Politics and Religion

Wow, GaG, you really love me, don't you? You missed me...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1940 reads
1 / 16

...of world leaders marching with linked arms in Paris.  In keeping with their ultra-religious views, images of women are completely absent in publications and women are forbidden from running for public office.

This is yet another example of those wacky Muslims...

GaGambler 496 reads
2 / 16

but yeah, talk about still living in the stone ages, which begs the question, what did they do during the Golda Meir days?

and forgive my ignorance, but isn't the newspaper in question an Orthodox Jewish paper, and not a Muslim rag? and yes, this is an honest question as I know nothing more about this paper other than what I just read two minutes ago.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 496 reads
3 / 16

... but yeah, its stupid and ignorant.
Mea Shearim is the center of the Neturei Karta... the extremist Jewish religious cult that believes there is no Israel until the Messiah comes. But they live there anyway, and suck on the government tit just as egregiously as anyone.
It's shameful, backwards, and idiotic, serves no useful purpose other than to further give the haters an excuse to crow.

Fundamentalism is poison, regardless of the deity in question. True Believers are detrimental to society, regardless of the name of the leader, be it Moses Jesus or Mohammed.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...of world leaders marching with linked arms in Paris.  In keeping with their ultra-religious views, images of women are completely absent in publications and women are forbidden from running for public office.

This is yet another example of those wacky Muslims...

JackDunphy 461 reads
4 / 16

they didn't "chop" off Angela's head, they just "chopped" her out of a pic, right?

There is a difference, no?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 609 reads
5 / 16

Where did you find their circulation numbers?  I searched online for a minute and quit when I read a  link claiming circulation numbers of Israeli newspapers are sometimes  a well kept secret.
  Not sure if that's true or not, doesn't matter to me other than curiosity.
  I agree with your point of view Fundamentalism is poisonous .
  That's the number one reason I won't  support Charlie Hebdo, I find their prejudice is a type of  
angry Fundamentalism in disguise.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
...You forgot to mention the paper in question has a circulation of dozens but yeah, its stupid and ignorant.  
 Mea Shearim is the center of the Neturei Karta... the extremist Jewish religious cult that believes there is no Israel until the Messiah comes. But they live there anyway, and suck on the government tit just as egregiously as anyone.  
 It's shameful, backwards, and idiotic, serves no useful purpose other than to further give the haters an excuse to crow.  
 Fundamentalism is poison, regardless of the deity in question. True Believers are detrimental to society, regardless of the name of the leader, be it Moses Jesus or Mohammed.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...of world leaders marching with linked arms in Paris.  In keeping with their ultra-religious views, images of women are completely absent in publications and women are forbidden from running for public office.  
 This is yet another example of those wacky Muslims...
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... but yeah, its stupid and ignorant.  
 Mea Shearim is the center of the Neturei Karta... the extremist Jewish religious cult that believes there is no Israel until the Messiah comes. But they live there anyway, and suck on the government tit just as egregiously as anyone.  
 It's shameful, backwards, and idiotic, serves no useful purpose other than to further give the haters an excuse to crow.  
 Fundamentalism is poison, regardless of the deity in question. True Believers are detrimental to society, regardless of the name of the leader, be it Moses Jesus or Mohammed.  
Posted By: BigPapasan
...of world leaders marching with linked arms in Paris.  In keeping with their ultra-religious views, images of women are completely absent in publications and women are forbidden from running for public office.  
 This is yet another example of those wacky Muslims...

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 686 reads
6 / 16

Posted By: quadseasonal
Where did you find their circulation numbers?  I searched online for a minute and quit when I read a  link claiming circulation numbers of Israeli newspapers are sometimes  a well kept secret.  
Only if you don't know where to look, or how to read Hebrew, or if you've had direct interaction with them. 1800 copies are printed each week for Mea Shearim, as well as the Haredi communities in Monroe, NY and the Beverly-Wilshire area of Los Angeles.

Mea Shearim is a very small neighborhood. You can fit the entire area inside a football field. There are barely 100 families living there, but each family will have anywhere from 3 to 12 children of varying age. ONLY adult males over 13 are allowed to read Hamevaser in any event, and only when they are not otherwise engaged in study, as it is considered a distraction from their primary purpose, which is the study of Torah based on their fundamentalist interpretations. The population of Mea Shearim is 99+% Haredi. Yes they have a far more disproportionate influence in the political spectrum than you might expect. But even within Judaism, they are a minute number, and are considered dangerous to some because of their willingness to consort with the likes of Ahmadinejad and Khameini, not realizing they are merely being used as political pawns in Irans greater scheme of Islamic world domination.

Sadly, their demeanor towards the "outside world" is very isolationist,and frequently feeds the fires of anti-Semitism, doing far more harm than good to the worlds perception of Jews.

I was born and raised in a Chassidic, Haredi environment, and I still have relatives who live in Mea Shearim. That's how I know.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 454 reads
7 / 16

That's correct. They removed the images of all the women in the photo. It is their standard protocol. Definitely misogynistic and unquestionably archaic, but it was quite routine for this particular publication. They don't publish photos of Hillary Clinton* or Tzipi Livni** either.

The left wing daily Ha'aretz is usually pretty snarky when it comes to the Haredi of Mea Shearim, and is considered hostile by the Haredi movement in general but even THEY pointed out this was just a kerfuffle by Western media ignorant of the standard protocols for Hamevasers photo publications.  

What the Daily News in its typical ignorance failed to point out however, was this: In the article itself, "The Chancellor" is lauded as a friend of Israel and the Jewish people.

* Bill's wife and potential POTUS candidate in 2016.
**leader of Hatnuah, and a leading left-leaning opposition candidate to replace Netanyahu as Prime Minister.
(Gonzo's comment - She doesn't have a chance against Bibi at this juncture. imho)

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 1:27:34 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 752 reads
8 / 16

Posted By: GaGambler
but yeah, talk about still living in the stone ages, which begs the question, what did they do during the Golda Meir days?

and forgive my ignorance, but isn't the newspaper in question an Orthodox Jewish paper, and not a Muslim rag? and yes, this is an honest question as I know nothing more about this paper other than what I just read two minutes ago.
While there have been Haredi publications going back to 1896, Hamevaser is a recent incarnation, having begun in 2009 after the riots in Mea Shearim (they wanted to close off all street traffic on Saturday and to be exempted from military service).

They embarrass me, to be quite candid. Most Jews tend to be quite progressive and find ways to incorporate modernity into their religious way of life.

Not these guys. They make it difficult for Jews like me to have a rational conversation without being mislabeled a religious freak.

JackDunphy 440 reads
9 / 16

We are all in agreement. This particular part of the Jewish faith is in the stone age. But as long as they are not hurting anyone else, its their biz.

Maybe the women in this sect are ok with it. Maybe they are not. An evolution will come one day I would suppose.

But to in any way compare ANY of this to the terrorists that make up radical Islam is insanity and hateful

JohnyComeAlready 481 reads
10 / 16

I doubt if the readers of Muslim news papers know who AM is, or wouldn't respect her if they knew who she was. This has to be the least informative post ever.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...of world leaders marching with linked arms in Paris.  In keeping with their ultra-religious views, images of women are completely absent in publications and women are forbidden from running for public office.

This is yet another example of those wacky Muslims...

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 563 reads
11 / 16

...didn't you?  You're keeping track of my posts, pining for my return.

What about your fellow members of Team Righty?  Don't you miss them too?  A quick search shows that NeedleDick hasn't posted since 12/31/14.  86H13LTP didn't post from 12/31/14 until 1/17/15.  And your ATF 'followme' hasn't posted since 12/19/14.  

Are you drowning your sorrows in booze because they haven't posted?  Nah, you do that anyway.

GaGambler 466 reads
12 / 16

and it's a good thing you are back, fatgirl has admitted to being in full support of both Jackson and Sharpton, making you an also ran in the race baiting department.

As for team righty, thanks for the update, I guess you don't have much else to do when in lockup,  It seems like you were only back for a short time before getting the boot again. I guess I should set a shorter over/under this time.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 484 reads
13 / 16

...already know the answer because you righties are a bunch of back-channeling, backstabbing old biddies.

Robertini 4 Reviews 432 reads
14 / 16

sometimes I don't know what you guys are talking about

GaGambler 563 reads
15 / 16

and it's not like you don't have your share of lefties that must be loving the fact that you are getting a taste of your own medicine. WillyWonka is a name that comes to mind, and would you consider your "friends" from the KGirl board to be lefties or righties? Either way they don't seem to have a very high opinion of you. Maybe I should start hanging out there? I am rather partial to both K Girls AND people that don't like you. I think it shows good character to despise you. lmao

How many times does this make that you have been forced to "take a break" from the boards?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 462 reads
16 / 16

...than one alias and I reported it to TER.  TER agreed with ME and suspended willy for 78 days.  Why was willy suspended if he did nothing wrong? Apparently you think it's okay to out aliases but not to report someone who outs aliases.

You were a moderator AKA a collaborator, a kapo who rode herd on his fellow hobbyists for a few crumbs, i.e., a free TER membership.  You removed thousands and thousands of RAP but all of a sudden you are offended by RAP?  You're a joke!

Now you want to be one of the boys again even though you left TER and trashed it on the way out the door for greener pastures.  How did those "greener pastures" work out for you?  Not.Too.Good.  You came crawling back here, didn't you?

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