Politics and Religion

Wrong again, Jack, I saw both posts.
JakeFromStateFarm 260 reads

You really are drunk tonight aren't you?

If he's in WV, his parents are probably first cousins or even brother and sister. He is more than likely mentally challenged.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Paging the secret service.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Paging the secret service.

JakeFromStateFarm272 reads

(Which, by the way, he didn't really do). I assume we'll be hearing from them soon.
Actually, I don't.

Why would you think I or GaG or other righties wouldnt condemn this asshole? He is an idiot and should apologize asap and he looks like he doubled down on hatred.

Now you are wrong on WB. Just read the last 3-4 sentences. He wasn't saying some good could come out of cops murders, he was saying the cops should now think before they "murder" again, in other words, the cops deserved what they sowed! It's the old "chickens coming home to roost" shit from Rev. Wrong.

So you with me on my that one Jake?

JakeFromStateFarm301 reads

Give it a rest.  You know I said I didn't like what he said but did not translate it the same way.
Say, where have you been?  After saying I'd get a response to my posts WAY down the page you've gone on Radio Silence?  Are you conceding?
You should?
See?  That's deflection.  Something you are a master of.
Game. Set. Match. JAKE!

Something you & your ilk know about, Rommel--------- :(

Posted By: ROMMEL
Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Paging the secret service.

I can't stand Hillary or Obama but i don't want either one of them dead. I want to beat them at the ballot box. Knock off the hatred and sick shit.

You've got to be kidding.  
The article was a joke and so was my response.  Don't be such a sissy.

Posted By: JackDunphy
I can't stand Hillary or Obama but i don't want either one of them dead. I want to beat them at the ballot box. Knock off the hatred and sick shit.
-- Modified on 7/16/2016 8:13:44 PM

And he's a commercial pilot for United,ok...so would you board a plan with him? What if HRC wins and during a flight he snaps?? Torpedoes his 737 into some building, jus saying here...the dude is a nut...and you think Isis is a problem, think again...there's more like him.

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