Politics and Religion

Bird flu scare mongering.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 219 reads

I’ve seen this pop up a few places online, and figured I get this out there. There’s been some reports in the media over bird flu. I’ve seen some media sensationalize the risk to humans, and I figured I’d get this out there.  

The reports are usually along the lines that bird flu is so dangerous that it kills 60% of people who get sick with it. This is nonsense.  

During Covid I watched a few university lectures from various virologists. This topic came up as a cautionary tale of the media bird flu scares that happened I believe back in 2012.  

The statistic that bird flu kills 60% of people is misleading, as those exposed and didn’t get sick weren’t counted.  

To be clear, bird flu poses almost no risk to humans out of some people who work on poultry farms. Those infected can’t spread it to other humans.  

The flu virus has 4 major groups. One group infects humans, another birds, another cattle, etc. Inside our noses and throat there’s various receptors. One branch of the flu will attach to a particular receptor. Various animals have different receptors, which is why bird flu doesn’t effect humans.  

Human beings do have a very of the bird flu receptors but they’re very deep in our throats. To catch bird flu you’d basically have to sniff a sick chicken harder than Biden sniffed his daughter in the shower.

willy: "There’s been some reports in the media over bird flu.  I’ve seen some media sensationalize the risk to humans..."

Where did you see it "pop up," willy?
Got a link to "some reports in the media over bird flu," willy?
Which "media sensationalize(d) the risk to humans," willy?

You hate the mainstream media, willy.  Where are your links to the mainstream media sensationalizing the risks to humans, willy?  You're full of shit aren't you, willy?

I have a link for you, willy - it's from NEWSMAX, willy.  You've heard of NEWSMAX, right willy?
"Bird Flu Could Be '100 Times' Deadlier Than COVID"

You're an idiot, right willy?

At all times remember that journalists are idiots. Sensationalism is the only thing they know. Bird flu poses no risk to humans. If I have some free time today I’ll see if I can find you a few lectures on the subject.

Not the same lecture I saw before, but the same virologist who teaches at Columbia. Note the entry mechanism for bird flu being different from humans because we have different receptor cells.

...you saw before??  Thanks for admitting you were lying your ass off in your previous post when you claimed it was "in the media."

I saw a lot of bird flu scare mongering in the media. Mostly things I came across on X. I had watched many lectures from virologists like the one I posted that told me it wasn’t true. I couldn’t find the particular lecture I was thinking about, but this same virologist Vincent Racaniello who teaches at Columbia recounted media sensationalism around bird flu in 2012 and showed how the media got the story wrong because they didn’t understand the science. And that sensationalism led to political pressures that threatened their freedom as researchers to perform their work. So the theme of that lecture from Racaniello was to tell his students to never talk to the media because there’s just no upside to it.

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