Politics and Religion

wow, what's with all the anger?teeth_smile
brooks5 113 reads

and Bigger Picture - pure horseshit!

is Granny related?

Hillary is just old and hit her head too much

the ONLY picture here, dumbass

... but then, you'd have to be as open minded to the possibility of HRC actually being possessed by a Demon of the Netherworld...

as opposed to Donald Trump, who is undoubtedly the latest incarnation of the whole 666 Devil Wears Prada shave his head find the Number of the Beast bullshit.

But mostly, I thought it was just a funny and clever bit of photoshopping.

Let's see who is left standing after the debates.

Note to GaGambler - Do we have official odds on tonights debate performances yet?

brooks5114 reads

and Bigger Picture - pure horseshit!

is Granny related?

Hillary is just old and hit her head too much

the ONLY picture here, dumbass

...or should I say his puppetmaster, who will try to get us to go to war with all Israel's enemies, not just Iraq.  No worries, it will start WWIII which is what righty thumpers want anyway.

"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Armageddon who?"
"Armageddon married in the morning!"

Posted By: BigPapasan
...or should I say his puppetmaster, who will try to get us to go to war with all Israel's enemies, not just Iraq.  No worries, it will start WWIII which is what righty thumpers want anyway.  

OK Papasan, I call bullshit. You're not stupid, in fact you make sure we all know how smart you are especially financially. So why do you insist on making comments best left to low-hanging fruit?
You're not dumb enough to actually believe this garbage, so unless you're angling to be the next Ambassador to Planet Stupid, I am no longer able to fathom your real agenda.  

I applaud you BP. Well done Sir. I can understand Quantum Mechanics and String Theory as well as Hebrew and Aramaic, but I sure as Fuck don't get where you're coming from anymore. Where's all this Hate coming from

...running around like Chicken Noodle Soup Little, warning that Iran was on the verge of getting nukes and was going to bomb Israel any day now.  The only problem is that he's been doing it for over twenty years, trying to drag the U.S. into ANOTHER Middle East war.  Why don't you hate him for that?

Netanyahoo encouraged the U.S. to invade Iraq.  Why?  To benefit Israel, of course.  He said in testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee:  "If you take out Saddam, Saddam’s regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region,” Mr. Netanyahu said then. “And I think that people sitting right next door in Iran, young people, and many others, will say the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone."

Well, Doc, was Netanyahoo right?  Did our invasion of Iraq "have enormous positive reverberations on the region?”  Or is it Obama's fault that the Middle East is even more fucked up than ever?


-- Modified on 9/26/2016 2:19:56 PM

Posted By: BigPapasan
...running around like Chicken Noodle Soup Little, warning that Iran was on the verge of getting nukes and was going to bomb Israel any day now.  The only problem is that he's been doing it for over twenty years, trying to drag the U.S. into a Middle East war.  Why don't you hate him for that?
OK. Now we're getting somewhere.

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979 that brought the Ayatollah's back to power, Iran has been unabashed in its sabre-rattling towards Israel, as well as the United States. Their proxy in Lebanon, ie Hezbollah, make no bones of their desires to wipe Israel off the map. Their proxy in Gaza, ie Hamas have as their stated charter objective the annihilation of the Zionist entity.

I'm not telling you anything you do not already know or anything the Iranians themselves haven't boasted of or threatened time and time again.

Unlike the Western mentality of instant gratification and short term objectives, the Middle Eastern mentality is of the long term, the Big Picture. You know this as well, though perhaps you and others are in denial of this even though it is the stated goal of many Islamic figureheads. Based on writings in the Qu'ran in fact. Same book that calls my ancestors pigs and apes.

Why would I hate Bibi for putting the security of Israel at the forefront of his agenda? I like Israel, and I like Bibi.  
Disagree with me all you want, but don't be a hypocrite with the status games because my politics vis a vis Israel are nationalist in nature.  

And how do you know that the reason Iran doesn't already have the bomb is because of efforts by Israel the US and others to prevent that from happening? Recent example - Stuxnet ring any bells?

It has been established in news reports from the left and right, Jewish and Arab, Alex Jones to Mother Jones to DailyKos and Julian Assanges Wikileaks that Netanyahu was ready to strike Iranian nuclear facilities as far back as 2011 and again in 2012. Conjecture or bloviate, but there's no way you or I can know the truth of why he didn't follow through. Again, Stuxnet ring any bells?

I do not believe Netanyahu wants to drag the US into a middle eastern war. Not for one moment. There is no advantage and far too much cost in resources and especially lives. Unlike the jihadists, Jews value life. Most of us, anyway.

From my perspective, I understand Bibi's unwillingness to give up anything more after all the broken promises by the Arabs over the years starting with Yasser Arafat in 1964.

Who controlled East Jerusalem in 1964, and why did Arafat order an attack on a residential compound in West Jerusalem? Before you ask for attribution, you'll have to take my word for it as an eyewitness.

Bibi's primary goal is the security of the people of the State of Israel. Iran's stated goal is the obliteration of the Jewish state. I have family in Israel, ancestors buried in Israel.

Bibi has time and time again called for a resumption of talks with no preconditions. Abbas gives one excuse after another, and relies on the lies and propaganda from terrorist sources while enriching himself with the funds designated to build roads and hospitals.  

I for one have been fed up with the double standard, and i think people are starting to realize just who the bad guys really are.

It wasn't European security consultants called in after the recent spate of bombings, it was Israeli special teams.

As the threat of Islamic jihad reaches our shores, the world finally gets a sour taste of what life has been like for the Israelis living under the constant threat of terrorist attack.

Just some off the cuff thoughts in response. Shana Tova.

...regrets deeply that he encouraged Bush to take out Saddam.  

Saddam was natural and effective counterbalance to Iran and look what absence of Saddam turned Netanyahu's neighborhood into. I'd bet he'd prefer to have Saddam back to deal with to what he has to put up with nowadays. At least back then Netanyahu knew who his enemies were, now it's a free for all.

...protect Israel by going to war with ALL of his Muslim enemies to clean up the mess he made in the Middle East by urging us to take out Saddam.

...which, while I can't blame him for feeling that way, but is still something I'd never thought I'd see the day.  

And I don't Bibi has much to do with Bush taking out Saddam. Family honor however just might've. I look at the war in Iraq as nothing more then a rich kid putting a major hit on somebody who almost took out his father.  

And I looked at it this way before F911 movie came out. Pretty soon we just might have another rich kid moving heaven and earth to avenge somebody saying something wrong about himself or a member of his family or something. Remember, president doesn't need approval from Congress to initiate the "police action." Histories have tendencies of repeating themselves you know. :)

...that smelly-cunted whore who has rectal prolapse from being fucked in the ass too many times.

brooks570 reads

you keep looking for shit that ain't there

Some guy asked me the other day, "You're a Hilary supporter, aren't you?"

I said, "Given how often she keeps fainting, I think she needs all the support she can get."

People think because I dis Hillary and don't dis Trump that I support him over her.
Nope, I think neither should be campaigning for anything but retirement.
I just see Trump as entertaining, a celebrity who has injected some much needed chaos into the election system.
Hillary is a career politician who has once again allowed her Hubris and lack of faith in the American people to bungle her own ambitions.

This has been Hillary's election to lose for the last EIGHT years.

And her foolish arrogant hubris is the main reason why I can never support her for President.
But like I said, I may find myself in a position to feel I MUST vote AGAINST a candidate.

That does not sit well with me at all, but I always vote my conscience.
I can not in good conscience vote FOR anyone in this election season.  
I CAN in good conscience vote against a candidate I believe is dangerous to the American Way.

Cheers willy, still wanna bomb my relatives in Israel to dust?

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