Politics and Religion

Wow! Talk abouit a guy commenting on something completely outside his field of expertise!teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 353 reads

Your words in claiming a 4 star general could not have a valid opinion regarding the value of PBS. How does your compartmentalized thinking skip Trump? Never mind! I know the answer to that! ;)

JakeFromStateFarm1507 reads

In all the shitty news about our Make America Grotesque Again President, the second death of "Repeal and Replace Obamacare" died yesterday.  Imagine what fun Congressional Republicans will have on tax reform.

And it took you, what? how long?

... over a week.

JakeFromStateFarm290 reads

Look at the date on the article.  So, no, you're not Nostradamus.  Only this guy.

I expected the same from any Republican administration.  


Are you now posting threads in the hopes I will respond, so you can pretend to be funny?


The Clown thought it was as easy as pulling a few women by their pussies!   LOL.   Border Wall is dead.    Companies still moving jobs overseas and to Mexico.    One of VP's Secret Service guy was caught soliciting a prostitute in MD.   With these hot Secret Service guys around 24/7  no wonder Malaria wants to stay in NYC.   Cost $145,000 a day and $56 million for a year.

Son in Law running State Department, Daughter in west wing office in WH running her business, the Clown in Palm Beach every weekend for golf, Cost $3 million per trip and $156 million a year.

Are the righty cone heads having yet with America looking great again already?

It's a process Jake so when the media touts the latest "death" of a Trump agenda item, I don't get worked up over it.

There will likely be several more "deaths" of Ocare R&R, and that's a good thing, as that tells me they are still working it all out. It matters that they get it right. Ryan said today they are still working on it and will get it down.

With the fact that so many of the R's are saying it is imploding (your favorite word) or merely unsustainable, they have to address it at some point.

I would work on the tax reform law and then ease into infrastructure, all the while working on HC behind the scenes. I think that is exactly what they are doing.

I will disagree about your implication that this make tax reform less likely or you may be saying more difficult. The R's HAVE to get tax reform done. I think it is much easier than HC reform as tax reform isn't an entitlement, where many believe HC is, so they don't have the ying and the yang of the moderates butting heads with the freedom caucus nearly as much.

They also know they cant hand Trump two losses in a row so there is extra incentive to get tax reform done, but again, it needs to get done right so it will take time, as it should.

He has been thwarted on many, many occasions so I wouldn't read too much into the lib media talking about his impatience.  

He is a negotiator at heart. A "give and taker." he knew form day one there was a process involved, regardless of what he may have said during the campaign.  

Look how long it took Ocare to pass. 16 months after Obama's election win. SIXTEEN MONTHS. lol

What are we, 5 months from election day, 2 1/2 months from inauguration?

People who want to make silly political points by saying Trump was going to do X or Y on his first day in office, aren't serious political observers.

Again, what matters is the final result. Does it help people, does it bring down premiums and lower out of pocket costs? Will people be able to see the doctor they trust and get cancer treatment from a place of their choosing? Aren't these the key questions, plus a few others?

On that we have to wait. The R's will be judged on what they replace Ocare with and its efficacy, not that it took X amount of months longer than originally planned.

JakeFromStateFarm295 reads

What was said throughout the campaign is proving to be true.  Managing legislation is NOTHING like negotiating a real estate deal.  And Trump has been exposed as being completely ignorant about policy, with ZERO desire to learn about it.  That makes him very ineffective at lobbying people on the Hill who understand policy better than him.  Which is everyone.

Your words in claiming a 4 star general could not have a valid opinion regarding the value of PBS. How does your compartmentalized thinking skip Trump? Never mind! I know the answer to that! ;)

...he is an American and sacrificed for his country so major props for that. I did say he was outside of his field of expertise so his opinion meant nothing to me.

I will listen to him on matters military, but not TV management and advertising. He doesn't know shit about those. :)

1. The main point I was making is your selective compartmentalizing thinking. ;)

2. I never said, you said he couldn't have an opinion. I said, you said he couldn't have a valid opinion. ;)

JakeFromStateFarm208 reads

But each time they fail it's just as easy to conclude it only gets tougher, not easier.  Don't forget, the House Reps are ideologically fractured, so holding them together on this issue is nearly impossible.  As for tax reform, surely you know that becomes tougher if the repeal of O-Care doesn't happen. That's exactly why they tried to repeal and replace O-Care first. You can say they "have" to do it until you're blue in the face but you simply don't understand that the Freedom Caucus actually has principles.  They won't compromise on tax reform that violates those principles and they don't like infrastructure spending.  This makes two or three losses in a row a decent possibility.
It could be Trump's only win will be Gorsuch.

As much as some of the Dems want to obstruct "everything Trump" many house Dems and a good share of Senate ones will vote for it.  

They will have to as they have to show they are pro "little guy" and pro-union as many are in tough districts for the 2018 midterms.

There aren't too many other issues that would be bi-partisan but infrastructure will be one, especially with the union bosses in full throat lock step with Trump on the issue.  

And I will say this again. They HAVE to come to an agreement on OCare R&R. Having principles doesn't mean you never compromise a thing. Several FC members are already touting Trump's outreach in the last week.

Tell me in political history when two factions, both of the same political party, didn't ultimately end up agreeing with the Prez of same party on a major piece of legislation that both sides had promised massive changes to? It just doesn't happen.

Remember, it wasn't all that long ago here saying you were very doubtful the R's would go nuclear on SCOTUS nominations bc McConnell and some others were old school and didn't believe that was the road to travel. I assured you they would when they NEEDED to.  

We just aren't at the stage where either side HAS to give their best and final offer on Ocare. We may not be close. But it will happen. It always does.

-- Modified on 4/6/2017 3:00:19 PM

Republicans will say "They"re working on it" but that's to please their constitutes. But in reality republicans know the ACA isn't a bad law. Yes it needs twinkling but the R's are too proud to try and make it better, it'll look like they gave in....but in reality I think this fight is over. But the talk of repeal and replace will continue, after all, that's what the right clings to. And I'd skip tax reform for now and get a infrastructure bill passed, asap..trump needs a feel good moment and this will be a good bipartisan measure.

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