Politics and Religion

Without a doubt...THE PLANET FIGHTS BACK...and this is what we get........
fasteddie51 2768 reads
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OK, I've made it clear that I believe in Global Warming.

But here's a theory that I've had for a while now, and thought I would mention it.

I Believe the Earth is a self-regulating system.  In other words, it has built in fail-safe devices to protect itself.  I don't think it's a coincidence that a virus like HIV/AIDS or Ebola come from deep inside of Africa.  In a way, you could make the analogy that they're like the monolith uncovered on the moon in "2001: A Space Oddessy" that only becomes activated when it's found and uncovered, exposing it to sunlignt.  As long as man doesn't have the population or the technology to reach them, they lie in waiting, doing harm to nobody.  But when man achieves the technology and the population's demand for wood for construction, they drive futher and further into the interior until... Voila!  These viruses are unleashed on mankind to "cull the herd"...

Add to that the technology of high-speed travel, i.e. the airplane, so that what would be localized outbreaks of a virus in olden days now becomes pandemic.  

Global Warming may just be another one of the Earth's defense mechanisms... Too many people using too many resources?  What better way to solve the problem than by killing off a large portion of the population by reducing the food supply and killing off trees?

This may sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm totally serious.  Just a thought!

-- Modified on 12/3/2009 10:37:22 PM

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 1372 reads
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No...planet Earth is not self regulating to us humans.  Soemtimes it's friendly, other times it is not.  It is up to us to survive or die.  Our activities have some influence, but natural forces here on Earth and from the Sun are not fully understood, and would by science and common sense have by far the greatest influence.  To think otherwise is to ignore science,  THe Global Warming alarmists have been exposed as bullshit artists, and if their theories have any merit, they need to produce their data in full so that other scientists can reproduce their results.  If they are right, we need to develop a plan to combat this menace; if not, the whole thing needs to be rebooted, and the offending scientists s/b ostracized, and ignored heretofore...

tjrevisted 1529 reads
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To a very great extent, I THINK IT IS EDDIE!! The earth, like humans IS ORGANIC..And eventually EVERYTHING CYCLES OUT,FOR NEW TO TAKE ITS PLACE..

Ultimately, its survival of the fittest..

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1269 reads
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of open and honest debate.  In fact, that there are SEVERAL questions, which have been lumped into ONE SINGLE Question: "how do we prevent human caused global warming and specifically prevent the CO2 Driven global warming?"

This question makes the following assumptions:
The earth is warming
The earth is warming irrespective of energy input.
The earth is warming in a non-cyclical 'natural (whatever that may be) pattern.
The warming is caused by the activity of man.
Specifically one of the MAJOR drivers of that man caused global warming is the buring of fossil fuels and the production of CO2.
C02 is the Major greenhouse gas that is responsible for the retention of heat radiated upon the earty.
We can decrease the "green house" effect by the reduction of CO2 emission from developed countries merely by shifting those emissions to developing countries.

That each of these asssumptions is fraught with problems on their own, and several have NOT been supported by rigorous analysis and testing, seems to not bother the political debate.  The supression of scientific studies does little to help get accurate and useful models, but that is the nature of how our scientific funding goes...  If you support a politically favored scientific hypothesis, then you will obtain political favor and $$$FUNDING$$$!  If you don't then those with political favor will limit your funding and access to the political powers, which is EXACTLY what is now coming to light.

Bear in mind, I have posted extensively on this subject, the data that counters the "man caused global warming" is out there.... it is published all over the place.  for a publication list detailing the queston on "is the planet actually warming?" see

AS for "man made"  see the reference here to the global warming caused by the increase in solar output:  http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=54472&boardID=39&page=

As to CO2 being the primary culprit?  well that too is questionable.... Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used in refrigerants since before the 1930's... and as they were released into the atmosphere, they depleted the ozone layer... and that has led to increased incidences in skin cancer, particularly in the southern hemisphere... CFCs were replaced by Hydroflurocarbins (regulated by the Montreal Protocol)... however, HFCs are more radiant retardant than CFCs... much more, and much more retardant than CO2.... eventhough CO2 remains in the atmosphere decades longer..... CO2 regulated by the kyoto treaty... (Which CONGRESS did not ratify.... as is their responsibility defined by the constitution...)

So  you see, this is not entirely presented by the NY TIMES... the Philly Enquirer or heck, even the Wall Street Journal... or Science or Nature in a way that provides ALL the facts, political AND Scientific.

and IF these climate models used to give us the grand hockey stick model are so frickin accurate, why do they leave out the middle age warming period...

an honest discussion?  well, that would take away some folks ability to make money... but here is a thought... or two....
1) how about the following... why NOT disclose everything... all the scientific data, why not support all avenues of climate change research... tell how the data are accumulated analyzed and used for prognostic values...

2) admit the truth about CO2 emissions... they come from fossil fuels, and we DO need to cut down on petroleum use.... cause the world's reserves are found mainly in countries unfriendly to our well being.  If that were the argument, I would glady give up the internal combustion engine... for whatever.

3) take the politics out of funding scientific research and make scientist responsible or answerable for every dollar that they receive from any source.... in short, no bribes for any reason.....

True story from my past....

I was working for a health related company and my boss wanted me to pursue an avenue of research I knew to be bogus.... but it involved a proposed active pharmaceutical chemical that was being supported by an academician at the Max Planck Institute.... I disagreed and could not believe that this esteemed colleague was a proponant of this idiotic hypothesis...

So, I was to call him and discuss... I did

After a bit of discussion where I laid out my objections to the hypothesis... he asked "who are you?" I told him my name... and he asked if we had met... I responded with the chronology of our meetings.... and he responded "oh yea.... well you see they pay me to be the spokesperson for this hypothesis... and so I am, but yea, I agree, it is totally bogus..."  

You see, everyone has a price.  our escort friends are only more honest that the scientific staff at the MAX PLANCK Institute.

Snowman39 875 reads
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I believe the world is self regulating. George Carlin had a great routine where he described the relationship of man to the planet as fleas on a dogs back. If it gets tired of us, one good shake and we are gone!!!

So when I hear the Global warming crowd talk about their concern for the planet, I just chuckle. I would have more faith if they would just admit it is their own exsistance they are worried about.

Whatever mess we make the planet will clean up, the onyl issue is will we kill ourselves in the short term.

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 1013 reads
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...Incas & Mayans...the lost cities covered by the jungles until rediscovered, the 'weeds' growing through the cracks of our sidewalks.

When we kill ourselves off, the earth will re-evolve.

fasteddie51 1474 reads
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I'm saying that the Earth takes an active role in it's own defense!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 856 reads
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All one has to do is go read some ancient history. As far as climate change is concerned, it is real and man made. To the crazy who asked for the data, information is publicly available, go do the analysis.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 556 reads
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Let us know when you complete the analysis.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 940 reads
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doesn't qualify as ID, why,

evolution is an incremental and slow process, ID claims to be not. ID is more like wam, bam, thank you madam. All happens in seconds, minutes, hours or days!

Evolution doesn't seem to work this way according to historical scientific facts like super continent breaking up and tectonic plates movement took millions of years.

txtransplant 2372 reads
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The Earth evolves.  There are periods of increased temperatures and there are periods of decreased temperatures.  There are periods of earthquakes and rock slides as the land masses move.

To believe in ‘man made global warming’ to me is pure arrogance.  I don’t believe we have the power or the science to “manage” the Earth’s evolution.

RightwingUnderground 1132 reads
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No your'e repeating what you think some people say about their concept of ID.

BTW you wrong to boot.

RightwingUnderground 763 reads
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