Politics and Religion

Wow, Cutter is an idiot and hope she keeps talking . ...
Timbow 120 reads

Quote :
Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said Thursday that the “entire reason” the terrorist attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans has “become the political topic it is” is because Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan talk about the attack.


salonpas1431 reads

Great Article: The real Libya scandal: The failure to respond. If Obama does not respond to this Embassy attack, he deserves to lose IMHO!

A few days after the attack, “Hundreds of protesters seized control of several militia headquarters … including the compound of one of Libya’s strongest armed Islamic extremist groups, evicting militiamen and setting fire to buildings as the attack that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans sparked a backlash against armed groups.”What kind of signal does it send when a Libyan mob does more to avenge the killing of an American ambassador than the president of the United States?

It took less than four weeks after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, for the Bush administration to gather intelligence, plan the full-scale invasion of Afghanistan and begin executing Operation Enduring Freedom. By October 7, 2001, multinational forces from the United States, Britain and Australia were on the ground, linking up with friendly Afghan forces, overthrowing the Taliban and driving al-Qaeda from the haven from which they had attacked our country.

By contrast, it is now Oct. 11 — four weeks after the attack of Sept. 11, 2012 — and the Obama administration has barely gotten a criminal investigation off the ground. The Post reported this week that while President Obama has vowed to “bring to justice” those responsible for the attacks, “nearly one month later, the White House has not spelled out how it plans to do so, even if it is able to identify and capture any suspects.... An unproductive, slow-moving investigation is complicating matters, with the FBI taking three weeks to reach the unsecured crime scene.”

Three weeks to reach the “crime scene”? Within days, CNN reporters were able to rummage through the rubble and recover the ambassador’s diary, and Post reporters were able to access and photograph the destroyed diplomatic compound. But the administration can’t get the FBI to the scene for three weeks? It should come as no surprise that the Obama administration is treating the attack as a crime — but it can’t even get the criminal investigation right.

Now why isn't that the story of the mainstream media rather than who in the hell is going to fund big bird.... LOL

Timbow121 reads

Quote :
Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said Thursday that the “entire reason” the terrorist attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans has “become the political topic it is” is because Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan talk about the attack.


Reporters given permission to go much easier than a United States Government Investigative agency personnel. The critical difference the article fails to point out is Afghanistan did not have government recognized by any country other than Pakistan.  So, what is the difference?

Bush government simply went in after declaring war did the SME damn thing in Iraq with lies. Libya is completely different situation. Libya has duly elected democratic government recognized and supported by majority of countries in the world including the Organization of Islamic Countries, The African Union, Eu and the United Nations. So, international laws doesn't allow you to just walk in.

I understand that the Republican Answer is to start war with every country. Go in guns blazing, ask questions later and get Americans killed in the process.

All this pure political manure. The Ambassador knows everything when it comes the country they are in. The people harping about this, knows all about it if they don't they are not doing their job.

Misleading the uninformed is what they are ding along with partisan hacks writing the crap.

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