Politics and Religion

willy, RRO et al. - what say you to the plastic gun ban renewal...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1911 reads

...being voted on today?  Will it pass 413-4 as it did 10 years ago?  Or does the NRA have the gutless GOP by the balls?

A gun made entirely of plastic so as to avoid detection at airports and such provokes questions prima-facia. Bullets however are still metallic and have yet been constructed otherwise.

  I do pose a question myself. What is going to happen if we ever get Star Trek "Fazer" technology and the the forces when firing it are NOT explosive or of a 'projectile' nature, thus NOT requiring robust metal containment to protect the user? The 2nd Amendment says "The right too keep and bear arms". NOTHING is mentioned or specified about being restricted to FIRE-arms.

  The main things too remember in ALL these and future “gun” issues are the "Gun" is inanimate. It cannot think or act on its own. It cannot load itself, aim itself, or pull its own trigger. As trite or overly simplistic as the anti-gun folks would like us all too believe. GUNS truly don't murder people.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...being voted on today?  Will it pass 413-4 as it did 10 years ago?  Or does the NRA have the gutless GOP by the balls?

I believe it's the best interests of the NRA and the IRS to ban bootleg firearms.

GaGambler424 reads

It is the stated intent of both the anti abortionists and the anti gunners to do away completely with their respective objects/acts of derision. It forces both the NRA and the Pro Choice crowd to fight against even "common sense" laws such as plastic guns, bazookas, and late term abortions.

The stated goal of their opponents is to chip away away their enemy, one "common sense" law at a time until just like that boiled frog, we wake up some day to find all guns and all abortions are illegal

The NRA wants to protect the gun manufacturers. Like you pointed out any anti-gun legislation is bad for the manufacturer. Lifting the band doesn't seem to be in their best interests, given the potential for an individual to produce their own firearm. Not that I think people will be manufacturing their own plastic guns.

This is an interesting one, to say the least.


"If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law."
(Winston Churchill)

Posted By: bigvern
The NRA wants to protect the gun manufacturers. Like you pointed out any anti-gun legislation is bad for the manufacturer. Lifting the band doesn't seem to be in their best interests, given the potential for an individual to produce their own firearm. Not that I think people will be manufacturing their own plastic guns.  
 This is an interesting one, to say the least.  

respecting the law, probably because it wasn't really being enforced aggressively.

...That's a big difference.  It would be much easier for a S.Ct. to overturn Roe than to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.  As you may or may not know, it took the 21st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to overturn the 18th Amendment.  What am I saying?!  Of course you know - those amendments involve booze!

As far as "stated intent" is concerned, the Pro Life crowd clearly wants to get rid of abortions - no gray area.  The anti-gun crowd is not that united; there are different factions with different goals.  Where is YOUR link to prove that ALL anti-gunners want to do away with guns COMPLETELY?  Otherwise, you're just making a bullshit generalization.

Rank and file Democrats may not want to totally eliminate guns, I think few actually do, but those who are trying to set an anti-gun agenda certainly have larger goals then what they let on. What GaG is saying is pretty accurate. The best way to take away someone's rights, is to chip away at it, piece by piece, step by step.

If you give the “Right” all the guns the ‘Secret Service’ is privy too along with legal “Open carry” nation wide; but with the caveat they must give up on abortion; their heads would explode.
The same could be said if the "Left" was too be given carte blanch on business “regulations”; but had to give up on the “Gun grabbing” .  


Posted By: willywonka4u
Rank and file Democrats may not want to totally eliminate guns, I think few actually do, but those who are trying to set an anti-gun agenda certainly have larger goals then what they let on. What GaG is saying is pretty accurate. The best way to take away someone's rights, is to chip away at it, piece by piece, step by step.

Cataclysm327 reads

submitted by a Self Defense company who manufacture firearms among other products yet allow commercials from Sporting Goods retailers who sell guns because they also sell their over priced licensed goods. They're league is full of thugs , druggies , woman beaters , rapists and even a few killers . And worst of all they allow that little punk Costas to ramble about his anti-gun beliefs during a live broadcast .  

Pro choice kicks and screams over anything remotely related yet in the same breath condem the Chinese for trying to keep their exploding population under control . And the same goes for pro life who whine about giving natives condoms when AIDS is running rampant . " teach them abstinence " . Yea okay .

-- Modified on 12/4/2013 12:14:23 AM

The original plastic gun ban happened when polymer framed guns like Glocks first became popular. It was thought that a polymer framed gun could avoid detection from a metal detector. Well, that was fucktarded, because the slide and various working parts still HAD to be made of metal, in order to withstand the intense pressures that builds up inside a gun when a round is fired. So the plastic gun ban was pointless to begin with.

Today we have these new 3D printers, which from everything I've seen don't work. One or two rounds and the gun falls to pieces. Ergo, why plastic guns never happened to begin with.

I suppose that eventually the technology might improve to get plastic that doesn't blow up. But ammo is still made of metal (primarily brass, but sometimes lead with older calibers). These should easily be detected at the airport. If they can detect the change in my pocket, they should be able to detect ammo.

But suppose they manage to make plastic ammo? Then will said plastic ammo be hard enough to punch a hole into a metal air craft? I doubt it.

We might also want to consider, how many people have died because of plastic guns? How many would have lived if that gun had to be metal? Is the number more than zero?

-- Modified on 12/3/2013 10:58:36 AM

LEAD is still the primary choice for "bullet" material. The casings or "shells" have historically been "brass" and re-usable; but aluminium is now also popular(cheaper?) but not re-usable.  
The LEAD bullet is commonly capped or "jacketed" by a very thin harder metal for reasons of barrel cleanliness(less 'lead' fouling).
Bullets made of 'harder' materials than lead are mostly illegal for reasons of their ability to easily penetrate body armor. IE: Armor Piercing Bullets. A 9mm bullet made of hard steel would likely go straight through multiple kevlar vests. Spent uranium(very dense/hard) is often in the tip of large ammo that the military uses against tanks and other heavily armored targets.  

There are "Defence" rounds that a consumer may purchase where the "bullet" is made of a frangible material that immediately breaks into small pieces upon impact. They offer great "knock down" power; but become instantly non-lethal if you should miss your attacker and put a round into the wall separating your apartment from the next.

Posted By: willywonka4u
I suppose that eventually the technology might improve to get plastic that doesn't blow up. But ammo is still made of metal (primarily brass, but sometimes lead with older calibers). These should easily be detected at the airport. If they can detect the change in my pocket, they should be able to detect ammo.  

But suppose they manage to make plastic ammo? Then will said plastic ammo be hard enough to punch a hole into a metal air craft? I doubt it.  

I have a little 32 S&W revolver that was a hand-me-down, and the only ammo I've ever found for it was lead. I have never managed to completely clean the barrel on that gun. It's cruddy enough that I'm actually afraid of firing it. I've considered taking my dremel to it to clean it, because I don't know what else to do. Any old time revolver guys who have more experience with old revolvers have any ideas, I'd love to hear it.

I remember watching when I was a kid an ancient cowboy in Montana clean a revolver that was completely lead fouled by stopping one end of the barrel and pouring in mercury...  
     Most nitro gun solvents should work fairly well with a  brass brush though or even step up to a steel wire brush if needed. Lewis Lead Remover and Outers Foul Out system (from midwayUSA) both are supposed to work really well but I've only used the Lewis product (half the price) and it worked good on a ruger 10/22. The Outers system I have been told works really well and will even remove hardened buildup and rust.  
       Best of luck.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
I have a little 32 S&W revolver that was a hand-me-down, and the only ammo I've ever found for it was lead. I have never managed to completely clean the barrel on that gun. It's cruddy enough that I'm actually afraid of firing it. I've considered taking my dremel to it to clean it, because I don't know what else to do. Any old time revolver guys who have more experience with old revolvers have any ideas, I'd love to hear it.

Cataclysm367 reads

the gun lobby has by the balls. I can still see the look on his face when he lost .....Again ! And he would lose the assault weapons BS by a larger margin if held today as more DemoRats flee the sinking ship.

Security screening has come a long way since these weapons were banned . The way you act you should be more concerned about getting " knocked out " by a young punk on the street  then being shot by a plastic gun anyway . You're the type they prey on.

-- Modified on 12/3/2013 11:18:05 PM

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