Politics and Religion

Wow, are you missing some brain cells?
NurseRatchedAlias 1415 reads
1 / 39

My goodness we are sensitive.  What does a humor post have to do with honor?  I actually thought you'd find it funny.  I hope you have not become mr.nohumor.  So, please, lighten up and laugh a little.

Priapus53 1753 reads
2 / 39

1. Apparently, they feel the shitty economy is perpetrated by " too many unproductive people on the Government dole". Fair enough. If that's the case, why are so many conservatives pro-life & against governement funded contraceptive programs
that would limit the number of "unproductive people" ? Are the 2 of you pro choice & favor Planned parenthood government funded birth control methods ?

2. I will grant you that the Government played a part in the current lousy economy. Do the 2 of you feel Wall St/ The Banks/Corporations played a part in the dismal economy ?

3.Lastly, do the 2 of you see yourselves in the top 1% of the wealthiest people in this country
who, over the last 30 years, have seen their wealth increase by 275% ?

-- Modified on 10/27/2011 8:34:20 AM

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2481 reads
3 / 39

1) I have been on the record for years as being "pro choice"

2) Of course Government is not totally responsible for our current mess, and Government won't "fix" it, Government can only create an environment where business can thrive, the rest is, and should be up to the private sector.

3 Thirty years ago I was not part of the one percent, at times in my life I was a lot closer to the bottom one percent than the top, I am now probably in the top one percent, so where does that leave your question? There is plenty of opportunity in this country, I am living proof.

Priapus53 1898 reads
4 / 39

I'm certainly not surprised.

Btw, you really need to adress your anger management issues; this is only a discussion board, after all. I hate to see how you handle off-line stresses.

Perhaps pw or others would like to address my questions.

Priapus53 1935 reads
5 / 39

Where have I or many liberal/progressives "forced you" to sell off your assets to feed the homeless ?! Where do you get this bullshit ?!-----Hell----spend your "fortune" on providers, as far as I give a fuck.

BTW, "planned parenthood government birth control programs" could be a very cost effective method" against pumping out "undesireables" that you continually rail against.

As far as Government financial regulations in place, that's bullshit. Part of Glass-Steagle ( sp) was repealed in the 90's which let commercial banks become highly leveraged & become involved in risky financial transactions
( derivatives, credit default swaps, etc ); THAT was responsible for major part of economy collapsing in '08.

Lastly, in re to "Occupy Wall St" movement,not gonna comment until I have better handle on it. Kinda reminds me of late 60's-early 70's when I strongly opposed the Viet-Nam war. Thing was, I was turned off by many of the demonstrations that descended into pointless violence. Same thing could happen with todays "OWS" movement, but I'll wait & see how it develops.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3478 reads
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As I just demonstrated a few posts below, taxing the rich would lead to a better society, even for the rich. Tax the rich, and you have less social problems, across the board. You'd have no need to support as many single moms because there would be far fewer single moms, if you just taxed the rich.

Recirculating stolen wealth is not possible on a macro scale by having a few rich actors give to charity. A few millionaire entertainers is chump change when compared to a 14 trillion dollar economy.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2087 reads
7 / 39

GaG, 30 years ago you could move up the economic ladder. Today, not so much. Today, your father's income determines your income. If Americans want to live the American dream, move to Denmark.

or, you could have a class revolt.

Priapus53 3079 reads
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& Did I smoke pot in the early & mid 70's ? Dude, I grew up in Ca. then-----if one DIDN'T smoke pot, one was considered "socially retarded".
Whassa matter-----you believe old Dragnet tv shows that smoking dope turned one into a homicidal maniac ?-----LMAO !

I'll grant you that Fannie & Freddie lowered requirements, particularly in minority communities for one to get a home. That damaged the economy. But to omit the business community in all this, particulary in re to to the banks & Glass-Steagle, just shows how "dopey" your above reply was.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2071 reads
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and I have made my latest "fortune" within the last decade. I also guarantee you, if you took every penny I have today and made me start all over again from scratch I could do it again.

You are just making excuses for being a loser.

FYI since the age of fifteen I have taken care of myself and have never taken a penny from my family.

Now where is my GD brick?

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 2867 reads
10 / 39

Willy says: "You'd have no need to support as many single moms because there would be far fewer single moms, if you just taxed the rich."

So, taxing the rich will make A) troubled marriages stay together and/or B) keep young women's legs together and young men's dicks in their pants so they can't create another pregnancy??????

Yep, that's a logical conclusion all right . . . .

And you claim that the solution to "stolen wealth" is to re-circulate that wealth. In other words, steal the wealth from the rich and had it out to the poor.  

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1621 reads
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out of all market democracies on earth, class mobility is the lowest in the United States. Income inequality in the US is like looking at a 3rd world country in Africa.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2038 reads
12 / 39

and you are still the biggest liar on this board.

Point is, I have gone from flat fucking broke to rather prosperous several times in my life, and there is nothing wrong with my moral compass. Just because you are too chicken shit to get off the government teat and make something of yourself, don't claim it isn't possible. I deal with millionaires all the time, and you would be surprised the number that our self made, not to mention the immigrants who come here without a pot to piss in and quite a nice life for themselves without family or  government assistance.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2067 reads
13 / 39

There is not a single self-made millionaire in this country. Never has been, never will be. If you want to impress me, then go to Somalia without a pot to piss in and become a self-made millionaire. They ain't got a gov't there to bribe or to give rich people hand outs.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1174 reads
14 / 39

Please remember to look both ways before crossing the street, I tend to get the gas and brake pedals confused at times.

Just one more question though. When a person is broke, as I have been on more than one occasion, just how the fuck was I able to bribe anyone?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2363 reads
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...that everything in this country is set up to allow you to make money by stealing it with impunity? C'mon GaG. What the fuck do you think limited liability is, anyway? Do you think a single business would have been successful if they had to teach their employees how to read? Do you think your oil business would have been successful if the taxpayer wasn't paying for building the roads?

If you want to impress me, then you can really do it on your own in a REAL free market. Go to Somalia without a penny, and become a millionaire.

pwilley 59 Reviews 8484 reads
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I'm always a bit perplexed when I see those who advocate "tax the rich", feed the poor, support single moms who fuck like rabbits to make kids they can't support, healthcare for those who won't work, and the list goes on and on.

Most of the time, their solution for all this is "tax the rich" and expand "government" to take care of all these human needs.  But then I see all these "rich" libs spending tons of money to advocate their cause and somehow force there philantropic attitudes upon everyone else.

So, for those who feel the need to be so generous, did you know that government doesn't have to be involved in any of this in order to support all these freeloaderes.  Did you know that you can write a check to government anytime you wish if you really believe they deserve more money?  Did you know that you can go visit the single moms anytime you want and hand them a suitcase of money?  Did you know that you sell off all your investments anytime you like and throw the money into the wallstreet protest hangouts so all those folks can have their "fair share"?  Since it's so damn easy for you to practice what you preach, why in the hell don't you just do it?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1537 reads
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then shit their pants throwing a shroud over crosses on watertowers.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2625 reads
18 / 39

You are a fuckin lying weasel, a welcher, and lowlife racebaiter.

Amongst other things that are clear for all to see.

pwilley 59 Reviews 2134 reads
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Not seeing the relevance of your comments to the original post on this thread, what is the relevance?  But I'll humor you just a little:

1.  I say government doesn't have any damn business in the funding of contraceptives.  I also say government doesn't have any business in telling anyone they can't have an abortion.  It's none of their damn business.  BTW, female contraceptive goes for about 7 dollars a month.  Less than a pack of smokes in many States.  Or condoms are cheaper yet.  Why in the hell do we need government involved in "planned parenthood" or whatever other fancy title program you care to bring up?

2.  Of course wallstreet played a role in the economic issues we have.  But you know, the funny thing is that we already had government regulation in place that could have prevented much of their role in this.  And, we have a democratic controlled Congressional committee whose job was to oversee these regulations and insure that they were enforced.  But guess what?  They were too wrapped up in ramming healthcare down our throats and didn't do their job.

3.  Nope, I'm not a rich kid.  But frankly what does that have to do with anything?  Are you saying that because some kid chose to smoke dope in high school, refuse to study, and as a result learned no skills that somehow that "rich guy" should now be forced to give up his earnings so that dope smoker can now have "free" healthcare, a subsidized home, and foodstamps to eat?  He had the same chance to study in school, work hard, and be one of those fat cats but he chose to smoke dope or whatever vice he had that kept him from doing what was necessary to become a fat cat.

So back to my original question, why don't you sell off your assets, and go feed the homeless.  Nothing stopping you.  What gives you the right to try and force me, or anyone else to do the same?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2102 reads
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I'm the furthest thing from a friend there is as long as you continue to lie, weasel, welch, and racebait.

I relieve stress by working out on a speedbag. want a demonstration?

NurseRatchedAlias 2045 reads
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Just wanted to offer you the correct spelling of Nurse Ratched's name based on your post to me some days ago, and to offer this friendly advice.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1293 reads
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i thought you had some sense of honor...time will tell.

pwilley 59 Reviews 4736 reads
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Hey dude, I don't give a crap what topic you'd like to discuss, but do it on your own thread if what you have to say doesn't have anything to do with the original topic.

Thanks for your consideration.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2792 reads
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pwilley 59 Reviews 1655 reads
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Maybe those vietnam era protests caused you to engage in taking some of the "green" ones and now some of your brain cells are drying up?  LOL

Really, if you need a history lesson, Newt is far more knowledgeable than me, you should go listen to him.  But the short answer is that "you and others like you" force me and others by virtue of the massive government dole outs that you advocate.  Have you forgotten the Carter/Clinton days when their biggest campaign arguments were affordable housing for "everyone"?  And their way of delivering this was to force lending agencies to reduce the requirements for obtaining a loan?  Remember back in the vietnam protest days ( damn they were fun weren't they... free love... ) when the person wanting to buy a home had to show that no more than 30 percent of their net income was required to pay the mortgage?  Remember when you actually had to show that you had a sustainable job.  Well, your "kind" got rid of those things and banks  at the insistence of government came up with creative yet stupid ways to accomodate what the government wanted.  And, to make matters worse, the dems in charge of Congressional oversight turned a blind eye to all this because their "poor" constituents could buy houses they couldn't afford.... vote for me, I'll get you in a house.... LOL ....   So if you want to be a do gooder, fine, but do it on your own dime and leave me the hell out of it.  Thank you very much.

pwilley 59 Reviews 2353 reads
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Hey, I'm all for a "better society" if by that term you mean everyone has some skin in the game to achieve this "better society".  If we had everyone making the effort to carry their own weight such that the "rich" were not being asked to fund the basic needs of the freeloaders, lazy, and such, then I'm more than willing to study the "next" step in this mystical "better" society, and consider whether the "rich" could/should contribute more toward this "better society".  But, I don't consider a "better society" to be one where 50 million peeps sit on their ass and demand that others pay their way.  But if you do, then by all means, be the first to step up and transfer your wealth to one of those chaps we see holding a sign, "will work for food".  But he doesn't spend your gift on food... LOL

pwilley 59 Reviews 2069 reads
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There is an old saying, "careful what you ask for, you just might get is".  Well, the dems got what they asked for.  They got nearly anyone, regardless of their ability to pay, a bank load for a house.  Yeah!  In turn, the banks came up with some pretty stupid practices, in deed unethical in many regards, in order to comply with what the powers in authority at the time wanted.  And to reward the banks for "playing ball", the dems in power in the Congressional oversight role overlooked all the stupidity.  The good old boy system at its finest.  Dems got to campaign on "everyone gets a house", banks figured out a way to make money off the deal, everyone's happy.... until ... one day the piper has to be paid for the dance...

I don't forgive the banks for their unethical behavior.  I don't forgive those in government who forced the banks into this sort of behavior either.

mrnogood 1921 reads
28 / 39

The FED makes the policy..If the fed seeks to expand the economy by losening mortgage loan standards, THEY DO.. and then the dems and the republicabs are their puppets and do it..

The FED is pulling ALL the string..If the fed wants to give loans to grow the police state a WHOLE BUNCH of comapnies will pop up offering security..

The FED gets to dictate to the government what they will fund, then the government contracts are given and the buddy buddy system is created 10 fold..

The fed is the problem, then it falls on the corrupt government playing this game with the FED in the first place..

They want you hating eachother so your so blinded with rage you can't see the tru culprit is the FED..

While you aurgue with your countrymen the FED is the one robbing you blind, and they also want us divided, because that makes us weak...

The fed makes our fiscal policy, and they're not really even part of the government, they're part of the corporations..

-- Modified on 10/27/2011 10:17:33 AM

pwilley 59 Reviews 2264 reads
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Hmmmm!!!  I don't know if all you say is true or false.  But if its true, then I'm really more pissed than I was a minute ago... LOL

mrnogood 2227 reads
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Look into the claims I make..

Not only is that all true but every dollar in circulation is a note of DEBT to the fed too..So we owe them wayyy more money than can ever be in circulation because fo this..

TRhe govt is NOT independent of the fed, because the fed is who LOANS it all the money, and it's the FED, that isn't a part of our government..

So our government is doomed to fail beause the person issueing our money isn't the government, but a bank, that our government is beholdent to

The fed is no more federal than federal express.

-- Modified on 10/27/2011 11:45:48 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1903 reads
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You enumerate several reasons for the housing crash and they are all correct.  But, like partisans on both the right and left, you conveniently ignore other reasons that don't fit your bias.  In this case you left out:
1)  Although Democrats pushed for Fannie and Freddie to reduce their requirements it also took banks like SunTrust to perpetrate outright fraud.
2) It also took Wall Street firms to multiply the damage by securitizing this bad debt and selling it to others while betting against it at the same time.
3) It also took S&P and Moodys to gloss over this pig's ear and give some of it A ratings so innocent investors had no idea they were buying this turdburger.
4) Then it took the Republican-run regulatory agencies to stop regulating.
5) And, finally, while it started under Clinton, it wasn't until almost 8 years of George Bush that it all came to a head.  But, of course, none of it was his fault according to Republican appologists.
In short, this is a classic problem where everyone is to blame.  And when you rant about it basically being the Democrats' fault you are not only denying history but lacking in credibility.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1900 reads
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I ain't saying taxing the rich would create a Utopia, but it certainly would create a better society, again, even for the rich.

The data is in. We have the results. Tax the rich, and you go a long way towards less economic inequality. Less economic inequality, far fewer social problems, across the board.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 2537 reads
33 / 39

Lazy people will still have kids out of wedlock, will still sit and wait for government handouts, will still not look for jobs when they can collect welfare, etc., etc.

And your assertion that the rich have stolen all their wealth is even more bullshit.

You have made stupid remarks in the past but this bender you are on is the worst of all time.

You have become a troll on this issue.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2488 reads
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Business that thrived was legalizes gambling, lying, cheating and loosing other peoples money. If you can only have thriving business when business managers are allowed to runf rough-shod over workers, environment and the society, you are not intelligent enough to be in business and you will not be able to compete in the global market.

In your specific case, you would want all the drilling regulations, oil spill cleanup and penalties done away with so you can enrich yourself while fucking up everything else.

There is absolutely no empirical evidence. lower taxes, non-regulation creates or sustains a thriving economy or prosperity. There are plenty of evidence to the contrary starting with the recent metdown of Wall Street and World financial markets that can be and is attributed repeal of Glass-Stegal act which separated commercial banking, consumer banking and private equity from comingling, most of the western countries except Germany followed the same path. Guess what? Germany came out of the recession before anyone else and has a thriving export market. Wonder how the Chinese cheap goods have not affected Germany. Germany definitely does not lower taxes than the US, or lower social programs or what you are calling a business friendly climate per your definition. It may be that they are figuring out how to compete in the global market instead of bitching or the Germans are better managers and more intelligent when it comes to managing business.

Hey, what the fuck I know? I am stupid.

ElGuapo505 1651 reads
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1. Contraceptives (condoms, Norplant) at discounted prices. An ounce of prevention. Plus, a sizable portion of these young ladies who are getting impregnated I wouldn't trust to buy a loaf of bread, let alone raise a healthy, well balanced child.

I hesitate at the thought of government manufacturing condoms. They would find a way to make them the equivalent of a screen door.

2. Banks were forced by governmental fiat (Community Reinvestment Act) to give loans to people that wouldn't have been able to get an ordinary used car loan. Shitty credit, no work history and for no/low money down. I wouldn't trust my sister-in-law to guard dead rats, and she got a loan that she promptly defaulted on. (Not to worry. The taxpayer has her covered...)

3. Good for them. Let us ask the corollary, what does it matter to you or anyone else how much a rich person has, or how much more they have accumulated than you?

Their wealth has no bearing on what your earning power is, or your wealth. There isn't a finite amount of wealth. There is no "wealth pie". Steve Jobs was worth $7 billion. How did his wealth affect me? I haven't bought an Apple product ever. He didn't have my fair share of wealth. Bill Gates has a net worth of $56 billion. Is any of that rightfully mine, because I am running Windows? I am worth considerably less. But more than the average scruffy college age Occupier on Wall Street (my guess). Have I stolen their wealth? Do I have their share?

Wealth is earned.

mrnogood 2432 reads
36 / 39

I do NOT agree with willy either pw, but it is ALWAYS the ones who closes their minds off and refuses to lsiten that loses big..

Just a fyi...

pwilley 59 Reviews 1610 reads
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OK Willy, So just for sake of discussion, let's suppose you have your way.  The rich are taxed at shall we say 60%.  So the government now takes in another 25 billion in tax revenue.  What exactly are you going to do with that money?

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 3734 reads
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that if you took 100% of the wealth enjoyed by the "rich", it would hardly make a dent in the national debt. Cutting spending, and a LOT of cutting spending, has to be done if any debt reduction is achieved.

This is a very small example, but take the school lunch program. You mean to tell me that parents can't afford to send their kids to school with an apple, a pb&j sandwich, and a juice box drink. A whole fucking dollar will pay for that....$20 a month. For Christ sakes, they probably spend $150-$200 per month on cigarettes, and they can't afford to feed their kids lunch?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2080 reads
39 / 39
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