days.

Universe is 85 to 90 billion years old not 2000

Jesus was married to Mary and had children so states lost scroll now found

Jesus was a common man

Church made you believe it and you did

Now Fox news is doing the same to yo

Obama Sucks! He really, really SUCKS!!

bigguy30611 reads

Just wait until 2016 and people will be running from the Repubscum. LOL

And return to our previous healthcare system which is superior in every way. Then if the country still wants healthcare reform then we'll start over.

Posted By: bigguy30
They don't have one and just want to keep up the bullshit.  

Read and weep NeedleFuck

Yep, you are going to say KFF fabricated like all other Repuscum rebuttals when faced with facts.

bigguy30754 reads

Posted By: anonymousfun
Read and weep NeedleFuck  
 Yep, you are going to say KFF fabricated like all other Repuscum rebuttals when faced with facts.
-- Modified on 11/13/2014 5:00:36 PM

do you close your eyes when you look at those?  

BTW, just how many 40YO nonsmokers making $30K do you know? your stats dont mean shit.  

tough shit for an idiot gubbymonkey like you. hope you dont choke on the free cheese, you need to be breathing to get your SPOTY

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 5:41:33 PM

wrps07480 reads

That Kaiser organization is part of the insurance mafia. They are always writing articles supporting insurance companies. Also where is the data for a family of 4 with 2 kids in college. What about the other plans. If you noticed in most of the Obamacare supports documents they always talk about single people and not families. They make all these assumptions that average person is low income. They left the middle class out. But then again they consider someone making $100,000 rich.  

Affordable Care Act fines for businesses start in 2015

wrps07800 reads

Corporations are going to be complaining if not already. The hobby community will be impacted when clients realize how money they don't have to hobby with. Everyone I talk to is cancelling their cable subscriptions. Look at the gas price and the price of oil it continues to drop. The m1 money supply moving average dropped in every week in October.  Lets see if the gas price drop impacts retail sales. People like myself are using capital gains and income distributions for survive off because of unaffordable insurance premium increases. When you take an extra $700 or more out of folks pay and multiple the numbers across the board its going to have an impact on economic growth. This is worse than a tax increase. Even with gas prices being so cheap people are still going to gas stations with the cheapest gas prices in town. When you get a chance do a chart of oil price.

wrps07634 reads

The act is wreaking the economy. I predict that the republicans with get enough senate democrats to override Obama veto to repeal ACA. You can't confiscate $600/month out of folks pockets without having an impact. The media is now reporting the gas prices are down due to weak economy.

Here is some history about Obamacare being repealed.
Like the Wagner Act before it, Obamacare's impact will likely be lessened in the wake of a shift in power in Congress.

Here is a democrat against Obamacare.

Yesterday the major Obamacare stocks were all down. Maybe wall street has some inside information about ACA going away.  

Adding a $100/month on health insurance premiums to 5 million families will cause a 1% decline in GDP.  

MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber's gaffes could derail Obamacare

ObamaCare architect was paid over $2M for consultation


-- Modified on 11/15/2014 7:32:43 PM

Says "premiums falling",  hmmmm,  but what about the most important component,  the deductible, I see  nothing about that,  so I must deduce,  with lack of disclosure,  the deductibles are now up to 15,000. and 20,000., as I'm sure if they were lowered,   the Liberal media would have been all "in our faces" about it.

Just an observation

86H13LTP927 reads

long range bomber on patrol over the Gulf of Mexico !

Fucking CFC Obama is one worthless MF'er !

Putin's bitch !

Repubscum party is a collection of Low Mass of Intelligence.

When they have nothing to say, they hallucinate by sticking their head up their ass.

Please continue.

JackDunphy775 reads

He actually uses NBC's FOUR sourced investigative piece as well as Obama's own words when he met with congressional R's a few years ago.

He knew people would lose their plans, their doctor and their cancer treatment centers and he went out there anyway and told the public emphatically, often (31 times, at least) and with no asterisks or caveats, that people could keep those plans, those doctors, those hospitals.

Lying about the mandate tax was just the next step in this massive fraud.  

There was no "misrepresentation" at all. Its not even close. He knew it wasn't the truth and yet sold it anyway.

Yes, peeps, Ocare was sold on a pack of lies, deceptions and cynicism, and Gruber was just icing on the cake.  

Not exactly the "Hope and Change" we were "promised", huh?

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